This is the post that never ends (Again)

Yes it does, actually.

Imply simply, I mean...brooding....brooding has always been mentally linked with sadness or anger or some sort of bland emotion.
well mental link is on your end kid.

it requires no particular emotional connection or implication.
lol... hardly... too mean ;-)
Neither Mike nor myself are stone elves though... nor is Jesse
Because if you were a stone elf in real life you would get better racials if you were playing a gypsy.

Plus, they are, uhm, fake.

But gypsies aren't. My friend's mom grew up kind of next door to them. Her mom wouldn't let her get her ears pierced because she might look like one.
That's funny...

that should be the new gypsy racial...

must have 37 piercings.

At least 5 of which must be visible.
Just be sure to get some of them in "interesting" places. ;)
Jingly. Jiggly. It's all Gypsy to me. ;)
Eeewww. Piercings. I like my tattoo, but I stopped having any piercings since I was in my early teenage years. I'm sure I will regret not having pierced ears eventually, but I had too many infection issues and I don't want to go through any of that again.
Wow... what a downer...

thanks for killing the nice happy mood susan...

how's guam?
Right now? At 2324 (11:24 pm) it is a balmy 78 degrees outside, a slight breeze is blowing and we have this awesome baby praying mantis outside on one of my plants who likes to eat spiders and house geckos are on the bay window looking for bugs.

I... need to go to sleep. LOL.
Wilde_Night said:
Eeewww. Piercings. I like my tattoo, but I stopped having any piercings since I was in my early teenage years. I'm sure I will regret not having pierced ears eventually, but I had too many infection issues and I don't want to go through any of that again.

I've never had a problem with any of my piercings. My belly button was the least painful though, oddly enough.
You should bring back a thousand guamish geckos for your own sick amusement.
Can't, Customs would kick my ***. But we named the Mantis Vorak. ;)