The Last Squires Meeting


You told me last gather how the Code had burned true for you, and how you felt it transcended cultures. Now you so easily toss it aside?

I also find it hard to understand how you could travel from your home into new lands, and not bother to learn the laws of those lands. When I went to visit the Reclaim, I had enough respect for your people to learn their ways, lest I offend. How then can you come to a land, commit a crime and then claim ignorance?

Yes you were young, and yes you are STILL young. If you truly are sorry, and truly wish forgiveess, Speak with Baron Rorri. If you truly wish to follow the code, the follow the code for the codes sake, NOT because people are watching you to be squired

Nobility is from within. There are many commoners who are the most noble pepple I know of. They act and live the code beause they know it is just and right, not because people are watching them.

You have to choose the path which is right for you. I have seen you grow into a fine young man. Still brash, Still very vocal, but earnest. Do not be so quick to be disilliousioned. Gather your courage Walgar, and in that courage face those whom you seek forgiveness from. Be repentant of what you had done and let your good deeds speak of your good measure.

But in all of this let us find it within ourselves to work together. To find common ground. To unite and in our unity as Ashbans, and stand together and drive out the forces who tear us apart. Let us not add fuel to that fire by tearing one apart within.

In Service

Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer Nordenn
You think i only do good things when people are looking!?! ........ Were YOU not the one that put us all in league with a Vampire when there were no other higher nobles near! And now YOU talk to me of the code being tossed to the side! Everywhere and always be champion of what is right. Fight evil with out su-say-shun. You shamed all in that battle by letting that happen. YOU HAVE LOST YOUR WAY. IF you are the code then i have no place in it.


Thats enough, your accusations and un-education on certain matters are only making this worse. You are taking parts of what people are saying to you and fishing out the sore spots. Knock it off, respect me and look upon as you claim you do. Then I ask you now to hold your tongue further, let us discuss this matter face to face.

For the record Lady Knight Glorianna did nothing of the sort in any parlay or discussion with the Vampire, and there was certainly no "league". It was Sgt Ignatiosue and my decision to order not to attack him, and yes it was when no other nobles were there and made on a split instant, A decision I would make again and stand behind, a decision will not discuss any further here, as I am sure to bring it up at the next gathering, you owe the Lady Knight an apology for this outburst.

-Lt. Ithica

You claim people still hold misgivings towards you for a crime you committed 3 years ago. You destroyed a repository of knowledge and learning. You destroyed something which may have held information which will never again be recovered. You acted out of fear, distain and distrust for something you know nothing of.
Yet, you claim you have worked hard to learn of other cultures and of ways not your own. You claim you learned a lesson from you acts in South Point, and seek to be true, valorous and honorable. You wish to repent for your crimes and be a true noble.
I have watched you greedily scavange across the bodies of fallen foes for celestial scrolls, and then eat them. Destroying a possibly beneficial scroll for someone else because of your fear and ignorance. I have watched you usher battle commands in direct conflict to the orders of the ranking nobility, even becoming booming in an attempt to drown out all other voices. How is this chivilarous, Walgar? Please explain this to me.
I make no claims of being a chivalrous man. I am from a different culture, one which does not follow the Icenian code of chivalry. I do however understand polite respect of other cultures and other beliefs. I always learn the laws of a land before I take significant actions within it.
Walgar, I'm not going to claim I mean this without disrespect because I don't. People have many and multiple reasons to dislike you, far beyond your transgressions in South Point.
You are rude, arrogant, disrespectful, self-righteous, ignorant, brash, unruly and most of all boastful. If you wish for people to forgive transgressions of the past- you need to stop taking actions which remind people in the present.
To all others, I apologize for my devisive thoughts. I know this does nothing to create a unified community, but maybe my words will finally be what Walgar needs to understand his behavior is unacceptable.

With my sincerest regards,
Lord Elryion Nyonos
Never mind the scavenging of celestial scrolls for their destruction is in direct opposition to an oath.

Lord Aaeun Nimbus

I have lived with the Vansir for many years. I only wish to point out that that his destruction of celestial scrolls is not of mere fear and ignorance. This magic was used by the Jotuns to keep the Vansir in check and as slaves to be used however these creatures saw fit. Fear, perhaps. Fear of this magic once again being used to control their people. Ignorance, no. Because these people live differently and less "civilized" than most does not make them backwards or stupid. I don't necessarily believe this is what you intended by your statement as you say, you learn of other cultures when you visit or meet them. However, I feel this is an opinion held by many and I wish to show that it is not the case. The hatred of celestial magic is not just a simple "superstition", it has a real, grounded, and justified basis for the Vansir.

