Shhh said:
uh, Mike, I gotta take a little issue with this. I've been playing a Biata since about '01, I've also been on a chapter plot committee, and this is the first I've heard that there even is a national race packet... For any race race actually.
Well, now that REALLY bothers me. All owners know there are national packets, we discuss them all the time, and whenever they go to the Owners Yahoo Board where they can download the databases, monster manuals and other information we provide, there are national packets for every single race.
Each national packet is generic and gives the basic background that every race should have. Each chapter can then add to this with their local campaign's culture(s) for the race.
Shhh said:
One of the first things I was asked to do as a plot committee member was to flush out our Biata racial history for the chapter, and I've always been under the impression that every chapter developed its own individual racial histories.
Histories in the sense of
cultures, yes. But not in the basics of the race. All biata are descended from gryphons and stone elves, for instance. You can't decide your biata are descended from chickens and dung beetles.
But your biata do not have to be organized in the same way ours are. Biata in Ashbury have councils with specific hierarchies and customs and so on. Biata in your lands may be completely different in that regard.
Take dark elves. In one chapter, their culture may be more Japanese based. In other chapters, they may be based on Egyptian culture. But no matter where you go, all dark elves should have the same basic attitude concerning honor.
All high ogres will hate necromancy no matter where you go, even if they are part of a royal kingdom or wandering tribes in the woods.
It's the culture that changes from chapter to chapter, not the race. (Heck, in Ashbury, we have six different cutures for our dwarves alone.)
Shhh said:
Personally, I think there should be National race packets.
Heh! I obviously agree, because there
are national race packets and always have been!
Shhh said:
I think the racial backgrounds and culture should be standardized across all Alliance. Some common racial roots are a great way for biata, or gypsy, or dark elf, etc. players to start their rp when they chapter hop somewhere they don't know. So my issue isn't having national race packets, it's that if we already do, uh, you need to find a better way of letting players know they are out there and get access to them.
You need to place the blame on your Owners then, folks. I have made references to these national packets more than once in these threads! I'll make sure to say this again though in the new Rule Book (which, as I have said, will have greatly expanded racial descriptions. I kind of tried not to do that for years but I now think that it is better to give away some racial "secrets" to make sure we are all playing the same race than it is to keep those things in race packets -- especially when I keep getting reports of chapters not having packets available).
By the way, it may also be that people are getting big packets from your chapters and they are doing everything right but you don't realize that these are national packets. Your race packets should all have a full page picture of the race on the cover and then inside will be a two column packet of at least 4 or so pages with the basic background. Following that will be your local chapter's culture packet which possibly is of a different layout.
If you are not getting these, DEMAND them of your Owners and LET ME KNOW.
Only by sharing these things can we be a true Alliance and make it much more fun for everyone who plays a race and travels to another chapter to know that the basics of the race remain the same, even if the culture is different.