Oh *understanding*
*commiting to memory*
"I should rule with compasion and love"
OK! *excited*
*commiting to memory*
"I should rule with compasion and love"
OK! *excited*
AllianceCHI said:Sounds hard to do... can you show me how?
Elysia said:Cesse,
I would ask that though I want you to listen to what everyone here has to say -- that you be careful of whose advice you take.
Lurin is probably not someone most people around here would want you to listen to. He is a known vampire, and a very unkind man -- he just last market day murdered an entire family without just cause.
Does that seem like someone good and kind to you? Do you think you should listen to a bad man like that?
Not everyone here will want what's best for you, or you guide you in the right direction.
You should talk to Dramthin more. His people are and were get of the Great Dragon, so perhaps he would be better suited to help with some of these growing pains you're having.
Be leery of anyone who speaks of your power in the same breath as wanting to help you. And always be aware of the fact that you will have to take responsibility for your actions -- so if you hurt people in any way, no matter what -- you will have to be responsible for that, and how it makes you feel.
I think most people (Mommy has a hard time keeping up with all of the echoes in the dream realm, you're talking to so many!) have told you to be good and kind and to try not to hurt people and to keep them safe. I would suggest to you that this opinion is the best. This is perhaps why it is the most popular. Most people who say this to you (if not all of them) Mommy would consider friends, and so I let them try and explain themselves as best they can. Friends are a good thing to have, and I would encourage you to make friends when you can. Friends are good to turn to for advice, help, or when you have a need.
When you hatch, Mommy and Dramthin want to try and find other good dragons for you to make friends with as well, so that you can also turn to those of your race for advice. It will be a good perspective for you, we think. It is hard for us to fully understand you and what you're capable of, because we have never been dragons. Mommy and Dramthin think that knowing other dragons will also be good for you. Just like with people -- there are good dragons and bad dragons -- only you can decide what kind of dragon you want to be. This land has not seen a good dragon in some time -- you could perhaps be the first in a long while. I think that not just adventurers -- but all of the people of Wayside and Terna beyond would be very happy and glad and relieved that you were there to help and protect them. Maybe you should think on this, and see if you want to be the kind of dragon people love and seek guidance and advice from -- a good dragon that the people of the land can unite under -- or if you want to se a bad, mean dragon that people are afraid of and run from and fear.
The choice is entirely up to you. Neither choice will be easy. Following through on that choice will be even harder because you will have to decide to stick to it, even if people don't agree with you.
Think about it my love, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask.
AllianceCHI said:Lurin is probably not someone most people around here would want you to listen to. He is a known vampire, and a very unkind man -- he just last market day murdered an entire family without just cause.
Does that seem like someone good and kind to you? Do you think you should listen to a bad man like that?"
Did you really your Grace? Why did you do that?