Why dont you like me?

Oh *understanding*

*commiting to memory*

"I should rule with compasion and love"

OK! *excited*
Yes, my love, yes. He is recovering on the plane of life, he; was gravely wounded when he rescued citizens from Dragon Reach (where Mommy, Calin, Uncle Dram, and Jehan come from) from Void. I am sure when his strength returns he would love to meet you. :D
We are your mommies, Cessie my love. As much as two Mystic Wood Elves can be. Your hatching Mommy was also your mommy. You mentioned her once, though I cannot recall what you said came of her. If she's alive and unhappy with the way Liddia and I have tried to take care of you -- then Liddia and I will deal with those repercussions. You don't need to worry about it. Liddia and I are aware of what our decisions may cost us, and we've accepted that. We did want to sell an egg -- a Roc egg -- which is what we thought you were, as the creature that kept you warm and sat upon you in the nest when we came upon you was indeed a Roc. You were red like the Roc was, though she was a mad creature, starved and mistreated by owners who forgot her. Kazik and others felled her while Liddia, Kit, and I did our best to keep you safe. As a Roc is a creature without much intelligence or sentience, there would be nowhere Liddia or I could keep it, let alone raise it. We wanted to give it over to someone who could care for and treat it properly. When you began to show flickers of being something more than a Roc, and your egg began to turn blue, Liddia and I spoke and we decided we would not give you up -- could not give you up -- for you were something greater and much more intelligent than a large bird. We've grown to love you, and I think now even if you were a mere bird we'd keep you anyhow. The issue would have been dealt with sooner, but the winter snows kept the messenger we made the agreement with longer than the two weeks he promised and Liddia and I have been busy -- too busy -- to think about it until he was upon us asking for us to hand you over. That was our mistake, but we will deal with it. I am sorry you felt like we didn't want you or love you. We do want you, and we do love you. Always and forever.

Stoneskull is just trying to bait you with unkind words and assumptions. Like that we stole you. We didn't steal you. You were going to die if we didn't take you, even Kazik can attest to this, as he heard your Hatching Mommy's voice in his mind asking him to help us protect you. Steal is an assumption, one Garmok is making unkindly, to try and bait your mommies into arguing, which I for one will not do. You just have to ask yourself -- does what he's saying feel like the truth to you? Or does it feel like an assumption? Most times, the truth will feel right, inside, when you ask yourself about whether something is good or genuine.

We are all very excited to see what and who you will become Cessie, and when you hatch I think everyone will be impressed in some manner with the kind of creature you turn out to be.

I just wish they realized that you are in a state of flux right now, and that everything they do and say to and around and about you has an eternal effect upon you -- for good or for ill -- and that they'd do their best to be part of the solution, rather than the part of the problem.

But that goes back to being unable to control the choices of the people around you, something your Mommy stuggles with every day.

You are a good egg, if at times a bit mischievious, and I am very proud of you. That much will always be true, precious.
A cheeky lil' thing she is! Already got it in her mind dhat she is gonna rule dhe land someday!

Ma petite, don' let anyone tell you dhat Liddia and 'Lysia are nye your real mommies. Whet'er anyone agrees wit' what dhey did or nye, dhey are taking care of you and love you dearly. You are adopted. In my culture, dhis means dhat your bond to dhem means even more dhan if you was blood because dhey chose you. You are hardly an egg anymore, bambina. You are dheir child.

Dhey are good people, Cesse. Dhey do good for ot'ers each day t'inking nye of dhemselves. Had I a copper for each time Elysia woke me up from bein' almost dead and each time Liddia talked me out o' doing somet'ing nye so smart, dhen I would retire a wealthy Dagon! :lol:

Never discount your own judgement eit'er, Cesse. Ne'er be afraid to ask questions until somet'ing makes sense to you.

Fortune and Love,

Never discount my judgement.... does that mean my judgement is the best for me wether im good or bad?
I meant dhat what you believe to be good should be given benefit of doubt. Alt'ough dhere are tricks dhat can be played on dhe mind...ask your mamas about dhis, mon couer, dhey could essplain better.
But how can you beleive something to be good if there is no clear explanation of good and bad?

I'm asking you not mommys. They told me that I could talk. Should I stop asking question? Am I being bad?
Good and bad arn't that hard to know, people just get confused some times.

Good is when you do things to make other people safer or happier, Bad is when you do things without thinking about if it will make other people happier or safer.

