To all Those who stand in the Defense of Fortannis: The Maelstrom and The Guardians of the New Moon call out to you.
Some of you may know me, others of you may not. I come to each and every one of you now, in the hour of The Maelstrom's most desperate need.
Those Wretched Beings of the Outside make ceaseless war upon the inhabitants of the Maelstrom and strike at us in our most vulnerable moments. It is in this fight against them that I call to Fortannis, to unite all of those Mist Walkers together in common purpose against our common foe. These beings seek to not only to corrupt and destroy the lands of the Maelstrom but to unmake all realms of Fortannis.
We are in need of aid from the all the lands of Fortannis through the Mists.
We are in need of supplies, clothing and weapons for our people understocked and fighting a relentless battle.
We are in need of materials and resources with which to fight Outsiders, these wretched foes. The likes of which are rare throughout Fortannis. The things that resonate with the land, seas and sky that we call our home.
More than anything, we need those of you willing to stand beside us in the fight. Every being, together, in arms against this vile threat of annihilation. While we call for supplies and materials, what we really need are the Heroes of Fortannis. The Maelstrom is faced with the threat of Outsiders.
Some of you fought Aelin Mor and the Outsider Sightless in the Neverwhen, some have heard tales of them and their forces. We face an extraordinary Outsider threat now, in the wake of their defeat in the Neverwhen. We have seen dark conjunctions tipping the scales of our world to a path forged by these being. If they consume Maelstrom, if we do not succeed, their influence and destruction will spread forth to all lands of Fortannis. They will not stop until Fortannis is no more. These are the truest enemies of Fortannis. We need you All to come help us fight them.
I call to the Lands of Acarthia. The Lands of Aer'Astria, Sedovia. The Lands of The Ceriopolis and Strayden.
I call to the Deadlands and Ashbury. To Barran and Caldaria. To Enerret.
I call out in dear need to all the Lands of Fortannis in the hours of our need.
Please, if you can hear this call send answer to Akemi, Kasuni, Terren of Knight's Ferry and myself. Call out here, make your voice known.
We have the knowledge to be spread on how best to combat the foe and of the coming dangers to our Realms that these Wretched Outsiders pose.
Hope burns Bright. Now and Always. We stand as one Fortannis United.
In Service to the Light and Fortannis
- Squire Shin Shanshi
House of the Zodiac
Order of the New Moon
(( OOG: Hey All, We're putting together quite an extensive In-between Game Downtime for the Maelstrom leading up to Big West! Also note, That this is the first hook For Big West! That's right, come help us fight Outsiders at Big West!! We're putting together a huge resource draw from all the chapters across Alliance before Big West - so if you're interested in contributing to the downtime, please feel free to send me (Shin) [], Raine Mauss (Akemi) [], Emily Mungo (Kasuni) [] and Spencer Winter (Terren) [] an email and I can get you linked in! Looking forward to it!))
Some of you may know me, others of you may not. I come to each and every one of you now, in the hour of The Maelstrom's most desperate need.
Those Wretched Beings of the Outside make ceaseless war upon the inhabitants of the Maelstrom and strike at us in our most vulnerable moments. It is in this fight against them that I call to Fortannis, to unite all of those Mist Walkers together in common purpose against our common foe. These beings seek to not only to corrupt and destroy the lands of the Maelstrom but to unmake all realms of Fortannis.
We are in need of aid from the all the lands of Fortannis through the Mists.
We are in need of supplies, clothing and weapons for our people understocked and fighting a relentless battle.
We are in need of materials and resources with which to fight Outsiders, these wretched foes. The likes of which are rare throughout Fortannis. The things that resonate with the land, seas and sky that we call our home.
More than anything, we need those of you willing to stand beside us in the fight. Every being, together, in arms against this vile threat of annihilation. While we call for supplies and materials, what we really need are the Heroes of Fortannis. The Maelstrom is faced with the threat of Outsiders.
Some of you fought Aelin Mor and the Outsider Sightless in the Neverwhen, some have heard tales of them and their forces. We face an extraordinary Outsider threat now, in the wake of their defeat in the Neverwhen. We have seen dark conjunctions tipping the scales of our world to a path forged by these being. If they consume Maelstrom, if we do not succeed, their influence and destruction will spread forth to all lands of Fortannis. They will not stop until Fortannis is no more. These are the truest enemies of Fortannis. We need you All to come help us fight them.
I call to the Lands of Acarthia. The Lands of Aer'Astria, Sedovia. The Lands of The Ceriopolis and Strayden.
I call to the Deadlands and Ashbury. To Barran and Caldaria. To Enerret.
I call out in dear need to all the Lands of Fortannis in the hours of our need.
Please, if you can hear this call send answer to Akemi, Kasuni, Terren of Knight's Ferry and myself. Call out here, make your voice known.
We have the knowledge to be spread on how best to combat the foe and of the coming dangers to our Realms that these Wretched Outsiders pose.
Hope burns Bright. Now and Always. We stand as one Fortannis United.
In Service to the Light and Fortannis
- Squire Shin Shanshi
House of the Zodiac
Order of the New Moon
(( OOG: Hey All, We're putting together quite an extensive In-between Game Downtime for the Maelstrom leading up to Big West! Also note, That this is the first hook For Big West! That's right, come help us fight Outsiders at Big West!! We're putting together a huge resource draw from all the chapters across Alliance before Big West - so if you're interested in contributing to the downtime, please feel free to send me (Shin) [], Raine Mauss (Akemi) [], Emily Mungo (Kasuni) [] and Spencer Winter (Terren) [] an email and I can get you linked in! Looking forward to it!))