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  1. Embrawk

    Sept event PC Primer

    (OoG Please note that changes have been made to the primer section on regarding rank.) Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  2. Embrawk

    Sept event PC Primer

    A Convergence of Conflict PC Primer (OoG: The following is an IG Message sent via dream) Greeting Friends, It is I, your friend the Phamtasmologist. It seems the scourge of the Necromoth and mysterious motives of the Lord of Eternal Life continue to be a threat to all of Enerret. I...
  3. Embrawk

    How To Work a Plotline

    This is amazing and I am going to have to share it with everyone. Cause it is really really really good advice. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  4. Embrawk

    New Player

    While I cannot speak for the Maelstrom campaign offically I am pretty sure they would have a role that you could rock. What I can say for sure is that we have a role perfectly fitted for you in our Enerret campaign. I would love to talk detail in private for the Enerret role if you are...
  5. Embrawk

    New Player

    I apologize in advance, I cannot seem to get the Emails to link. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  6. Embrawk

    New Player

    Hello Jeremiah, While I am not the Head of Plot for the August Event, I fell however I can confidently answer most of your questions. NPC's also known in our chapter as Cast and Crew, play for free and for most Events with a meal plan, eat for free too. If your thinking about being a full time...
  7. Embrawk

    7/23 Game Day Teaser

    The Town of the Crowning Sun is in Elajis De La Sol (Great land of the Sun) in the Principality of Tarjis know as the Ravisheda (Principality) of the Wild Wind near both the border of the Elajis Morah (Contested Land) and the border of the Wilds. The Town of the Crowning Sun often finds itself...
  8. Embrawk

    Enerret Faire Day Event 7/23/17 NEW DATE!!!

    It is a special low price. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  9. Embrawk

    Enerret Faire Day Event 7/23/17 NEW DATE!!!

    Site and cost have been updated. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. Embrawk

    Enerret Faire Day Event 7/23/17 NEW DATE!!!

    Hello everyone, We are excited to announce, for the first time in a long time, a new Enerret Day Event. The event will be on 7/23/17. Please not the date has changed. This will be a faire day event so be sure to try to come early as Hard lay-on is at 11. Also please note as this is a day...
  11. Embrawk

    Dreams of Freedom Epilouge

    Dreams of Freedom (Epilogue) With the Dreg and its minions destroyed, the Island of Bastille was thrown into, what some might consider, chaotic disorder. It seemed the prisoners who had not fled in the panic were soon becoming a vengeful mob. Just as things seemed at their worst, the...
  12. Embrawk

    Looking for ritualists

    Hello Brother, If you do not find anyone to help you and if any of what you seek are Earth or General magic in nature, Dryad may be able to help. However this would be her first High Magic ritual so it may be a bit of a risk, but what in our adventous life is not. - Embrawk Sent from my...
  13. Embrawk

    Enerret Teaser

    Dreams of Freedom “Ours is not that of a life, so much as a constant state of loss. What horrific things must we endure and for what reasons are they justified? For the transgressions of our elders or of crimes which we ourselves may or may not have committed. How is that justice? They say it...
  14. Embrawk

    Downtimes for June 2-4

    Hello everyone, We would like to ask that all downtimes for the June event be in by May 24th. We cannot guarantee that any downtimes sent in after will be answered in time for the event. For those of you who have sent in a downtime already you should be recieveing a reply shortly after the...
  15. Embrawk

    Stories and Event Reviews for Enerret, April 14-16

    I'm telling you it was a dove. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  16. Embrawk

    Stories and Event Reviews for Enerret, April 14-16

    This makes me tingle with joy Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  17. Embrawk

    Prop building day Sunday 4/2

    Hey everyone. I hope you've all rested and recovered from that mind blowing Maelstrom season opener. We on Enerret Plot are working hard to keep the adventure going, but it takes a community to make a good larp work. Every once and awhile this means asking for help. We need as many people as...
  18. Embrawk

    [Safe] [Sign-Up] Maelstrom War Effort List

    Please allow me to aid in items 16, 22, and 34. Although as for the last I will not have the stamina for long scouting trips for a few months, but I can still squiggle together a quick map or two. Thank you for all your effort in organizing this. It is a huge and neccesary step forward in this...
  19. Embrawk

    A Grand Parade!

    You have me drum anytime you need it. I Have various other instruments as well but not enough hands to handle them all. I will bring them at next gather, perhaps a bit of practice between those playing may be best before next gather? Just a thought. -Embrawk Hematite of the Quails and the Order...
  20. Embrawk

    Temporary/Transition E-mail change

    Hello Everyone, The following is the new Temporary E-mail for the Enerret plot team. This is a Temporary measure for now, however if this works out well we may transition to this permanently by next year. This is to avoid reacurring E-mail issues. We encourage players...