-Gwendara Alanik
Sensechal of the Stormblades

Please do not mock the actions of the Dame of Nordenn. Your accusations should be aimed at myself and Ithica, we were the ones "who were in league" with Lochaber. When warriors have a problem with eachother, they go to somebody they both trust and respect and settle their differences. The dream realms are not a place for such talk. Please apologize to Glorianna and let this failed dream-attempt to marshal forgiveness die an honorable death.

-Ignatious Vex
If She did not put us in with IT then i was wrong. But its changes little because she had the power to change it and did not. A lesser shame then maybe?

You are all right words, are now wasted. Trust is lost, but at least noone is hiding it anymore.

Live your lives well
Walgar said:
You think i only do good things when people are looking!?! ........ Were YOU not the one that put us all in league with a Vampire when there were no other higher nobles near! And now YOU talk to me of the code being tossed to the side! Everywhere and always be champion of what is right. Fight evil with out su-say-shun. You shamed all in that battle by letting that happen. YOU HAVE LOST YOUR WAY. IF you are the code then i have no place in it.



Firstly I did not put us in league with a necromantic abomination. In fact I wanted to stop the parely and I said this meeting is over, and made everyone stop talking to the vampire. I fully intend at the nobles meeting to bring this up and ENSURE WE NEVER work with a necomantic abomination, and that no more truces with Lochabar be allowed. I walked into that fight finding out word was given to call a truce between Lochabar was extended from when it was originally given in the vansir reclaim, a time I was also not present for. When the fight was over I bade that thing begone. Should I have kiled it, Most likely, Did we have the resources to do so? Sadly no. I do not know how to kill a Galanthian Vampire, though I have read the book of the dawn. The book has been altered and can no longer kill Galanthian vampires.

Secondly, I did not say you only did good things when people are looking. You said you followed the Code because you believed in it. Then you say you have no place in the code because people will not forgive you. What I am saying to you is, if you stop following the code it makes it seem as if you followed it only because you wanted to be squired. If you follow it because it is just and right, then people will see you striving for what is just and right, and in that striving, you will find the forgiveness you seek. For If you follow the code because it is the right thing to do, then you will follow the code irregardless of what people think.

Thirdly, Walgar, have you ever wondered why the penalty in the ash forest is so high for arson? The land itself is sentient, this we know from the land bonding. And while I am no elf, and do not lay claim to the mysteries of the wold, I know for certain the trees there are magical and hold a sentience we non elves can understand. By burning in the ash forest, you are killing a special part of their magic, and harming entities of thought and reason. You threatened ... beings which lived in the forest by your actions, and the outrage is that their lives were put in danger. Instead of being indignant that you have not been forgiven, instead seek forgiveness.

Do not accuse me of making a pact with Lochaber, that is not true. What IS true is I was art of the decision to release the dominion. For that I seek forgiveness and redemption Everytime an innocent person is dropped from the sky by a dominion griffin, every time their evil ravages the land and its people, I KNOW this is partly my doing and I live wih that burning shame all of my days. I may rightly never be forgiven for what I have done, and I cannot blame the families who lost their loved ones fro dominion attack, if they never forgive me. What I will do is with every breath I take, strive to do what is right and bring the domions reign of terror to and end, once and for all. And then go to the affected families and n whatever way I can offer my grief, my solace and my deepest sorrow.

I am mortal Walgar. I too make mistakes. We all do. What is importan is how we act and react when we make them. Do we hide it in shame? Do we ignore it? DO we demand forgiveness without any act of contrition? Or do we contiue to try to do good, learning from our errors, being truly sorry, and workng to do what is just and right as best as we can.... always learning, always striving... always being the best person we can be.

Walgar. I see great potential in you. Please do not become so embittered so young.

Lastly, There is no need for our enemies to harrass our doorstep. We do enough dissention amongst us here. Let us find peace in our dreams and not fight any longer. I beeseach you all. Please. Let us unite and fight Lochaber and Arianne, let us muster together and crush our enemies.

Please let us only fight in pursuit of peace.

Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer Nordenn

Watch your mouth. You don't know who you will be offending.