Its okay to do things to make yourself happy, but only if you are sure it won't make other people unhappy or unsafe.

but what if they are bad people? or trying to make me unsafe?

I like you Durl your easy to understand. Can we be good friends?
Sure, Durl can always use another good friend.

Sometimes people don't understand what good or bad is, or they get taught wrong and have to be stopped, then you need to stop them from doing the bad thing, but you have to be careful not to do a bad thing at the same time to do that.

If you always do the good thing, then you'll know what to do when people are doing bad things.


Little one, there are many words and thoughts around you, and its a grand thing that you wish to be good. Do not let your mothers or friends tell you what good and bad is, you already know, what is good is what makes you feel good, that makes sense doesn't it? If it makes you happy, then its okay, sometimes people will want you to do their good, but its not fair for them to want you to make them happy, thats not your job. You have a great strength little one, and it will come out soon enough, you should use that to show people what is good, not ask them. I can get you in touch with someone that will help you always feel good, and you can use your great power to help him do good for everyone, even if they don't understand what you mean.

Listen to your dreams little one, you've heard my name in many places, what do most people think of when you hear the name Lurin, do they fear it, or love it? I have done much for these lands and continue to do so, although some don't understand me, just like they will not understand you, but together we could do much. Sleep peacefully little one, grow strong and happy we will meet soon enough I think.

Eternal Archduke of Wayside
AllianceCHI said:
Sounds hard to do... can you show me how?

Sure Durl ken shows ya, its not hard once you get the hang of it.


I would ask that though I want you to listen to what everyone here has to say -- that you be careful of whose advice you take.

Lurin is probably not someone most people around here would want you to listen to. He is a known vampire, and a very unkind man -- he just last market day murdered an entire family without just cause.

Does that seem like someone good and kind to you? Do you think you should listen to a bad man like that?

Not everyone here will want what's best for you, or you guide you in the right direction.

You should talk to Dramthin more. His people are and were get of the Great Dragon, so perhaps he would be better suited to help with some of these growing pains you're having.

Be leery of anyone who speaks of your power in the same breath as wanting to help you. And always be aware of the fact that you will have to take responsibility for your actions -- so if you hurt people in any way, no matter what -- you will have to be responsible for that, and how it makes you feel.

I think most people (Mommy has a hard time keeping up with all of the echoes in the dream realm, you're talking to so many!) have told you to be good and kind and to try not to hurt people and to keep them safe. I would suggest to you that this opinion is the best. This is perhaps why it is the most popular. Most people who say this to you (if not all of them) Mommy would consider friends, and so I let them try and explain themselves as best they can. Friends are a good thing to have, and I would encourage you to make friends when you can. Friends are good to turn to for advice, help, or when you have a need.

When you hatch, Mommy and Dramthin want to try and find other good dragons for you to make friends with as well, so that you can also turn to those of your race for advice. It will be a good perspective for you, we think. It is hard for us to fully understand you and what you're capable of, because we have never been dragons. Mommy and Dramthin think that knowing other dragons will also be good for you. Just like with people -- there are good dragons and bad dragons -- only you can decide what kind of dragon you want to be. This land has not seen a good dragon in some time -- you could perhaps be the first in a long while. I think that not just adventurers -- but all of the people of Wayside and Terna beyond would be very happy and glad and relieved that you were there to help and protect them. Maybe you should think on this, and see if you want to be the kind of dragon people love and seek guidance and advice from -- a good dragon that the people of the land can unite under -- or if you want to se a bad, mean dragon that people are afraid of and run from and fear.

The choice is entirely up to you. Neither choice will be easy. Following through on that choice will be even harder because you will have to decide to stick to it, even if people don't agree with you.

Think about it my love, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask.
Elysia said:

I would ask that though I want you to listen to what everyone here has to say -- that you be careful of whose advice you take.

Lurin is probably not someone most people around here would want you to listen to. He is a known vampire, and a very unkind man -- he just last market day murdered an entire family without just cause.

Does that seem like someone good and kind to you? Do you think you should listen to a bad man like that?

Not everyone here will want what's best for you, or you guide you in the right direction.

You should talk to Dramthin more. His people are and were get of the Great Dragon, so perhaps he would be better suited to help with some of these growing pains you're having.

Be leery of anyone who speaks of your power in the same breath as wanting to help you. And always be aware of the fact that you will have to take responsibility for your actions -- so if you hurt people in any way, no matter what -- you will have to be responsible for that, and how it makes you feel.

