Evo puts on a smile more sad than he had intended, but his eyes are intense and unflinching. "Then I welcome back your passion, your experience, and your commitment, Initiate. Let's find out where the 'current you' will shine brightest."
Evo considers for a moment. "You are a trained ritualist, if i recall. It's less glorious than combat, but currently we need researchers and information gatherers to track down two old and rare rituals. 'Passwall' is used to step through solid objects, and 'Destruction' is a very dangerous ritual which combines the power of Destroy Magic with a very powerful explosion. I'm thinking you might go to the Arcane Sanctum in Calanhelm and speak to Ixit, the master of the library, and search the stacks. If that yields nothing, return to the Lux and I'll send you to the restored Library Annex here and we'll see what the ancients had."
Evo's brow furrows, as if willing the scrolls to appear might help. "Will you do this? What questions do you have for me, or for the sanctum? And importantly, please tell me if I am missing anything."