tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 20, 2008 #182 Yeah, ok. I'll go with that.
Mairead Specialist Jun 20, 2008 #185 Oh I know I am a Weilder of Doom... I Swing 10's! hehe And I'm cool with Squiggley arms as long as there' googlie eyes to boot, I will ensure no Face Damage. Tho Frankly, I am Still Disturbed by the Bilbo Song! :cry:
Oh I know I am a Weilder of Doom... I Swing 10's! hehe And I'm cool with Squiggley arms as long as there' googlie eyes to boot, I will ensure no Face Damage. Tho Frankly, I am Still Disturbed by the Bilbo Song! :cry:
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 20, 2008 #186 It was awesome. Though I will warn you... some weird things come up when you search youtube for "Leonard Nimoy dancing"
It was awesome. Though I will warn you... some weird things come up when you search youtube for "Leonard Nimoy dancing"
M Marcena Paragon Jun 22, 2008 #192 Yeah, my character was lonely and so painted a blue smiley face on her bow.
M Marcena Paragon Jun 23, 2008 #194 During an IBGA when she was alone for a month on a boat. It's name is "Skippy" but no one knows that yet IG.
During an IBGA when she was alone for a month on a boat. It's name is "Skippy" but no one knows that yet IG.
M Marcena Paragon Jun 23, 2008 #196 The smiley face on the bow. It sometimes talks to her. So she got a little loopy, who wouldn't?
M Marcena Paragon Jun 23, 2008 #198 Not weird! It also serves as a signature for people who can't read. It has her name in Common, MWE, and a smiley face for people who can't read.
Not weird! It also serves as a signature for people who can't read. It has her name in Common, MWE, and a smiley face for people who can't read.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jun 23, 2008 #199 You're right. I was wrong. Not weird. Demented.