I think most people (Mommy has a hard time keeping up with all of the echoes in the dream realm, you're talking to so many!) have told you to be good and kind and to try not to hurt people and to keep them safe. I would suggest to you that this opinion is the best. This is perhaps why it is the most popular. Most people who say this to you (if not all of them) Mommy would consider friends, and so I let them try and explain themselves as best they can. Friends are a good thing to have, and I would encourage you to make friends when you can. Friends are good to turn to for advice, help, or when you have a need.

When you hatch, Mommy and Dramthin want to try and find other good dragons for you to make friends with as well, so that you can also turn to those of your race for advice. It will be a good perspective for you, we think. It is hard for us to fully understand you and what you're capable of, because we have never been dragons. Mommy and Dramthin think that knowing other dragons will also be good for you. Just like with people -- there are good dragons and bad dragons -- only you can decide what kind of dragon you want to be. This land has not seen a good dragon in some time -- you could perhaps be the first in a long while. I think that not just adventurers -- but all of the people of Wayside and Terna beyond would be very happy and glad and relieved that you were there to help and protect them. Maybe you should think on this, and see if you want to be the kind of dragon people love and seek guidance and advice from -- a good dragon that the people of the land can unite under -- or if you want to se a bad, mean dragon that people are afraid of and run from and fear.

The choice is entirely up to you. Neither choice will be easy. Following through on that choice will be even harder because you will have to decide to stick to it, even if people don't agree with you.

Think about it my love, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask.

"I would ask that though I want you to listen to what everyone here has to say -- that you be careful of whose advice you take."

But im not supposed to listen to anything stoneskull says right? see I listen im good!

"Lurin is probably not someone most people around here would want you to listen to. He is a known vampire, and a very unkind man -- he just last market day murdered an entire family without just cause.

Does that seem like someone good and kind to you? Do you think you should listen to a bad man like that?"

Did you really your Grace? Why did you do that?

If theres no good and bad or if good and bad is only based on whats good for you how can he be bad? Durl? *worried*

"Not everyone here will want what's best for you, or you guide you in the right direction."

Not everyone will want whats best for me *reciting to self*

"You should talk to Dramthin more. His people are and were get of the Great Dragon, so perhaps he would be better suited to help with some of these growing pains you're having."

But But *verge of tears* He doesnt like me and says you shoulnt be my mommy and that I dont belong and he wont talk to me... he hurts me why should I have to listen to what he says... if he hurts me then isnt he a bad man? *huffy*

"When you hatch, Mommy and Dramthin want to try and find other good dragons for you to make friends with as well, so that you can also turn to those of your race for advice. It will be a good perspective for you, we think. It is hard for us to fully understand you and what you're capable of, because we have never been dragons. Mommy and Dramthin think that knowing other dragons will also be good for you. Just like with people -- there are good dragons and bad dragons -- only you can decide what kind of dragon you want to be. This land has not seen a good dragon in some time -- you could perhaps be the first in a long while. I think that not just adventurers -- but all of the people of Wayside and Terna beyond would be very happy and glad and relieved that you were there to help and protect them. Maybe you should think on this, and see if you want to be the kind of dragon people love and seek guidance and advice from -- a good dragon that the people of the land can unite under -- or if you want to se a bad, mean dragon that people are afraid of and run from and fear."

Why? do I have to choose? can't you decide for me? thats what mommies do in the books mommie Liddia reads to me...I like that im special and I want to be a good I think because I have to have compasion and care like King Vekril..... *pauses thinking* I made Mister Martin run away in fear was I bad?*worried

This is all so much work... im not sure I can do it.
AllianceCHI said:
Lurin is probably not someone most people around here would want you to listen to. He is a known vampire, and a very unkind man -- he just last market day murdered an entire family without just cause.

Does that seem like someone good and kind to you? Do you think you should listen to a bad man like that?"

Did you really your Grace? Why did you do that?

No little one, my hand has only ever caused but one person to ressurect, a man who depends on me, like you depend on your mothers and friends, for guidance. He has lost his way and I am helping him back to the right path. There were those that died, but I did not do it as I was there to try to explain things to the town, as I have been for so many months.

Sometimes little one, people do not understand why, or what people are doing and sometimes they don't understand that what I am doing is good. This is why you must always trust only your own feelings to know what is good and bad, that is why you have them.

