Jinn nods to Billin as he takes his leave.
"Master Billin is it now? Hmm, about time" he says with a smile."
He then turns to the other three.
"Speculation is all well and good, but do not let it alter your plans to much. Plan around what we know, and then alter things as new information is received and learned. We do know that there is a home guard presence, and a golem presence. We also assume time elementals. Researching the history of that town should be your first step. Utilize the homeguards records if you can, if not then the library will become your new home."
Jinn paces a little as he talks
"One thing you should never assume is that there can only be two sides. Elementals are tricky beings, they exist all their own, unless controlled by an outside force mind you. Most elementals I have faced have been indifferent to us. But if I am not mistaken ti.e elementals can be very mean and hard to deal with, so research into them would also be a priority. As for the golem, they are very rare in these lands. We can not rule out Al'zoon but we shouldn't assume he is there just because there is a golem. That could lead us in the wrong direction right at the start of things. The sanctum might have a record or history of golem usage that we can look into."
Jinn pauses again, taking a drink from his bottle, now almost empty.
"How you pick your team for these missions will be important as well. I very well many not be able to go with you every time, or help research as my duties may need me else where. I know it is easy to take those we trust and that we know better, but ensuring that different skill sets are utilized is something that can be very important. There are very few people in the Lux that can do it all, so you want to make sure you choose wisely."