Until I Bring Back the Light,
One would assume he'd be reasonably intelligent enough to realize that a flame bolt or dragon's breath scroll in the hands of one of the adventurers who are distinctly NOT Jotuns would not be used for the enslavement of the Vansir. Never mind that most Vansir can shrug off evocation with ease, and with a few exceptions, most celestial magics they can't shrug off are as easily duplicated by earth. So yes, it is ignorance and superstition in this case.

I've tried to be nice and not directly antagonize you like others do. Then you twist Lady Knight Glorianna's words, and accuse her without one iota of truth to it. My civility in the future will be carefully considered.

And now out of consideration for Squire Ignatious' attempt to have this matter dropped in the dream plane, I will say no more.

Lord Aaeun Nimbus
To everyone involved and/or reading,
Perhaps it would be best if everyone, myself included, let this matter drop for now until everyone can discuss their issues in person rather than continue to leave messages for one another. Where any one can misconstrue each other's words and find fault over the simplest thing.

Lady Knight,

Do not be so hard on yourself concerning the Dominion. I share the same burden in the decision as you do. However, do not forget that the prison containing them was already weakening. Is it not better to fight an evil at our time and choosing than to have it escape at some unknown time, when we are not ready, when the armies are not mustered and prepared to defend the commoners? It was a difficult decision, I grant you, but we as good people cannot sit idly by and wait for evil to arise. We must now and always band together, fight and confront it. We cannot hide and ignore it. I still feel this was the right decision. It is easy for those to judge when they do not have all the facts and do not know the outcomes we and others weighed before making the decision. This was not a hasty decision. If anyone wishes to speak with me on this matter I would be more than willing to converse publicly or privately. Lady Knight, I stand beside you now and always. If ever you need help, even something so small as going to a family and consoling them please call on me.

In service,
-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
I order this dreaming done.

We will speak of this in person in the Black Stag Inn, where I do hope this matter can be resolved peacefully.

I will also submit myself to the paladins regarding the final fight and my inactions to attack Lochabar.

Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer Nordenn
Walgar said:
speaking on it is not braging so no. I was trying to teach others about the code by telling how i once broke it. I did not respect the laws of the land i was in because i did not know them. IT was a talk two gathers ago that i was asked to lead. Witch now makes it seem clear to me that i have no place in "the Code".

And now that i think about it, it was the words from the story paper that say i braged. Half trues made into whole lies That anyone would heed the words there more then mine hurts badly.



This is why I asked you personally. I know how words can be twisted by those who only hear half the story. If I wanted gossip I'd ask other people. I wanted the truth, so I asked you.

If you are truly sorry, then yes, in my eyes you are forgiven. But I maintain that -anyone- who merely pays lip service with apologies but does not mean what they say will be discovered to be a liar later on, and at that point they can consider my trust permanently lost.
This dream has become a nightmare.......

I would ask everyone to temper their words. I encourage open discussion, but I will not stand for threats.

We all know that dreaming is not the most effective way to communicate, so I would encourage people to speak with Walgar directly and in-person, as I have. I personally have no doubt that Walgar has a good heart, but it is up to each of you to learn that for yourselves.

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale
Anyone that wants to can find me at the Storms End. Friend or foe.

Walgar of the Wolf Tribe
Gwendara said:

I have lived with the Vansir for many years. I only wish to point out that that his destruction of celestial scrolls is not of mere fear and ignorance. This magic was used by the Jotuns to keep the Vansir in check and as slaves to be used however these creatures saw fit.

Good logic.

Let's destroy all swords and other weapons while we're at it because they were also used to keep down slaves.

Wizard Aloysius
Gwen is the one peoson here loved by all the other here. She is the only one that has done nothing to earn hate form anyone. But you would drive her out also?

Fearless Leader said:
Gwendara said:

I have lived with the Vansir for many years. I only wish to point out that that his destruction of celestial scrolls is not of mere fear and ignorance. This magic was used by the Jotuns to keep the Vansir in check and as slaves to be used however these creatures saw fit.

Good logic.

Let's destroy all swords and other weapons while we're at it because they were also used to keep down slaves.

Wizard Aloysius


I think you are taking my explanation out of complex and exaggerating my intent. I did not say I agree with their methods of destroying scrolls. I am only attempting to show that they have a reason other than superstitions for their actions, which is what I have found many people believe. The first step towards changing an action is to understand the circumstances behind them. Perhaps I did not express myself well.

-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades