April event pre-registration: PRE-REG IS CLOSED

Re: April event pre-registration

Dave, you're on the wrong pre-reg list.
Re: April event pre-registration

But Dave, you already agreed to (i.e. I informed you that you were) playing ALL the Monsters.
Re: April event pre-registration

But in doing so, I would inevitably create some kind of monstrous vortex of ultimate doom, wiping out the game world as we know it. Toddo, I just can't bear the guilt. :oops:
Re: April event pre-registration

Khorwyn Brey said:
But in doing so, I would inevitably create some kind of monstrous vortex of ultimate doom, wiping out the game world as we know it. Toddo, I just can't bear the guilt. :oops:

I'm not sure I can bear the thought of a game where NOT all the monsters are played by Dave, guys.
Re: April event pre-registration

Dave, you're only allowed to PC when I PC Drak. He needs an example of a "human ranger" to point out to the other elves.
Re: April event pre-registration

Cozy said:
PCing loudly XD Vocal chords are all rested from a winter of not wailing!

God damnit... My ears...

Re: April event pre-registration

Khorwyn Brey said:
Fine, Scott, but only if you make a new condescending song about me at each event! ;)

I do that already, but I only sing it to the elves.
Re: April event pre-registration

I'll be there PC'ing Kantil
Re: April event pre-registration

Just to confirm (since we've had a few questions about it) ;)

Dustin & I do have 2 private rooms booked - this is intentional - we are expecting about 8 people total and we just decided to book both rooms since we didn't all want to be squished into one. If we have fewer people than expected (which isn't likely, but we all know how that goes ;)) - we are totally happy to give up the second room, at this point it doesn't look like it will be an issue, but we wanted to be sure we had a place to stay (and didn't want to book multiple hotel rooms). Sorry for all of the confusion, we didn't think it'd be a big issue... lol :thumbsup:
Re: April event pre-registration

Put Rayna on the PC list please! :) Can't wait!
Re: April event pre-registration

Hey there, can I use my credit from last year? I'd be playing Ferra.
Re: April event pre-registration

Re: April event pre-registration

LANA PCing!!! WOO! I have yet to see this happen! ::Brain explode:: I'm so excited! :D SO MANY DWARVES! <3
Re: April event pre-registration

If all goes as planned 8-10 dwarves.
Re: April event pre-registration

Unfortunately this event has about as many trolls in it as Troll 2.
Re: April event pre-registration

Ashbiry opener "the wrath of niblog" i will come and beat them with my mighty meat hammer and bacon restraints!