This is the post that never ends (Again)

Those traitorous swine!
and while I'm necrothreading...

I saw the most messed up thing the other week. I was driving home from work. I live in the middle of the woods, so deer are a common sight. Really common, and there's a forest preserve nearby, so they jump out in front of cars all the time, so you gotta be careful. Well, one such night coming home, a deer jumped in the road and made me slam on my breaks. It stared into my headlights before running off, as deer are wont to do and I could've sworn that this deer...had fangs. Like big freakin' vampire fangs. I shook my head and attributed it to overwork and not enough sleep making me see things. The only person I told was a friend of mine and she laughed at me. Well, last week, she emailed me saying that she knows EXACTLY what I saw and linked me a picture of the thing. I thought she was making fun of me, but no! What I saw is known as the Chinese water deer. Native to China, massive deforestation in the regions where it lives has made conservationists look for new places for it to live, which included temperate places with plenty of deciduous national parks like the UK and middle America. It isn't known to attack people and uses it's massive front teeth more for digging up roots and less for feasting on the blood of the living.

What a strange world we live in. ^_^
I wish i was done with school. I used to stay up late every night, and there was a community on facebook about that. was a fun time, the same 5 of us talking about dumb stuff
Yeah, keeping with the stupid hours makes it really hard to adjust when school is all like "No, you've gotta get up impossibly early and then do math!"
You're acting a bit too happy for someone who plays a dark elf, ya know...
He also plays a beer-brewing tavernkeep, I remind you. ;)
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
He also plays a beer-brewing tavernkeep, I remind you. ;)

He can be all happy when he starts playing that again.
Altho sometimes I get the props mixed up so that I end up drinking from the "beer" bottle instead of the ceremonial tea bottle...

Then again, who's to say that our ceremonial tea isn't spiked when behind closed doors? :D :D :D :D :D