Why dont you like me?


No make Oaths lightly? Now aint that a treat of a joke Lady Fallinstar.

Billy Ray Gepsum.
Billy Ray,

If you wish to have this conversation in person, I would be pleased to meet with you. Or if you wish you may send me a message and we can continue this then. I am not going to go back with you.

AllianceCHI said:
Aeneaus- *giggle* I want to be your friend to!

so adventurers dont always do thing for good even though they say they do? and people arent willing to admit that they are wrong about things?



First we will start out with the obvious answer. People lie. Who is going to respect someone who says that they are just here for the money and to push their own personal agenda? However, the underlying fact is this. Good is a very relative term. Most people are able to convince them what they are doing is for the greater good. Take GFW for example. They feel as though they are doing good by trying to kill gypsies. They feel gypsies bring the undead and as such they feel killing gypsies will prevent undead from coming to wayside. However, killing someone for whatever reason is clearly not good. Even if you pretend gypsies are not people it is still wrong. So you can see how the term "good" does not always apply in the connotation of which you think it does.

As for why no one wants to admit we are wrong. It is natural for people not to admit they are wrong. Wether it is because we do not want others to feel as though we aren't as smart because we were wrong and someone else was right or if it has more to do with the fact that we just don't want to admit to ourselves that someone else could know more than us.

Aeneaus Solrade
So when Mommies say I have to be a "good" egg what does it mean?

People are naturally unable to admit wrong..*as if reciting something and comitting to memory*
I think by good your mommies don't want you to say mean things and don't want you to hurt people. If you always stop before you say or do something to someone and think "is this something that I would want someone to do or say to me" you will be well on your way to being a good egg.

Aeneaus Solrade

Many things come down to the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I am glad that you are asking questions, that is how you learn. :D

AllianceCHI said:

No make Oaths lightly? Now aint that a treat of a joke Lady Fallinstar.

Billy Ray Gepsum.

That doesnae sound good. Something go wrong, Master Gepsum? I've been a bit stuck thanks to the weather, and not able to get out as far as Briarpass like I had planned.

Cesse is clearly such a precious little thing, askin' after t'ings like dhis.

*gentle voice*

Cesse, baby...t'ings like good n' evil are called such complex t'ings. People for as long as time has been have bickered 'bout what it means. 'fraid is nye as simple as "do unto ot'ers", for you may very well in your life be faced with people who do terrible t'ings...good may be found in dhe strength of you to forgive dhem.

Listen to Mama 'Lysia and Liddia. When you start to get all growed up, you will start to understand such t'ings better. ^_^

Live well little Cesse,

Fortune and Love Guide You,


Not everyone talks like your mommies. There are different races of people. And some of them speak differently. To them it is normal and we are the ones talking funny.
Cessie my love,

I'm very glad you have found your way into the dreamscape. This is a good place for you to ask questions and learn things. I am very, very sorry that you were not accepted with the love and open arms that Liddia and I did when we took you home and cared for you, but know that that is often the way of things. People are sometimes afraid of things they don't understand or cannot forsee the outcome of. Not many people have met dragons, they are mostly creatures of myth and legend, and because of that people have no idea what you are capable of. Lots of stories about dragons say they eat people, or burn towns to the ground. Others say they can walk about as people do, taking the form of any of the major races and can cast amazing and powerful magics. Some say dragons can be kind, others the opposite. Your Mommy Liddia and I hope that we can help you to be a compassionate creature, and that no matter what your capabilities are that you grow up loved and aware that life and love are important and should be respected and protected. We know we cannot protect you forever, and it is this reason that I feel you finding your way here a great bout of luck and a blessing. You will learn much, and though not all of it will be good and happy, it will all be useful. We want you to make your own choices. I want you to learn how to make good choices, but ultimately to know that your choices and their repercussions are all your own.

Even I do not always make good choices, and sometimes the repercussions of those choices are bad, but I always learn something. Even when you suffer or are sad, remember there is a lesson to be learned from it -- even if the lesson is to not do it again. That is a tactile lesson, one with a sensation or emotion attached to it. Sometimes those are the easiest to remember.

For the most part, I must say I agree with Aeneaus -- though I will mention that it is not that people are unable to admit they are wrong, just that they find it uncomfortable for their pride to sometimes do so. Pride can be a dangerous thing. It is good to be proud of who and what you are and what you know and have done, but it is another thing to be full of excessive pride; that is called hubris, and often brings creatures great misery. Do you remember some of the stories we've told you? Some of the characters with great hubris or pride often suffered because they did not admit they were wrong or ask for help. This is an important lesson to make note of. That is why we tell you these stories, because lessons are often the heart of them. Yes, they are fun and they help you to imagine what the world outside your shell might be like, but they also teach you things without you even knowing it. This is often how the best lessons are learned.

