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  1. T

    Gameday 6/02/2007

    Yeah, I might show up to NPC.
  2. T

    Boffing on Alki

    Ok, so I showed up to the gameday today, only to find out that not enough people showed up to hold a game. I was a little disappointed, and the next one isn't for a month, if I can even show up to that one. Honestly, it's been some time, and I was really looking forward to getting back into the...
  3. T

    Hey, long time!

    It's been a while since you have heard from me. I can't remember what got me thinking about NERO again, but I figured I'd say hi. My new job is going well for me, and I am becoming increasingly convinced that it was the right choice for me. I haven't saved any drowning babies yet, but I'm...
  4. T

    Do you... uh,

    Wait! What? Troll porn? (shudders) And I thought google was doing so well, refusing to violate their own privacy agreement when the government demanded protected information. Ahh, well, nobody is totally good.
  5. T

    Superman is a big ole jerk.

    "Fingers... Alive... And trying to kill me!" That made my whole day. It was all downhill from there. There's a reason I never got into comic books.
  6. T

    New WoW recruit!

    So I'm all set up now! Amy and I are on the Eridar server. My account name is PuddlepirateTom, and my characters are the human warlock, Desiderious (Claudius was taken), MacDuggan, a dwarven warrior, Illizaria, an elven huntress, and MKTrixie, a gnomish rogue. The MK is coastie speak for...
  7. T

    Happy Holidays

    Happy hollidays from the USCG! Want to know what I did on Christmas? I'm standing watch. I'm not allowed to even leave the ship while on duty. It's not that bad. I talked to my friend and family back in Seattle. And, the ship's cook left us a nice present in the fridge. Steaks and rock...
  8. T

    New WoW recruit!

    After months of badgering me to get into World of Warcraft, my sister finally broke down and friggin' bought it for me for Christmas. She insisted that I open it early. So i'm trying to install it now, and I should be done soon. Just wondering if anyone else here plays on the Eridar server...
  9. T

    Hi again!

    Yeah, and I have so much to look forward to. I will report to the Tate tomorrow afternoon, so my career will begin. After that, I've got MST school, and the large possibility of being commissioned as an officer. I can't wait to see what the future will bring! Feel free to keep checking my LJ...
  10. T

    Hi again!

    I'm lazy and don't care to rewrite what I just wrote. So if any of ya's actually care what I've been up to the past couple months, you can follow this link . Unfortunately, I will not be seeing any of you any time soon. I will be soaking up the sun(Yeah, right) in Philadelphia. My next...
  11. T

    Puddle Pirates!

    Again, I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. It's been fun. I'm sorry I couldn't make the sept. event. My cousin was getting married. But the last game day was fun! I don't suppose I'll forget the Official Beat Up Tom Day for a while. I will ship out tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited...
  12. T


    I don't know what this game is you guys are talking about, but I did coincidentally find H.P. Lovecraft's short story, "The Call of Cthulhu," last night. It was pretty awesome. The 'black winged things of the earth' he spoke of reminded me of the 'dark ones' seen in the Flash game.
  13. T


    This is the scariest thing I have seen in a while. I saw the entirety of The Ring without being the slightest bit creeped out, but this flash game scared the S#!T out of me! It's difficult to describe, but immagine Tim Burton, but even creepier, and more satanic. I found myself litterally afraid...
  14. T

    Why play World of Warcraft?

    'Nuff said! MMPORGs are becoming increasingly popular, and taking over more and more people's lives. If you extrapolated the current trends into the near future, just about every person on the planet will be spending long hours on these things. It's a true story that there are people that...
  15. T

    Last Goodbye

    Oh, I know. I'm making sure to get everything in writing before I commit. But thanks for the advice! And the whole lieutenant thing, is really unlikely to happen anytime soon. Most people graduate with a mere 'Ensign' title.
  16. T

    Last Goodbye

    I'm sorry I missed you this weekend. There was a camping trip for my marine biology class, and it would have sucked to miss. I was hoping to announce this in person, but it looks like that won't be an option. I'm sorry. This may sound a bit sudden, but I will be leaving the northwest for a...
  17. T

    Best Flash Game Ever!

    Remember those old-school kid's books you used to love so much, where you were faced with decisions throughout the book. What were they called, something like "Choose Your Own Bloody Demise?" I forget. Anyway, this flash game is kind of like that, but without all that pestering reading you...
  18. T

    July 4, 2005 - FEED THE BOX!

    Yeah, it's doesn't look my roommates are trying very hard to have plans for the 4th. Directions would be wonderful. I may have to take the bus from Seattle, so if it's in Tacoma or something, I may have to pass. Whatever, I'll figure it out.
  19. T

    July 4, 2005 - FEED THE BOX!

    Imbibe and then dance? So, this is DDDR, right? I've got about half a fifth of Morgan's that has been sitting there, and I can't seem to find an excuse to use it. My roommates seem to be planning something. Apparently we are going to go to Gasworks to watch stuff, but they've been pretty lazy...
  20. T

    A great big HELLO!!!!!

    Welcome back!