This is the post that never ends (Again)

hmm... I don't know that I could agree with a robot in a fantasy type setting...

or at least not one similar to alliance
Maybe if the game was already delevoped as a steampunk style or had clockwork technology worked into its history.

I'd just hate to have it worked in as a "yeah... its always been that way" kinda thing...

I hate that crap.
Yeah... I've played some games where it has been done well... but more where it just turned into a competition of who's better friends with owners and therefore gets the better class...
Sadly yes...
That sucks. And I heard about the scavvy thing too. Where so long as you had a reason, you'd get a bunch of really neat (also unfair) plot abilities. Like a lizard scavvy: "Oh, I'm also half dragon." Plot: "Let's give you +8 strength!"
I want +8 strength...
so you say!
why's that?
huh... yourself included?
So then wouldn't you try to make everyone else happy?

As that would make you unhappy and therefore actually happy?

Because your own happiness should be paramount...