Zen Garfield

If by Vulcan-like you mean terrible, I'm going to send Leonard Nimoy to your house to beat you up and then do a crazy dance.

If you meant anything else, you are wrong.
Then here you go.

I am expecting to be able to deliver one beating.

Wow...I uh...don't even know how to respond to that. One word comes to mind. Disturbing
That's as close as you'll get.
He does a good bit of head bopping...

I think that counts...
Leonard Nimoy gets some leeway.
As that runs exactly counter to the original arrangement, I'm going to make no further attempt to earn it, I'm just going to act as if I have the right.
That was your fault for not limiting it at the get go.

Only a Pet Rock will appease me.

Kiersten would get a kick out of that.
Mairead on here.

She's the woman.