The Last Squires Meeting

Gwendara said:
Fearless Leader said:
Gwendara said:

I have lived with the Vansir for many years. I only wish to point out that that his destruction of celestial scrolls is not of mere fear and ignorance. This magic was used by the Jotuns to keep the Vansir in check and as slaves to be used however these creatures saw fit.

Good logic.

Let's destroy all swords and other weapons while we're at it because they were also used to keep down slaves.

Wizard Aloysius


I think you are taking my explanation out of complex and exaggerating my intent. I did not say I agree with their methods of destroying scrolls. I am only attempting to show that they have a reason other than superstitions for their actions, which is what I have found many people believe. The first step towards changing an action is to understand the circumstances behind them. Perhaps I did not express myself well.

-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades

Please take no offense. My comment was more addressed to those who incorrectly think that there is something evil or wrong with celestial magics.

Wizard Aloysius
I try not to agitate matters although such discussions can only make us grow in the end if we just let it in. However, I feel obligated to say thus, I do not feel one should ever forgive ones self for wrong doing they chose to do. It is an eternal pain one must always be reminded of at all times so they can never make similar,or closely associated mistakes again. To be so humbled is to always strive to feel anothers pain long before you can ever put yourself into concern.

Zaterina N Norik

There needs to be only one question that you need to ask yourself every day.

Have I learned from my actions?

All actions have consequences, whether the actions were good or bad.

Those who never forget their actions and learn from them are bettering themselves, their allies, and their cause.

Those who do not learn will worsen themselves by unresolved guilt, constantly asking themselves "What if..." and may make the same mistake twice.

If you feel that you have learned from your actions and are making strides towards not repeating these actions, then this is a path in the right direction.

Remember that above the opinions of pepole and above the laws of the land the most important thing that will hold you accountable is your conscience.

Argus Varda
AllianceNJ said:
In this dark time, when our King is laid to rest and our beloved Queen lost... we must unite. We, Ashbury must unite and pull together out of the ashes of our sorrowed past and reform to face the onslaught which threatens us all. The Dominion, the Vampiric bloodline of Morganna, and so much more wages war against US without cessation. We in turn must fight back, Fight for our people, and their freedoms.

In Service
Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer Nordenn

Your wise words were not lost on my old ears. Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer of Nordenn, I hear and agree. I am one who will unite with you. I hope that all those of like-mind will join us to "make war against evil without cessation".

Man At Arms Cinder Thunderhammer of the Untiring Phalanx
Please take no offense. My comment was more addressed to those who incorrectly think that there is something evil or wrong with celestial magics.

Wizard Aloysius

Guildmaster Aloysius,

I take no offense, and I understand your point now. Thank you for clarifying.

-Gwendara Alanik
Sensechal of the Stormblades