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  1. Muir

    Event Structure

    Yeah, I think that one depends on how late Saturday goes, and how early people have to be off-site. I'm getting old and have a long drive post-event, so I rarely get up to mod.
  2. Muir

    New site for ordering pants

    If you want to go more expensive but get really comfortable pants (and tunics), I recommend LinenGarb. Best fighting pants I've ever worn, they breathe and wick sweat wonderfully.
  3. Muir

    Event Structure

    As I've mostly played the Midwest, with the occasional run to one of the coasts for a big event, I'm curious how this works for other people. How are your events structured? The usual setup I see here looks like this: Friday Night: Players start showing up at site open, help unload monster...
  4. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    Yep. I thought it was pretty okay until I started mapping out my alt, and tried him as a fighter. He's still pretty decent sized at 115 build, but you have to have 180 xp on a fighter at present to use Mettle twice and not fall down, assuming that you don't invest into a bunch of Hardy. Even...
  5. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    Yeah, I think this is a large part of why I discount Mettle as a replacement for the Cloaks and Banes fighter haul around now to let them keep playing the game. It's only really usable more than once or at best twice for very high level fighters, if then. As a class ability, it is flatly...
  6. Muir

    [.11] Fighter defences.

    As you note, I disagree with the writers on this. Casters have defenses against fighter and caster abilities. Rogues have get out of jail free cards against everything but trap AOEs. Fighters have defenses for... attacks. They are really good at taking those, but it's a one trick pony and...
  7. Muir

    Cold Weather Clothing

    A fleece cloak is also a great first sewing project and usually fairly cheap! If you really hate sewing, it could be as easy as a tabard or poncho with unhemmed (or fringed) edges.
  8. Muir

    [.11] Fighter defences.

    I deeply disagree with this. It just leads to D&D style game design where fighters exist to provide a distraction while casters actually get to play the game. Fighters should have defenses. They should just have a similar opportunity cost to other classes' defenses against fighter abilities.
  9. Muir

    [.11] Higher Manifestation School Question

    Given that everything aspect specific in the old high magic explicitly says so, I figure an official answer is needed rather than assuming intent. No skin off my nose either way, of course. :)
  10. Muir

    Cold Weather Clothing

    Good wool socks are a huge thing, because they're warm even when damp, and waterproof shoes mean your feet will sweat.
  11. Muir

    [.11] Higher Manifestation School Question

    So, an edge question. Is this a General ability? Assuming I'm playing a dual-school caster with Celestial formal magic levels and both an Earth channeling pool and a Celestial channeling pool, am I allowed to take the Higher Manifestation High Magic applied to the Earth pool? Fun character...
  12. Muir

    [.11] Corrupt and "KBA / Ensure Res"

    Yup. I've been waiting to see that happen, someone gets grumpy enough to decide to take their ball and go home, and just sets off a stack of explosive traps in the tavern at dinner time. Then takes off for the weekend while the staff figures out how to rez 3/4 of the game and deal with the...
  13. Muir

    [.11] Corrupt and "KBA / Ensure Res"

    I still feel it's an effect that doesn't need to be in the game. It effectively creates monster cards that are not under plot's control, and is a huge vector for griefing.
  14. Muir

    [.11] Discussing The Impact of Applying Weapon Skill XP to Martial Or Stealth Skills

    Pretty easily, you get base competency from class at character creation, classing over later simply changes costs for adding more. Record it on the character the same way we record Wylderkin racials.
  15. Muir

    [.11] Discussing The Impact of Applying Weapon Skill XP to Martial Or Stealth Skills

    Applying that xp to martial or stealth counts seems backwards to me, as the classes that would gain the most benefit are those who the exp costs are scaled to represent being least talented at weapons work, the Scholars and Artisans. I would, if we were to change it, rather simply assign weapon...
  16. Muir

    [.11] Refitting Arcane

    Ah, I'm misinformed then! Was going by word of mouth, as I've never had my hands on one of those scrolls, should have checked the DB I suppose. Thanks!
  17. Muir

    Season Passes 2019?

    I don't think it's in Excel, but there's a raw list of dates in this thread:
  18. Muir

    Packet Party

    Love to be able to help, but four hours west of you. Have fun y'all! :)
  19. Muir

    [.11] Refitting Arcane

    I can't find anything in the text in a quick look, so clarification question : I know refitting Arcane Armor requires Blacksmithing in 1.3, does that continue in 2.0? If so, why?
  20. Muir

    [.11] Playtest Feedback

    Definitely an interesting read, and glad to see that the general reaction of the playtests was as positive as it was!