This is the post that never ends (Again)


they must not have known who you were ;-)
I'll do what I can to spread the word then
Much obliged. I'll put in the good word for you as well. If a plane crashes into your house then you can thank me then! :D
As long as its not empty...

and boy was that comment in poor taste...
You can call me whatever you'd like...

as long as you are aware it doesn't mean anything ;-)
How about......hmmm......Justin. Yeah, I'll call you Justin. :P

I once knew a pair of twins called Justin and Dustin. I hate it when siblings have rhyming names. Screws me up.
That's terrible...

I went to high school with a set of twins named Melissa and Mellisa.
Spending my Saturday at work configuring servers makes Justin something something...
Drink beer?
Please no planes in our house...

I still want a place to sleep at night that doesn't consist of going to my parents house until we can get all the mangled body parts and plane pieces out of it.


Now let's eat cake!! :D :D
I'll take of care of the bodys as long as theres no questions asked about how I'm disposing of them :twisted:

freezer or blender?
what's with the evil face dude?

You're acting like eating people is bad...

I mean, as long as they don't have mad cow disease or anything...
well as long as there are no mushrooms in it, I'm game...

mushrooms are gross.