Why dont you like me?


[*]Snuffle[*] Why dont they all like me? I'm trying to be good but they are so angry at each other.... it makes me feel....sad....[*]sigh[*]
AllianceCHI said:
[*]Snuffle[*] Why dont they all like me? I'm trying to be good but they are so angry at each other.... it makes me feel....sad....[*]sigh[*]

Uhhh... who is this? Hailey?

~ Garmok
AllianceCHI said:
[*]Snuffle[*] Why dont they all like me? I'm trying to be good but they are so angry at each other.... it makes me feel....sad....[*]sigh[*]

I like you, in fact out of all the people Durl hasn't met I think maybe I like you the best, and Durl hasn't met alot of people.

Durl is right, I would be willing to be your friend. How long have you been here? I am sure that we can help, after all that is what adventures do. Who is upset?

Is that you Cesse? ;)

Oh honey, Mommy is soo, soo, sorry. Don't cry, alright. Your dreams sounded different. Sweetie don't cry. I am so happy that you can send your dreams here! It makes me so proud. You are growing up so very fast. I want to just give you a squish. Now honey, remember that sometimes we talk about adult stuff here and that some people do argue and are mean. It is not that they are mad at you; it is just that sometimes adults fight. Ok?

Pokethulu said:
Durl is right, I would be willing to be your friend. How long have you been here? I am sure that we can help, after all that is what adventures do. Who is upset?


Are you serious Liddia? Adventurers really help? Do you promise?

Billy Ray
Billy Ray,
Of course we help, that is why most of us became adventures in the first place. Why what is it that you need?
Do you promise? Swear on your family crest?

Billy Ray Gepsum
Billy Ray,

What has happened? What is wrong? Is your family alright? What can we do to help?

My Family 'll be just fine Liddia. Concern yourself with your own problems. Your good at that.

Billy Ray
I helped someone once. It was kinda nice :-). Then they subsequently tried to kill me :-/ Not so very nice. Long story short is that Adventures don't always help. I am willing to say some if not most adventurers I have met only help people when it helps to further their aganda or if they think there will be decent money involved. If you were to ask an adventurer to do something like oh I don't know... Overthrow the government... Typically they will not do it. However if you were like Oh No! There is a big 10 headed 7 legged undead monkey in my basement I am sure most adventurers would help.

As for you Cesse! You are the awsomeest baby dragon egg I have ever met! I would love to be your friend. And it isn't that no one likes you. It is the fact that everyone has their own ideas of how things should be and generally no one is willing to admit that they are wrong and their idea could be wrong. I reallly am sorry if they upset you.

Aeneaus Solrade
Aeneaus- *giggle* I want to be your friend to!

so adventurers dont always do thing for good even though they say they do? and people arent willing to admit that they are wrong about things?

Billy Ray,

I have learned not to make oaths lightly, I have to marks to prove it. So, why the question? If you could be more specific then I may be able to help. And if you would not have my help, you may get someone else's.


Many are confused as to who you are, honey. When you can walk about on your own I am sure they would love to meet you.

OOO if they wanna be my friend then I have to hatch sooner! *excited*