Perhaps some of your new friends will tell you stories where they learned something, so as to better help you learn.

I think that would be a great thing.
*quizical* So is it possible that your wrong and that there right? That I really should be sold like you planned?
Ah! You see, pretty one, DHIS is where dhe decisions come in. What is right and what is wrong and dhe believing in one or dhe ot'er. Dhis is where you have dhe choice to believe what your mommy or someone else has said because it makes sense to you or to decry dhe words of someone else for being untrue or nye making sense.

Do you believe people should be sold? I do nye. I can likely be safe in saying dhat none of us do. We will nye sell you, ma petite, you are our friend. You are people now. ^__^
Best thing ye can learn, childer? The world's an inconstant place, but 'tis up to you to decide what sort of folk you'll be. Hold to what ye know is right, keep yer word when you've given it, and try'n do the least harm ta good folk ya can. If'n you can manage that, you'll be head and shoulders better off than half o' Fortannis these days...


I don't know you, have never met you, and didn't even know you existed until just a short while ago. However let me tell you something. There are many kinds of people in this world, some who wish to raise families and spread happiness to all they know, some who wish to attain great wealth at ANY cost, and then again there are people who only wish to harm others. Those aren't the only kinds of people, if fact there are many different kinds of people that just fit into those few that I mentioned.

Aeneaus is wrong. Let me explain. He is only speak of SOME types of people, there are many people who almost never lie, and when they realized that they have the admit it and ask for forgiveness. As for 'good' being relative, I must say that amongst adventurers there are many who would believe this. It is because adventurers are a unique lot, most are only here for personal gain or fame, and are to ashamed to say so. So they twist the word 'good' to mean whatever they want it to, that's what he means by relative. When your mommy tells you to be a good egg, she wants you to know that its not OK to lie, cheat, steal, slander, gossip, needlessly harm anyone, betray, and much more. These are things that are not good, they don't help anyone but yourself! And that is the simplest way to say what is good, if it only benefits yourself...than what is good about it?

So don't think of good as relative, and don't assume that everyone is unable to admit wrong. Good is anything that helps people, not people who don't need help, but people who are unable to stand and help themselves. So be Good, as my father taught me, and as Master Lurin taught me. Stand for those who need your help, and don't be underhanded in order to help them. Truth is the best course, and just because lying seems easier sometimes, doesn't mean that it is.

The only reason that I say Aeneaus is wrong is because he is just speaking of one type of person.

Cesse, I will be your friend, but more than that, I will help you know what is Good...to the best of my ability.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
I don't know if anyone can truly call THEMSELVES good, but I try to be as good as I can. I slip up sometimes, by lying or twisting information. But I try to correct my wrongs when I find realize that I have done them. That's the most that anyone can do, try and be as good as you can, and when you realize that you may have done something wrong...admit it and face the consequences. Everyday I find that I have been more and more selfish in the past, and I work towards fixing that. Because if I am standing for an Order that is for protecting people who can not protect themselves, defending the defenseless, and assisting innocent people in rebuilding there lives after tragedy, than how could I be selfish and still do these duties to the best of my ability.

So to answer your question simply. Am I good? I am to the best that I can be, always trying to be better than I was the day before.

I know that this may be confusing, as you are young and until you can fully experience many things in the world it will all just seem confusing and as though things counter one another. So take everything you learn as a little summary, and remember that when you are out walking, living, and learning in the world that is the best time to figure all of these things out.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace my friend,
Kevar Byrne
AllianceCHI said:
So then your good?


No one you will talk to here that would consider themselves an adventurer is a "good" person. We've all killed other beings. Whether we want to claim that its "good" or not, that's always a matter of perspective. You could go kill a bunch of high orcs, claiming they threaten a farm. For the farm, you did something good. From the high orc perspective, you just murdered a bunch of people.

Another example is what Elysia and Liddia did. They stole your egg. From their perspective, they did something good. From your real mother's perspective... she's going to be REALLY angry. Might even try to eat them, for stealing her child.

Everything is a matter of perspective.

Deputy Garmok Stoneskull Rockfist
*as if thinking very hard*
"never listen to anything stoneskull says, never listen to anything stoneskull says, never listen to anything stoneskull says"

I cant... am I being bad?

They are my mothers... why call them not real? So if there is no good or bad should I just not care what people think and do whatever I want?

My darling there is good and bad in the world. Good and Bad are sometimes very hard to understand. But, as Mommy Elysia has said reflect on some of the stories we have told you. We are here to guide you as you grow. There are legend of dragons eating whole towns; that is bad my sweet. There are also of those dragons like King Veckrell who ruled with compassion and love. He was a good dragon and when you are old enough I would like you to meet him. The world is a big place and it is sometimes very confusing.

We will take care of you the best that we can. We will teach you and love you. Ask questions, my darling that is how you learn.