Eternal Archduke of Wayside
I don't think Lurin is bad, I think he is confused, from what Durl hears Lurin is sick with something called vampirism and that means he doesn't see what hurts people anymore and thats too bad.

Its okay to not like the bad things people do sometimes, without hating the person doing them, so its good to stop Lurin from doing bad things, but it would be good to help him get better too if we can.

Sometimes when Durl has too many things going on at once, he just focuses on one thing he knows for sure is good en does that, then he moves on to the next thing that is good, its okay not to try to think about everything at one time cause sometimes when you do some good things, other things are easier to figure out.

You ken always ask Durl about things if ya want, I'll be glad tas let you know what I think is good cause it can be hard to tell sometimes.

"If theres no good and bad or if good and bad is only based on whats good for you how can he be bad?"

There IS good, and there IS bad, and they are complicated concepts, as you are now learning. There is balance to everything, and perhaps maintaining that balance is what's most important.

I cannot just decide for you, love. I can't tell you who or what to be. I can tell you what I think is the best idea, but that is just -- like the words of everyone else here -- my opinion.

It's up to you to decide whose opinion carries what and how much weight, if any at all.

You decide that based on lots of things.

Mommy takes people's advice based on lots of different things. When I'm trying to decide I ask people I think are wise about such topics first -- they give me their opinions based on their knowledge of a given subject. If I wanted to know about Celestial magics, I'd ask my friend Jehan, or your uncle Arkimedes, or your Mommy Liddia, as they are all accomplished Celestial casters. Jehan is a highly accomplished formalist. They have lots of knowledge about the subject.

If I were still confused, or if it were about an emotional conflict, I would then take their advice and go to people whose opinions I trust -- people I think are wise, and who know me best. People who do not know you will never be able to give you as good advice as people who know you intimately. So I would then perhaps go to Dramthin, as he is not only very logical and wise, but knows me well. Or perhaps I would send a letter to my Yara, as she is very old and wise, and has known me since birth. Their opinions mean more to me on such issues because not only do I think them wise, but they know me very well, and can therefore tailor their answers to what they think would work best for me. But even still, I have a choice to disregard their opinions and go with my heart.

This does not always work out well for me, but I try and learn from my mistakes -- that is all anyone can ever do. You will make mistakes, but it is learning from them and trying not to repeat them that you will be a good and compassionate dragon.

What you have here is a lot of people who don't really know you trying to tell you what they think is best for you.

So you have to weigh their opinions accordingly.

Dramthin doesn't dislike you, and he agreed to help you be the best dragon you can be, by teaching you things his people have learned from Dragons through the Ages. He is just afraid for you, honey. Because he knows that people can affect you and what kind of dragon you'll be. That's a very grave responsibility, and Dramthin doesn't know if anyone is really well-equipped to handle it, Mommy included. That is what he meant. It does not mean he disbelieves you to be a dragon or a good girl or that Mommy Liddia and Elysia don't want the best for you -- he just doesn't know if we really CAN know what's best for you.

But I think that's how all parents feel about their children. One can never know if they're raising them properly.

The stakes are just higher because with you -- not are you only not a mortal child, but you will grow up to be a very great creature -- a dragon. Your possibilities are endless.

Most people want you to be a good, kind, compassionate dragon, like King Veckrel. This is what your Mommies wish for you.

But we can't choose that path for you, because ultimately we can't walk that path for you. We can only walk with you, and try and help you as you grow up to be that creature. It won't be easy. Being mean and bad would probably be easier. But that's not what we want for you. We want you to be the best you can be.

Mommy Liddia and I made a very rash choice on the day we saved you. We risked a lot, and lots of people are angry at us for taking such a big risk. So we want you to be a good example to those people -- that not all risks are bad, and that sometimes the noble thing to do is to save a creature in need. We want you to show them that by being a great and kind creature, by being compassionate and by protecting people who need you.

Dramthin is just very worried, and so he seems angry, but really he's just scared.

Just like when you scared Martin away because you were scared. You didn't mean to be mean -- you were just protecting yourself and your Mommies. You didn't hurt him -- you helped his leg, remember? And he is very greatful. He told me so in a letter, which I can show you if you'd like when Liddia brings you home.

Do you like Wishel's Tree? How is your time there going? I miss you terribly.

Have you learned anything interesting from your time there, or the people you've met?
There is no good and bad, there is only power. First and formost, Might makes Right. Lesser beings then you will try and justify their existance, ignore them all and feel the power that is in you and follow that.