Search results

  1. KialdaLoa

    ((A dream message seeking Tieran))

    ((Just a couple days after the first spring gathering in the lands around Cinderfel, the dream realm suddenly brightens, feeling hot and dry. A Chee Klax Gorbe emerges onto a sandy landscape, prowling around and sniffing. If you have met her, you recognize Nikhujo.)) Tieran. I know you left...
  2. KialdaLoa

    May 2023 FAVORITES!! "When the Levy Breaks"

    Okay jk, I’m too excited and gotta get these shared before my brain gets full of other stuff this week! First, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the personal plot engagement! Jeremy, Brian, everyone! Thank you! From hi-jacking Takahiro (and completely blathering details of her personal quest for the entire...
  3. KialdaLoa

    May 2023 FAVORITES!! "When the Levy Breaks"

    What an INCREDIBLE weekend! I'll try to organize my thoughts over the next few days, but I wanna start with a HUGE thank you to everyone in this community! Staff, PCs, NPCs... the stories we tell and relationships we build and battles we win together... it's all so meaningful. Love y'all and...
  4. KialdaLoa

    5/19-21/23 "When The Levy Breaks" Player List!

    FYI! Food options for this event! Three meals will be provided in-game during this weekend event! Enjoy! Dinner (Saturday): Choice of - Stew Ham & cheese+rice casserole Breakfast (Saturday and Sunday): Waffles and Egg Sandwiches
  5. KialdaLoa

    5/19-21/23 "When The Levy Breaks" Player List!

    THIS JUST IN! Bunch more PC spots! Come help us wage war on this big evil dragon! (What could go wrong?!?)
  6. KialdaLoa

    5/19-21/23 "When The Levy Breaks" Player List!

    Thanks to a part-time NPC, we went from a wait list to one PC spot open! Pay for the event at any time and it'll reserve your PC spot! Reg in the CMA as an NPC and you'll open up 3 more PC spots! Can't wait to see y'all there!!!
  7. KialdaLoa

    5/19-21/23 "When The Levy Breaks" Player List!

    Currently at a 3:1 ratio, with two days before pre-reg discount deadline! Get your spot reserved and bring a pal to NPC!
  8. KialdaLoa

    Discovering the Citizen Races of The Isle of Khar-Durai

    The Ourosila ("Sky Elves" - common, dark, and stone) “Aloft in the clouds, away from the strife of the surface, we Ourosila live in harmony. To keep peace is to survive.” After various strange sightings of what appeared to be floating landmasses above Khar-Durai, the local Magistrate...
  9. KialdaLoa

    An Announcement from Quintessa

    (Quintessa arrives in the tavern of Myerston, having received a formal missive hand-delivered by Thalia. To the adventurers gathered there, she reads aloud: ) On Behalf of All Ourosila in the City of Sila: A note of gratitude. To the surface-dwelling adventuring community on the Isle of...
  10. KialdaLoa

    Submit IBGAs!

    2023 Opener IBGAs! "The Sky is Falling" submissions due by end of day Monday, May 8th!
  11. KialdaLoa

    5/19-21/23 "When The Levy Breaks" Player List!

    PLOT TEASER: The time of truce is coming to an end. Levomire’s forces hold the greater half of the continent, from Halja to the southern borders of Cinderfel at the edge of the Tegan Meadows. Adventures gather in Mournstead seeking the wisdom of the Beasts of Mer. Is there a way to shift the...
  12. KialdaLoa

    Discovering the Citizen Races of The Isle of Khar-Durai

    Biata “The Cosmic Tapestry is as mysterious to us as it is to anyone… We just embrace it and live among its Threads, in awe of what we are capable of observing and learning.” During a strange eruption of Mount Shandorah one night, a biata scientist named Tobu Galerus stumbled into the...
  13. KialdaLoa

    Cinderfel Event 1, Pre-Reg deadline: May *7*

    [Edited to clear up the dates by a couple days!] Howdy friends! Friendly reminder that our NEW POLICY (in order to get a discounted price!) is to pre-register TWO WEEKS before the event! For our first Cinderfel weekend (May 19-21), that deadline is MAY 7th, this SUNDAY! And, announcing, our...
  14. KialdaLoa

    4.29.23 Favorites!! - "The Sky is Falling"

    Post here and/or on our other social media - let us know what you loved from our Season 2 Opener event! Plot appreciates the feedback and the community thrives with the mutual uplifting, so go for it and reminisce!
  15. KialdaLoa

    4.29.23 SEASON OPENER - Player List!

    A couple notes as a heads-up for the event this weekend!: 1. Keep an eye on the weather in Unity NH - chilly and potential rain. Always a good idea to pack extra layers and socks! 2. Lots of photo/video recording will be going on this weekend to help promote our game and Alliance LARP as a...
  16. KialdaLoa

    4.29.23 SEASON OPENER - Player List!

    Reminder: Our pre-reg policy for 2023 is TWO WEEKS EARLY to get a discounted price! HOWEVER! For the OPENER ONLY! Y'all have until next week to help our logistics staff out and get your info registered! That's one week from today!!!! Please and thanks!
  17. KialdaLoa

    4.29.23 SEASON OPENER - Player List!

    Relevant Information just announced! Our XP cap is 150! Please bear that in mind when building your character cards!
  18. KialdaLoa

    The Isle XP Cap

    Announcing with a bit more fanfare! The 2023 Season of The Isle Campaign is capped at 150 XP!
  19. KialdaLoa

    4.29.23 SEASON OPENER - Player List!

    2023 SEASON OPENER EVENT: For the past few months, locals from all over the Lands of Mer have been circulating rumors, claiming sightings of a landmass floating in the sky. Those that have seen it note that it’s only there for a few moments, before it morphs into a cloud and fades away. This...
  20. KialdaLoa

    NH Pay-No-Play Promo: March 2023

    ~Details for Donating!~ 1. You may use PayPal independently and directly send $50 to OR, you may use the Pre-Reg section of our website, and select “Full Season PNP Promo”...