Cese - Jou are very young yet, jou have not even hatched. Even after jou hatch, jou vill still be very young for a long time. Vhat does zis mean? It means zat zere is plenty of time to decide vhat jou zink. All zese people are telling jou vhat zey have decided after much thought and experience - zere decisions all vork for zem, but ze zame decisions may not vork for you.
Jou do not have to decide everyzing right now. Listen to vhat zey say and learn from what jou zee and feel, but don't zink jou need to make jour final decisions right now. Vhat is good, vhat is bad, vhat is Balance - zese are all kvestions people have been asking and rezinking forever, and zey vill keep doing so.
Just keep listening, keep zinking. Jou vill make decisions and remake zem many times in jour life. Jou vill meet other people like you and unlike you - zey vill all have stories to tell and lessons zey have learned.
In ze end, my child, ze best thing jou can do is listen and zink. Zere is no pressure for you to have ze whole of jour life figured now nor for jou to know everything. Ze more jou know, ze more jou understand about ze vorld around jou, ze more able jou vill be able to make ze right decisions, and even revisit ze decisions.
Zis is a lot to zink about, zat is true. Zere vill be mistakes and zere vill be successes. Jou vill have millenia to zink about zem all, to decide, and redecide. Right now, jou just need to feel vhat jou zink is right - trust in jour feelings: who jou feel takes care of you? who jou feel doesn't? Ze rest, vell, ze rest vill fall into place in time.
Master Dramzin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove