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  1. Bigens73

    Rituals and their Catalysts within the Lands of Evodia

    Something about moon touched or moon kissed for spirit forge. Squire Bruisey
  2. Bigens73

    October Castle Favorites

    Thank you so much for a great season this year to everyone who made that happen. I am excited to see where this goes next year. I had a blast at castle. Favorite moment by far was thinking I was going to join the res club with Zihr during the final fight. Kealedry and I saw eberust try...
  3. Bigens73


    Paypaled Jordan today for room and event
  4. Bigens73

    An open letter

    To who's ever is da ones takin young ones.... I was not der last market day when did happened. Id encourage youz to return da Yong ones it will be betters fore you to return them for us to hunt you and yours down. And ifs any harms has come to the youngones I will not just come for you but I...
  5. Bigens73


    Do the downstairs ones not have bunks?
  6. Bigens73


    How much are the rooms?
  7. Bigens73

    When da time comes....

    Hello my fellow adventurers While da person has not been da focus of our time lately I wants it known that Eberus or howevers you spells his name it would bring me da good feelings to be the one to deliver da killing blow to him. He killed my Knight. I knows I cannot best him in combats yets...
  8. Bigens73

    The search begins

    I am able to acquire some help from the military and we have some of the best scouts around I will have them pick up the trail from where your family was last seen. Lt Squire Bruisey Foemangler
  9. Bigens73

    Pretty active usually I would say. Are you talking about the weekend events as the huge...

    Pretty active usually I would say. Are you talking about the weekend events as the huge expensive endeavors?
  10. Bigens73


    Is there a way to unpri register I just found out that I have to travel that weekend for work
  11. Bigens73

    August Favorites

    Man what a great event. I had a blast on everything I was involved in. Some highlights. Feeling real dumb when my idea to recklessly jump in the pit didn't end up being the answer to the Cyclops Eye. Thank you Silp for yelling at me. While it might not have gone as planned I still really...
  12. Bigens73


    I'm stopping at Alcupolco right off 36 in Stillwater if anyone wants to join shoot me a text if you will be joining. 952.567.4639
  13. Bigens73

    Statue for Sir Daniels

    Thank you for your scentomint. It means much to me. While I know Warriors die in battle nothing more honorable i's still misses him. I feel it is my responsibility to see did through and I want people's to nose dat I am willing to sell it all to pay for dis. I would love to not haves to...
  14. Bigens73

    Statue for Sir Daniels

    Updating with more specifics. Gem is a 1/day Mystic Smith Sturdy Armor Empowered Armor 1/day So if you use them both at the same time you can refit your armor in 3 seconds and then double your armor. Good for about 20 days of strenuous use. I have a gift of life scroll Contact and banish to...
  15. Bigens73

    Statue for Sir Daniels

    Thank you Bel. Bruisey
  16. Bigens73

    Statue for Sir Daniels

    Hello Fellow Adventurers, I reach out to you and ask for your help. Between market days I with the help of Cass have been working with the military guild to honor Sir Daniels with a Statue. The reason I am reaching out is because the cost of the project is much more than I can financially...
  17. Bigens73

    August Celestial Services

    I've got one of them pre cast rituals for my armor. Squire Bruisey
  18. Bigens73

    Looking for Kitespar

    Can they ship longer lengths with the order or would this be just for the max one hander length
  19. Bigens73


    Asher, Sat feels strange not callsin you Lord. Yous is talkin to da right person about the town box. Zen has been keeping records of what is in it so fars. Squire Bruisey Foemangler
  20. Bigens73

    Proclamation of the Adventurers

    Nikolai, I total understands what you are sayings. I struggled long and hard over what to do when Beryl stole from a Count 2 markets ago. I originally covered for him and didn't tell the Count the whole truths. I den came back to the Count hat in hand and told him I had made a mistakes, and...