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  1. KialdaLoa

    Pay-No-Play Promo: March 2023

    ~Details for Donating!~ 1. You may use PayPal independently and directly send $50 to OR, you may use the Pre-Reg section of our website, and select “Full Season PNP Promo”...
  2. KialdaLoa

    NH Pay-No-Play Promo: March 2023

    Feel free to ask Dustin (@ZeroDonavan ), Steve (@RiddickDale ), or me if you have any questions! Thanks for supporting our chapter and getting buff characters at the same time! <3
  3. KialdaLoa

    Pay-No-Play Promo: March 2023

    Alliance NH is offering a special promo this month! If you can't make it to many games and still want to gain tons of XP at a huge discount, check it out! ~ Who says you have to attend every AllianceLARP event to gain experience? With our Pay-no-Play Pass, you can earn experience without even...
  4. KialdaLoa

    March 11 FEAST DAY Player List

    [Updated 3/3/23] NPCs: 1. Brandy 2. Dustin 3... PCs: 1. Mark S. 2. Nick W. 3. Susie G. 4. Rachel D. 5. Albert L. 6... Note: This is a feast day (no combat planned), so there is NO NPC : PC ratio requirement! THAT SAID - We would still LOVE to have NPCs to work with, forplot funsies...
  5. KialdaLoa

    Alliance LARP NH 2023 Event Schedule

    Ooo, March 11 is a legit "Winter Feast" event day!! Aahh yay, so cool!! :D
  6. KialdaLoa

    A letter from Gedin on the tavern wall and in Bennington's keep

    ((Notes that appears to be written on a page torn from a ledger are pinned below Gedin’s invitations.)) My Dear Adventurers and Business Partners, I have elected to take a brief sabbatical away from my Leyline research, as well as temporarily pause my Alchemical business at Myerston, in order...
  7. KialdaLoa

    A notice on Bennington's stationary, pinned on the tavern bulletin

    ((A notice is pinned on the tavern bulletin in formal stationary)) Just write everything I say, yes. Everything! Okay, understood? Right. To those whom have called these lands home or intend to contribute to their growth: It would seem there is a war brewing in the main lands of Cinderfel...
  8. KialdaLoa

    2022-2023 Winter IBGA Guidelines

    It’s the 2022-2023 off-season! There are now months of time before our next on-stage event! Do you know what your character is doing? …Do you need some ideas? Here are The Isle’s Winter In-Between Game Action points of interest: 1. You will be seeing NPCs post (on the IG forums) offering...
  9. KialdaLoa

    Cinderfel October & Winter IBGAs Combo Meal

    Just double checking - do y'all have a specific due date for the winter submissions?
  10. KialdaLoa

    10.28-30.22 CLOSER "Destabilization" FAVORITES!

    Okay, it has been a while (real life is so wackadoodle, man), BUT I'm gonna drop a couple highlights here before I forget too much. I love playing with y'all! Alarik RP with Chelsea, for SO MANY REASONS. Not only was he somehow able to be masterfully polite, savvy, AND sketchy, but also the way...
  11. KialdaLoa

    10.28-30.22 CLOSER "Destabilization" FAVORITES!

    What's up my nerrrrds!!! ❤ I am so honored to have helped write and run our FIRST EVER FULL WEEKEND for The Isle campaign, and I had such a blast! What a rollercoaster of new experiences for me. Thank you all so much for coming, exploring, engaging, and offering feedback! SPEAKING OF WHICH -...
  12. KialdaLoa

    October 28th - 30th Player List

    Y'all make sure to check the facebook page and respond to Rachel about food! She's generously taking point on the tavern, offering IG dinner AND two breakfasts! Are you gonna eat IG?
  13. KialdaLoa

    ((Autumn Happenings: Shapeshifters and Volcanic Activity))

    As Autumn develops, the more temperate areas of The Isle of Khar-Durai are adorned with the beauty of colorful leaves. The sun shines golden in the cool, clear sky, casting rays that lengthen shadows in the midafternoon. The temperatures drop and the nighttimes lengthen. Rain increases, and the...
  14. KialdaLoa

    October 28th - 30th Player List

    Today is the last day to pre-pay at a discount! Please register, PCs! HOWEVER - We are currently AT CAP!! Please register, NPCs!! Thanks for making logistics easier!!
  15. KialdaLoa

    October 28th - 30th Player List

    Two days from now is the deadline for the discounts on pre-payment! Get registered, y'all!! Can't wait for this event!
  16. KialdaLoa

    The Cleansing of the Quarry

    The first month of Autumn on The Isle of Khar-Durai was a gruesome, somber time. At the very end of summer, adventurers fought off an alarming influx of ghouls that had swarmed to the area, seeking to feast. The hunger of the ghouls was, tragically, not unjustified. People had gone missing, and...
  17. KialdaLoa

    Cinderfel October & Winter IBGAs Combo Meal

    HOLD UP. ARE YOU CALLING ME A CAT?!?! ::threatening glares and hissing:: But for real this is super cool and I'm jazzed to have these opportunities! Thanks, Cinderfel plot folks!!
  18. KialdaLoa

    September 24th Player List

    What a stellar list of players this is!! Please be sure to register in the CMA, and you can even PRINT your own card, to help logistics go nice and quick!
  19. KialdaLoa

    September 24th Player List

    FYI, it sometimes takes PayPal a day or so to register payments, but they are always time-stamped and in order. Your PC spot is confirmed when your payment comes in! If you are NPCing, please be sure to register using the CMA, so I can add you to the list and open up PC spots! ❤ Can't wait to...
  20. KialdaLoa

    9.3.22 "Changes" FAVORITES!

    DUDE. I (OOG) heard Alarik respond to the description of the butcher's shop with NO SURPRISE and was like "... wait, what? ... :eek: WHAT??" LOL. Y'all be scaring the staff, here. :p