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  1. denise_eviana

    Thorador and Tazoulti

    Oh I did not mean to place any fears into your mind Tazoulti. I trust most everyone in Hope's Reach and I appreciate that most in power are not abusing it! I only have a few suspicions - and they may be unfounded. Also - admittedly some thoughts were stewing in my mind that influenced the tone...
  2. denise_eviana

    Our Money, Any Ideas?

    This is a good idea Thorador...the only problem is making sure the loot makes it into the bag in the first place. I agree with your perspective on loot - I care little about it, I only wish for it so I can eat a good meal at McGregor's tavern :) but I care much more about the angst and conflict...
  3. denise_eviana

    Thorador and Tazoulti

    I found it is best not to make enemies with people in positions of power. Even if the whole system seems jaded and corrupt. -Allendra
  4. denise_eviana

    Our Money, Any Ideas?

    Sheriff Fern has enough problems on his hands. I think it is best not to bother him with the loot. -Allendra
  5. denise_eviana

    Our Money, Any Ideas?

    I agree with you on that James. I was not even aware of any formal magic scrolls during that fight (oi that would have been nice...). I am there with you on trying to protect the casters - being one of the few casters that can take any sort of blow I do my best to protect my fellow casters. By...
  6. denise_eviana

    Awesome Job!

    I am so glad to hear that! I hope to see you back at the next event! I am still learning a lot of things myself, but still feel free to ask me anything (at the very least I will find it out for you) haha :) *EDIT* PS - THANK YOU SO MUCH PC'S! You did a wonderful job! I am so thankful for all...
  7. denise_eviana

    Our Money, Any Ideas?

    I have to agree with Davion here. I do not mean to offend anyone, I understand mistakes happen - but honestly they seemed to be happening a lot this past gathering. I found Jamina, Nirvana (I believe that was her name, she was a dryad), and McGregor to all be trustworthy in my book. (And...
  8. denise_eviana

    How to Convince People I Am Not Crazy...

    What is the best way to tell people about LARP (such as family/friends/acquantiences) without having them think you are totally crazy? I have something like this so far: "Up until two months ago I had never really heard of "LARP" either. But one of my brother's friends wanted my brother to...
  9. denise_eviana

    loot splitting

    Haha there are too many Dave's....Mr. Cheek is my brother haha ;) One thing is that it is hard to tell who is OOG being greedy and who's character personality is greedy. Honestly, things seem to work themselves out IG anyway from my experience...though I don't really care about money/items so I...
  10. denise_eviana

    Thorador and Tazoulti

    Ah you bring up a good point Fern - I apologize for my misguided suspicions. -Allendra
  11. denise_eviana


    Forgive me if I am speaking out of line, but I will share my thoughts over the dreamscape in hopes of adding some light to the discussion. I must agree with Cho Ko Nu on this...I feel that on the occasions that I remember a retreat, it was more than appropriate. Being a spell caster there is...
  12. denise_eviana

    Thorador and Tazoulti

    I must also express some concern on your promise to us Fern. I thought it was inappropriate for Hoblings to break such promises? - Allendra
  13. denise_eviana

    loot splitting

    I was going to say...Gandian has been nothing but welcoming and helpful from my experience :)
  14. denise_eviana

    Awesome Job!

    Even though I have only four events to choose from this is by FAR MY FAVORITE event! :D !!! I am LOVING my new character, she is so entertaining to roleplay! I can see my roleplaying skills improving with every event, now just to get down some sort of accent ;) 1) The Ice Elementals module, I...
  15. denise_eviana

    Chicago July event

    I will give you a hint is in my signature and username ;) haha
  16. denise_eviana

    Chicago July event

    So I guess I am still a little confused...anything I do in Chicago does not transfer over to Minnesota? Cause I don't see myself going to Chicago too often...especially with becoming a real adult soon here (you know, with a real job and all...)
  17. denise_eviana

    Currently Wanted Donations (Updated July 12th)

    Oh I do so enjoy sewing :D I am glad to see so many sewing items on the list! ^_^
  18. denise_eviana


    I quite agree, there is abundant talent! As for the disorganization, I can see where the newcomers are coming from. I am a foreigner to these lands and have lived a sheltered life until now. I must apologize for my sloppy tactics and even spell casting! This is the first time I have been in real...
  19. denise_eviana

    Chicago July event

    I am considering is a long drive, but dang I had a lot of fun at this last event! :D