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  1. Kix

    2019 potential dates

    Yikes, looks like we'll overlap in March! Outside of that, can't wait to see more! :D
  2. Kix

    Goblin Points Policy??

    Hey Dane, In the rulebook on page 149, there's a whole section talking about uses for GS :) Give it a flip through, there's some cool stuff!
  3. Kix

    Posted: Council Announcement - Heroes Needed, Great and Small

    Askeksa, While I have not been a resident of your area before, I seem to be spending more and more of my time in this side of the shard. Please feel free to include me on any of your plans to help those in needs, you have access to all of my resources and abilities, so long as they are being...
  4. Kix

    September 2018 Favorite Moments!!!

    Post all about y'alls favorite things from the game!! <3 <3
  5. Kix

    August 31 - Sept 2 Favorite Moments!

    Hey guys! I noticed there wasn't a thread for this yet, so I thought I'd go ahead and throw one up so we could all gush about our favorite moments throughout the weekend and compliment people that we had astounding roleplay with! I wish I had the time to type out thank you's and shout outs to...
  6. Kix

    We got boats!

    Finally, an event that caters to my needs! I look forward to being utterly drenched and having a stupid huge smile the entire time :D Can we get a rough warning when this will happen so we can set aside objects that IG should be water proof, but are less so OOG? ♥♥
  7. Kix

    August Favorite Moments!

    Throw in all y'alls favorite moments in this thing!! Also feel free to give love to the other players and story members that positively influenced your weekend!! Let's also all gush over how amazing we looked and how badass the storytelling was!
  8. Kix

    A request to save bloodshed

    Gaius Herod, There are some troubles brewing about lately. It seems to me that a lot of people may be anticipating a fight that could easily be avoided. If we worked to a reasonable solution. The keeping of slaves is fowl, any civilized person should know that, however, I find it disgusting...
  9. Kix

    July Favorite moments!!!

    OH MY GOSH I had a swell weekend, so many badass moments playing the tank for people. Huge shout outs to Lia for doing so much work to make this event happen and all the super hard logistics stuff, she's been moving and still found the time to get all our sheets ready, process blankets, and...
  10. Kix

    July Favorite moments!!!

    Throw in all y'alls favorite moments in this thing!! Also feel free to give love to the other players and story members that positively influenced your weekend!! <3 <3
  11. Kix

    Offer of Education

    For any interested in the healing magics or casting of rituals I would be glad to offer instruction. As well as the fundamentals of the magics from the stars and planes. I am capable of taking two students each day, please let me know if you'd like to learn anything. ~Puck
  12. Kix

    A Time Sensitive Matter!

    Hello Koval, I wish I could make it out to assist you with your problems, however in my absence I've done the best I can for you by placing a Haven of the Living on your tavern. I wish you best of luck in your casting of your ritual and the releasing of those poor trapped spirits and bodies...
  13. Kix

    2018 Dates!!

    ALL 2018 games will take place at our beloved Camp Four Winds! June 29-July 1 July 27-29 August 10-12 September 7-9 October 19-21 November 9-11 December 14-16 January 18-20 2019 February 15-17 2019 March 8-10 2019
  14. Kix

    June Opener Favorite Moments!!!

    Oh gosh, somewhat stressful weekend running our first event! But I had some real fun highlights and glad I got to spend some time with all y'all :) Hanging out at the tavern was the best! So many weird conversations I got to get involved in Walking with Lady Arabella and talking about the...
  15. Kix

    June Opener Favorite Moments!!!

    Hey folks!! We're all getting settled back in from the opener this weekend, this is a place to boast about all the cool stuff that happened over the weekend, and especially to give shout outs and thank yous to your fellow players that helped make your weekend!! I'll throw a response in a...
  16. Kix

    Hey crazy eyes, I miss wandering with you!

    Hey crazy eyes, I miss wandering with you!
  17. Kix

    Alliance Kansas Physical Roleplay Consent Policy

    Much like some other chapters in Alliance (Denver, San Francisco and Seattle, to name a few), Kansas will be implementing the following physical roleplay consent policy: The players are more important than the game. At NO time should any player ever be asked to subsume their OOG boundaries to...
  18. Kix

    Trimming the Life Grove

    As much as I enjoy the grove and it serves as refuge for my friends, I am prone to agree that we should work on pushing it back. The two earlier are both marked by Death, and thus some will question if this is actually an issue or not. As one of the Revma, I'm not biased in this and agree with...
  19. Kix

    Interested in a Ritual Casting Class?

    Hello Kart, I haven't seen you in many moons, I would love to attend your lessons and encourage more people to do so! I'll see what I can do about getting you some beverages from my friends. I cannot wait to see you again! ~Puck
  20. Kix

    Favourite Moments: April (season opener)

    Oh gosh, what a jam packed weekend. - Friday night wasn't too crazy for me, lots of hanging out and some short walks, but had a great time interacting with just about everyone in the tavern. - Saturday I got to go on such a lovely walk out to the lake with Sandro, Percy, and Peat everything...