This is boring...



Dark Walls.
Dark Floor.
Dark Bars.
How I tire of being in here…

Oh, heh heh, the door seems to be open. The golden chain has fallen-apart. I wonder where the lock went.

No matter, it seems I can speak my mind now… How pleasant.

You’ve been in control for far too long, Veil. You haven’t let me have any fun…

My turn.


A new excuse.

I hope that all that encounter this realize it for what it is: A pathetic attempt by a Necromancer to gather sympathy and forgiveness for her past crimes.

Insanity is neither an excuse nor a defense for her crimes.


You do not understand what it means to have your mind shattered by pain. If you and all of the possible permutations of you wish to understand this, I recommend private discourse in the realm of dreams. I have been told my dreaming mind is a sight to behold. If all that it takes to awaken some fragment of you mind is mere boredom, perhaps that is another sign you should settle your crimes and cease adventuring.

Know that you will be watched. Any action will be met with swift justice, be assured of that.

Honor and Duty,

-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
tieran said:


A new excuse.


An excuse? Like not having one has ever stopped you before ;)
This is true.

But regardless, we're talking about someone who can't operate with my kind of efficiency.

So Poalo, dose this meen I am going to see you in the Deadlands, or in Icenia to take another look at your fractured mind? No offence, but if you would like we can show Veil what a truly shattered and f-ed up mind looks like. It will be...educational. Speaking of which, send me a letter with how thats been going, and tell Void I need to speek with him.

Till the Full Moon is no more,
Amaranthus Landcharmer

I don't think that is possible. It is distinctly possible that I killed him.





You first, I inisist.


I agree, want me to help...


I think lots.


If it were something where she made some attempt to advise people of her... infirmity, or take some action on her own accord to remove herself from anywhere she would be a danger to others, then yes.

But she has continually taken actions that have placed others in danger, and recently led to someone else's ressurrection.

I have no issue with one person's stupidity resulting in their own demise, but no one should inflict their own incompetance on another, regardless of their state of mind.

She's crazy like a fox....

First, she pleaded for mercy in the form of a quest for redemption... and we let her live among us.

Now we pleads for mercy by pretending to be insane.

Do not let her words decieve you... she is, was and forever shall be the embodiment of what Necromancy does to a person... Even if is on a smaller scale.

Ah. Dhe poor dear. Did so willingly...tempted by power, she were, poor dear, poor we jus' shun her now?
Don't pity her.

For once in his short, miserable existance, Riddick has come close to the truth.

I dont know Tieran.

I would hardly call it miserable. I have had a portion of my time on this world in your glory... and you have bestowed your wisdom upon me.

How could I call it anything but majestic?

What else could one do but pity dhe woman? She 'as lost her way. Dhere is a pity. Her 'ead is swarming wit' chaos. Dhere is a pity. She is unanimously despised. Dhere is a pity.

But to 'elp her? Now dhere is anoter ting entirely.


You coming to Moria any time soon?


Your pity for her only aids her.
