The Dark Knight (Spoilers)


Holy Crap!

...will post more later, but Holy Crap!

Heath Ledger should definitely be up for an Oscar for this.

Yeah I know. His performance was chilling. You don't "see" Heath Ledger, you see the Joker. A twisted, twisted Joker. Biggest shame is that he won't be around to do it again, becasue he pulled of a amazing act of performance.

The Dark Knight entered my top 10 movies of all time before I even saw the ending.

This movie renewed my faith that Hollywood can still make good movies.
In talking about this one, we decided that there if some very fine acting done by a majority of this cast. Sorry Jesse, but I have to disagree with you. Bale is a far superior Batman then any previous. Keaton was akward as bruce and his batman was alright. Kilmer was an ok Batman but his bruce was lacking. Clooney's Bruce was alright, but as batman, well...I like to write off anything past the first two anyway. Bale really developed the character of Bruce being Batman. He puts on the Smarmy Billionare, but has this passion (and RULES) as Batman to do the right thing. In "The Dark Night" however, I felt that Bale's performance was great, up until the last 10 mins or so, there was far more focus on the characters of Joker, Harvey, and Gordon.
Within the burton movies, I thought Keaton was the best bruce and Kilmer was the best Batman. The only thing I don't like about Bale's Batman is the overly forced roughness of his batman voice. it sounds like he has a sore throat.
I didn't understand the voice... it seemed a little far-fetched and wouldn't his voice hurt really bad after that?

Other than that... I loved Heath as Joker. If I was in the same room I'd get my butt out of there fast. Pretty believable, down to the small gestures and everything, well developed.
I did like Bale as both Bruce and Batman, but Joker's character development stole the show.
Oh most definitly. I liked that the whole show wasn't about Batman. Always good to have 3D bad guys that make you feel kinda bad in the end.
Even though they never did anything, does anyone else think that the detonators we actually rigged to blow up the the boat they were actually on, not the other boat like they were told?
had no idea heath ledger played the joker...i thought he passed bizarre that crow movie that came out after the guy died shooting it....weird...i'm so razzed to go see it now!
The joker did lie. He told Batman that Havery was one place and that Rachel was at the other. but he switched them around.
The joker did lie. He told Batman that Havery was one place and that Rachel was at the other. but he switched them around.