What's so cool about the Biata? ;)

Seeing as I most likely will not be heading four hours north to get a racial packet, and not going to be in Washington 'til late September, is there any way I could get a rodent/scavvy packet and a MWE packet?
I always wondered by Biata, who are supposed to be "attuned" to Earth Magic are just completely banned from buying Read Magic and get no Earth Magic-oriented racial skills... (for example "Half cost to Healing Arts" or "half cost to Create Potion" even lol)

while Stone Elves who are attuned to Celestial magic aren't banned from Earth Magic and ALSO don't get any celestial-magic oriented skills...(Of course I understand it would be horrible to have a population that couldn't heal or resurrect itself lol and i'm NOT advocating banning Stone Elves from buying HA/FA :))

oh well. :) i guess it doesn't have to be logical. lol.
I just wish I didn't have to rely on another race to Identify items I find... and give up half of them because they use the wrong kinda magic... :)
You don't have to use a bunch of smileys, I think it's total bunk! I say that they should't be allowed to use bind-o or earth-blades. Fair compensation, I think!
lol I used as many smiley's as I could logically squeeze in there to make sure readers knew I wasn't screaming in rage. I'm not mad I just find it funny.

Stone Elves also have to paint themselves which Biata don't. I'd argue that the eyebrows are the equivalent to elf ears as prosthetics goes. The Stone Elf RP is also more taxing-- its easier to be "Passionate" than it is to be "Deadpan" after all. I'd be all for more racial makeup requirements for a general relaxation (NOT removal) of the whole Celestial Ban personally but I'm not going to be all upset if nothing like that happens. If we're getting compensated with RP only abilities I'd rather see Read Magic frowned on by RP only and have RP penalties for taking it...

I play a Biata. I've had my ups and downs about the role play restrictions. I really like my Biata.

As the fun of role playing the same old same old pales ("another Celestial arcane armor item? no... no i don't want this one either...sigh" kinda thing) I just started leveling up a secondary to give me a break when I need it. :)

Edit: I would really LOVE to see BOTH of these races get a Racial or skill which promotes the connection to the magic which is implied in the RB. Even just "half cost to Read Magic" for stone elves so its a little easier for them to be Celestial Casters or "Resist Necro" for Biata implying their natural Earth magic relation allows them to shrug off the perversion which is Chaos... ? :)
Fearless Leader said:
You can't decide your biata are descended from chickens and dung beetles.

That should be obvious. Everyone knows it's the Dwarves that are descended from chickens and dung beetles. :D

Running away in terror from the Dwarves,
Bah. Gypsies are descended from whomever they wish at the time. Most notably someone or something to which they feel close kinship. At least for the afternoon.

A gypsy's family tree is labyrinthine. Usually colorfully decorated, and with a good deal of fine wine.

No no no, in Ohio Romani are condescending to Biata. Big difference, but an understandable mistake.

Luv you guys ;)
Ah! How did I know that I'd get your attention, Jeff? :P

But yeah, I've heard a bunch of stories about where they come from. It's a labyrinth indeed.
Maxondaerth said:
No no no, in Ohio Romani are condescending to Biata. Big difference, but an understandable mistake.

Luv you guys ;)

The Biata of Ohio, for their part, are so superior to Romani (in every way) they haven't even noticed this.
I know were you eat you eye blinding gibberish monkey. :)

yes i saw the fine print. how could i be mad at Raif?? ;)
Now, now, let us not have a Biata-Gypsy war. The Gypsy'd curse the Biata and the Biata'd make the Gypsy forget they roamed. The Dark Elves would feel honor-bound to help the Gypsies, the regular Elves would side with the Biata, the MWEs would want to get involved on both sides and the Dwarves would drink to that. And we don't want the Dwarves drinking and being merry, now do we?

So let's all hold hands as brothers (and sisters) and hoist our tankards to all the men (and women) who serve so faithfully our King (or Queen) and Country, and gang up on the Scavengers. They are, after all, descended from all of us and then some.

Attempting to divert a war by starting another one,
ChrisO ;)

Author's Note: The above is meant in jest and fun, and anyone who takes offense may be required to review the above in light of this Note, which has been entered in accordance with the Standards and Practices of All That Jazz, which comes with its own little ditty. La-la-de-da-de-la-de-day. For those who don't know, this tune is in 3/8 time and involves a 17-piece orchestra, including kazoos.
You're right. We shouldn't be hating and warring over race...there are so many better reasons to hate and war with each other like....the kobold took my chocolate coins! :D
The dastards! Well, since most peoples are already at war with the evil, vicious, tyrannical, terrible kobolds, and since it would be the height of redundancy to declare war on them twice (apart from actually getting the dang vermin to read our Proclamations and Declarations of War), I put forth the observation that we should immediately form a Save the Chocolate Coins Task Force to hunt down these kobolds and slaughter them all, just to ensure we get the right ones, and liberate said Chocolate Coins from their horrendous clutches.

If by chance they've already eaten the coins, then might I suggest taking the kobolds' remains and turning them into Kobold Coins which, while not as tasty as Chocolate Coins, at least forms a more pleasing alliteration, which I am convinced would go no small way towards making the world a Better Place.

To arms! For the Coins!

(And we can start a new Heraldry: The Knights of the Coins!)

ChrisO (Who is far more entertained by this thread than he has any right to be.)
Maxondaerth said:
No no no, in Ohio Romani are condescending to Biata.

You might need to work on your RP then Jeff... your condescending comes off alot like most other people's wheedling and ***-kissing.


p.s. If you don't know that Jeff knows how to RP, you haven't played with him and don't need to jump to his defense.