I only brought up the crusades, as a reference to Al Qaida claiming to be some big holy group, or are only motivated by "Ala wills it". Same **** was said by the pope and crusaders during the crusade. My point is just because people claim one thing, doesn't mean there are not other motivations or intentions.
I never said the US is rooted in horror.. again dont read into anything. I think sometimes translation gets lost in emails/ message boards.. I agree with your statement "The "darker side" of American freedom is present in each generation, and each generation strives to quell those urges, turn them back, and reduce their impact." But let me declare.. i am not unhappy about that darker side of America. I love life, and while i hate a lot of standards and things about this country and policies. I still love living here and enjoying what i can, regardless of how other countries perceive me or not. But regardless of how each generation may try or think they change, the world will always have a good and bad guy. And each side will always deal with the problem the best they know how.
I agree with some of the other stuff you said as well. specially "think we should strive to embrace ideals which lead us toward concepts like Civil Rights, Suffrage, and Humanitarian Relief and away from concepts like pogrom, religious slaughter, and imperialism. "
But at the end of the day I think we need to worry about this country and the problems within first. Im not saying don't help japan, or step in when other countries need help. But cut back on the outreach and help inside these borders first.
I want you to know this comment holds much weight with me... "¿Do you think indulging in play-murder is more likely to create fertile grounds for the former ideas or the later?"
While part of me says, we indulge in play murder all the time. These boards are set up on a game that has "play murder in it"......
It made me read this entire thread and peoples points of views a little different.
How Let me see if i can explain it. While I myself would think nothing about a game to hunt Bin Laden, then a past time and thrill of hunt. I DO now see why others might not, or might think its a big problem.
I feel the media, entertainment and other sources like the News motivates some people. A famous movie star might turn to drugs because they are washed up, but now he sees a program on TV (VH1 Dr. Drew crap) and may think.. **** if i do drugs, i can be on TV. Or lets see, a bunch of High School kids go to school and shoot a bunch of people in the building. But the way the media portrays it, or other sources portray it is wrong. There is almost an instant forgiveness, or some sort of blame or 'excuse' why they did it. Then we make a movie about it, write a book, or do interviews with the guy from Jail. If we drag the kids who did the first shooting out into the streets, and whip them or hang them per say ( I AM ONLY MAKING AN EXAMPLE).. I bet it would do better to deter others from going to schools and shooting people.
But with Jerry , Maury and shows like that. It has almost become and accepted way of life. No accountability for these people fathering children and then running off, no lash backs. Because we have to many hand outs and to much forgiveness.
So i guess i have a better perspective on why some dislike the idea of this game, I guess i take it as some may feel that our "standards" are being stretched and our tolerance or expectation from our fellow Americans may be falling slightly each day, or each time a game like this is released.
But does that mena we should stop making movies about bank robbers. Did the Movie "Heat" ( A great movie btw) influence people to go rob a bank. Im sure some radical crazy fook somewhere came up with a plan. But most people watched the movie for what it was, entertainment, drama, a story with a satisfactory ending ( I for one feels the wrong person got shot at the end).
If this game was never made, or they came out and said "do to certain circumstances, this Game will not be made". I wouldn't care, I would probably call someone a ***** or something and move on.
Just like if a button could be pushed to make every gun in the world disappear. Being a gun owner, class 3 license, pistol permit, and a member of the NRA. I would still push that button in a second!
But since there is not a button. I might as well keep filling 30 round clips for my Ar-15 machine gun for when someone invades my house, or Zombies start to take over, whichever.
(Edited for profanity. -Paladin of Chaos)