Here are some questions I have heard a lot lately...
1) Dragon Duel bracket: anything goes one on one duels (OOC: Character build driven)
When we say anything goes...does this include magic items, spells, bladed skills, etc?
2) Wolf Duel bracket: one on one 3 touch duels with same weapons (OOC: Player ability driven - no skill required)
How would 2 competitors who share no weapons in common be matched? (For example Myself and any Dryad warrior? Can competitors choose to face off with their favorite weapon sets if they both agree? For example Sheriff Winters choosing to fight short sword longsword against ashers shield and blunt weapon? If they both agree ahead of time? Or might i find myself whipping icey with a dagger?
3) Grand Melee: all competitors in until one winner remains (OOC: like earlier this year)
Again, spells? Magic items? Arcane armor? Are people allowed to form groups?
4) Archery competition: accuracy vs. a target (OOC: skill required)
In the past, archery competitions have also allowed the use of sling stones and javelins, or other missile weapons. Is this the case again?
5) Farmers throw: tossing vegetables into a bucket at range (OOC: every-man game - no skill required)
I have no questions here and look forward to watching this.
6) Drinking competition: a test of constitution and balance (OOC: RP and balance will help)
After Thorador wins is there a prize for 2nd place?
7) An anonymous gallery of crafted goods and works of art to be enjoyed and voted on by all (OOC: crafted goods submitted and displayed and special chips used to cast votes)
Are we allowed to submit more than 1 thing? I assume since it needs to be unanimous that all performance art is out? Is this the same event as was announced earlier in the week or separate?
Thanks for your patience with all these questions.
1) Dragon Duel bracket: anything goes one on one duels (OOC: Character build driven)
When we say anything goes...does this include magic items, spells, bladed skills, etc?
2) Wolf Duel bracket: one on one 3 touch duels with same weapons (OOC: Player ability driven - no skill required)
How would 2 competitors who share no weapons in common be matched? (For example Myself and any Dryad warrior? Can competitors choose to face off with their favorite weapon sets if they both agree? For example Sheriff Winters choosing to fight short sword longsword against ashers shield and blunt weapon? If they both agree ahead of time? Or might i find myself whipping icey with a dagger?
3) Grand Melee: all competitors in until one winner remains (OOC: like earlier this year)
Again, spells? Magic items? Arcane armor? Are people allowed to form groups?
4) Archery competition: accuracy vs. a target (OOC: skill required)
In the past, archery competitions have also allowed the use of sling stones and javelins, or other missile weapons. Is this the case again?
5) Farmers throw: tossing vegetables into a bucket at range (OOC: every-man game - no skill required)
I have no questions here and look forward to watching this.
6) Drinking competition: a test of constitution and balance (OOC: RP and balance will help)
After Thorador wins is there a prize for 2nd place?
7) An anonymous gallery of crafted goods and works of art to be enjoyed and voted on by all (OOC: crafted goods submitted and displayed and special chips used to cast votes)
Are we allowed to submit more than 1 thing? I assume since it needs to be unanimous that all performance art is out? Is this the same event as was announced earlier in the week or separate?
Thanks for your patience with all these questions.