April event pre-registration: PRE-REG IS CLOSED

Re: April event pre-registration

I believe she is NPCing the opener. I also believe your sister is driving her there. I believe all kinds of things though, so who knows... :thumbsup:
Re: April event pre-registration

NoahMink said:
I am attending along with a group of approximately 24 people to NPC. We are from the Binghamton University LARP club and are looking forwards to being your army. The following is the list of people who are coming, some of them might register themselves on this page as well.

Noah Mink,
Brandon Heller-Sabet,
Shannon O'Connor,
James Friedman,
Erika Noach,
Sam Bertrand,
Mei Kurakake,
John Zelezny,
George Jaray,
Andrew Fiegel,
Sandy Hays,
Laura Oreki,
Andrew Lin,
Ryan Cordova,
Andrew Varga,
Mike Zurita,
Drew McClary,
Anne O'Reily,
Akiva Blickstein,
Caleb Valentin,
Chelsea McGovern,
Becky Belisle,
Nathan Something,
Becca King

Re: April event pre-registration

Robb Graves said:
I believe she is NPCing the opener. I also believe your sister is driving her there. I believe all kinds of things though, so who knows... :thumbsup:

Re: April event pre-registration

You can put Balls down as PC
Re: April event pre-registration

Yes, I have plans to carpool with Willow!! It will be AWESOME! Maggie, we also need to figure out who is carpooling our other new Philly friend, lol. Figure out your schedule and reply, please, so I know what's goin down! :) (If you end up taking him, then I would still have a seat open in my car for anyone from the Lancaster-ish area who wants to leave around 3pm on Friday! :D Carpool FTW!)
Re: April event pre-registration

This opener just got crazy big! :noway: Thanks in advance to the Binghamton University LARP Club! You guys and gals were wonderful to have with us last year, and we look forward to you continuing to multiply and throw yourselves on our swords again and again. :thumbsup:

While I'm posting about new arrivals, could people who are PCing for the first time please announce themselves? We are doing some new things this season to welcome new players and introduce them to the game, and I'd like to get a rough head count in advance. I recognize most of the names on the Pre-Registered list, but again, if you are new please let me know. Thanks! :D
Re: April event pre-registration

Khorwyn Brey said:
This opener just got crazy big! :noway: Thanks in advance to the Binghamton University LARP Club! You guys and gals were wonderful to have with us last year, and we look forward to you continuing to multiply and throw yourselves on our swords again and again. :thumbsup:

While I'm posting about new arrivals, could people who are PCing for the first time please announce themselves? We are doing some new things this season to welcome new players and introduce them to the game, and I'd like to get a rough head count in advance. I recognize most of the names on the Pre-Registered list, but again, if you are new please let me know. Thanks! :D

I'm bringing 2 new Pc's with me, just haven't gotten them to pre-reg yet :)
Is there an email I should have them contact you at?

Thanks -
Re: April event pre-registration

More people should pre-reg. Do you know what kind of evil I can accomplish with a mythical 1-1 ratio?

Re: April event pre-registration

Shameless plug for food committee: we are now up to 66+ people for the event and only 45.00 in food donations. If you are comming to the event please consider sending 5-10 bucks for food. It's for the whole weekend, and its good food. Without the donations, this is going to get rough.

PS: awesome to have so many new people comming.

Re: April event pre-registration

Khorwyn Brey said:

Thanks for bringing new people! Posting here to let me know is just fine, but any player, new or veteran, is welcome to email me at jadoflux@hotmail.com if they have questions or concerns. :)
Thanks Dave -

I think I have their questions mostly under control - but I want to make sure they get the most fantastic of newbie experiences :) Even though they are coming along with a bunch of vets :)
Re: April event pre-registration


if they dont have characters already please have them contact me so we can prelogist them.


Re: April event pre-registration

I'll be there but won't be able to register until the 15th of April if I'm going to PC. I'll be playing deg, is there any room in the Nordenn cabin?
Re: April event pre-registration

Just pre-registered.

Anyone want to throw in with me for that open cabin?

HtM / Qualin Brightoak.
Re: April event pre-registration

Really wish I could Henry. I miss house Redeemer (but it might be making a debut on the West Coast :) ))

Have an awesome opener gang!
Re: April event pre-registration

Aggravain said:

if they dont have characters already please have them contact me so we can prelogist them.


Kyle -

I'm working on it, but they are new COMPLETELY to larping so it takes a while to get it all settled. I'll get them to you when I can, but I don't want to rush them & turn them off to the game.

Re: April event pre-registration

Kyle, can you throw Nordenn down for a cabin?

Tom H/Ulthoc
JP Gullo/Gregor
Buddy Harris/Nuheren
Henry "TM" Hart/Qualin

(Okay, so Henry isn't Nordenn anymore... what can I say? Old habits die hard....)