Bin Laden Dead!

Robb Graves said:
Ithica said:
Imagine what kinda state the world would be in if Ronald Regan was in office the past 10 years or so?

bad dude... real bad. a corpse in office... necromancy legal.. the black forrest guys would be senators or governors by now.. :yummy:

Fearless Leader said:
Deadlands said:
I trust that his head could have been stuck on a pike on the white house lawn and there would still be a sizeable portion of the American population incapable of admitting he's dead, and subsequently screaching "conspiracy!"

People who believe in these conspiracy theories amaze me. Especially for things like aliens landing in Area 51 and the US not landing on the moon.

Do you realize how many people would have to know about this and keep silent about it if that were true? Whereas only one person with the truth could write a book and make a million dollars exposing it.

Our government has a terrible time keeping secrets. Even little secrets. Ask Bill Clinton. Ask Richard Nixon. Look up wikileaks. To think they could keep these huge things secret just stretches credibility to the breaking point.

Yup. I've worked for two state governments, and while I'm sure federal work is different in many many ways, I am fairly certain a couple things remain the same. 1) All it takes is one inept employee to drop the ball, and we have no shortage of those. 2) We are too disorganized and ideologically fractured to coordinate large scale cover ups.

As your examples do suggest...
Dom said:
Silverharp said:
Here's hoping my lads and lasses in the sand box come home safe.
And all the others, of course.

not to shoot you down or anything but troops won't be coming home for another few years or so. The "war on terror" has forced major terrorist organizations to break down into much smaller, scattered cells working independently of each other. Though Osama was a figurehead, it's not as if their leadership was shattered. To be perfectly honest this is probably one of the most dangerous times to be in the middle east.
Oh, I know. I'm saying that I'll save the celebrating for when they're home safe.
just throwing this out there but it allso could be fake, he could be dead yes he could of been blown up a wile a go maybe even.... but anyone elis find it odd hes killed on the same date as hitter was back then and the week before the 10 year mark of the tower tragedy???? or is that just thinking are governments would be smart enough to know it needed amoral booster?
If he was still alive Al Jazeera would be spending ALL of its energy trying to make us doubt our government.

They would have an easy time of it too considering that people are willing to accept unrelated facts as correlative evidence.

I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a prepared video release saying that he's still alive. If I was a shadow leader of world-wide infamy, that's what I'd have done. Perhaps he simply didn't believe he could be caught.

I recommend that everyone take some time today, or someday soon, to reflect that bin Laden, his guards, everyone who gave their lives for the jihad and all those that will are still human beings, who at one time had mothers and fathers, were once infants who held no evil in them that isn't present in everyone. Yesterday's accomplishment was absolutely a step forward for the western world, but for humanity as a whole, it was at most making up for one of several steps back.
With Bin Laden dead, Waldo has reclaimed his title of "world's best hide and seek player" with Carmen Sandiego in a close second place.
Fearless Leader said:
People who believe in these conspiracy theories amaze me. Especially for things like aliens landing in Area 51 and the US not landing on the moon.

My grandmother went to her grave believing we didn't land on the moon. If only she watched the Mythbuster's special on it... :)

Although there is still a small part of me that believes in the whole Roswell crash thingie. I do agree that our government has trouble keeping secrets but this was post WW II and color television wasn't even invented yet. Note that I'm not going to debate this issue as anyone can read a plethora of documents on the web for both sides. I'm sure we'd have had a different story if Mac Brazel was able to tweet "nekkid bald dudes lyin' on my lawn FTW!" and upload a pic to facebook.

Oh, and for the Osama thing - Just goes to show how bad of a president Obama is - ordering the death of a fellow muslin.

((Joke ripped off from Craig Fuergerson))
RiddickDale said:
So burial at sea in international waters was the only real option.


The Laurentian Abyss is
seven miles below sea level,
deepest place on our planet. ;)
Fearless Leader said:
People who believe in these conspiracy theories amaze me. Especially for things like aliens landing in Area 51 and the US not landing on the moon.

as far as the moon landing, I could care less whether or not the original one was fake because we have since been to the moon several times. As far as Area 51, though it may not be aliens, there is something out there in New Mexico that the government doesn't want people to see. If not, then explain the security patrols that are authorized to shoot on sight.
Zymm said:
RiddickDale said:
So burial at sea in international waters was the only real option.


The Laurentian Abyss is
seven miles below sea level,
deepest place on our planet. ;)

When i first glanced at this i thought, "no way, is this a haiku?!?!" Then i actually read it. In disappointment, i turned it into a haiku:

There he's laid to rest:
Seven miles below the Sea
Deepest place on Earth
Dom said:
As far as Area 51, though it may not be aliens, there is something out there in New Mexico that the government doesn't want people to see. If not, then explain the security patrols that are authorized to shoot on sight.
NOBODY better lay a finger on their Butterfinger.
Dom said:
Fearless Leader said:
People who believe in these conspiracy theories amaze me. Especially for things like aliens landing in Area 51 and the US not landing on the moon.

as far as the moon landing, I could care less whether or not the original one was fake because we have since been to the moon several times. As far as Area 51, though it may not be aliens, there is something out there in New Mexico that the government doesn't want people to see. If not, then explain the security patrols that are authorized to shoot on sight.

Oh, forgot to mention that there is a reflector on the Moon where you can shoot a laser to and it will bounce back and you can judge the distance between us and the moon. No matter what anyone says, SOMEONE had to set that up on the Moon's end. :)

As for shooting people on site and security patrols - the same thing can be found at many military installations and top secret government research stations and not just at Area 51. It is just that this one has been linked to aliens which are cool and no one really gives a crap about the island off the coast of New York/New Jersey that is working on/with substances that would make anthrax look like pixie stixs.
prashka said:
When i first glanced at this i thought, "no way, is this a haiku?!?!" Then i actually read it. In disappointment, i turned it into a haiku:

There he's laid to rest:
Seven miles below the Sea
Deepest place on Earth

Haikus are easy
but sometimes do not make sense
Apparently there is a video game company planning to release the mission to kill OBL as an FPS.

As a gamer.... this disgusts me.

I wrote all my thoughts on this on my column last night.

But, suffice ti to say... I'm angry about it.

RiddickDale said:
Apparently there is a video game company planning to release the mission to kill OBL as an FPS.

As a gamer.... this disgusts me.

I wrote all my thoughts on this on my column last night.

But, suffice ti to say... I'm angry about it.


Probably Treyarch for COD: Black Ops 2