Cabins at HQ Site --- Important!!!


Yeah the porta potties are definitely much better than the ones we had at the old Maryland site... I am sure both Tonya and Scott can remember those... I refused to use it. I think I used to find some place in the "bush" and hope it didn't have poison ivy.

I love the showers!

I really love this site. There is sleeping areas in the big barn, you can pitch a tent (but make sure you stake it well due to the rain washing it away if there are major downpours), sometimes there are really NICE canvas tents already pictched that you could sleep in, and now there will be cabins in addition to that.

Very cool. Every time you go to the site you see the changes that FairePlay makes. It is as if you see the improvements that your $$ brings and it si very visible. Makes you want more and more events to go to.

- J
every time I drive by the montrose exit on my way to NJ I think, look at how much closer that is
only 3 hours now instead of 4 1/2
True true. The showers there are awesome! And I have to say, sleeping in cabins will be much better than a tent. I can't stand to be that close to so many snorers! At least a cabin gives me more than about 6"-1' distance.

It's either that or stay up all night, and you wouldn't like me on low levels of sleep. :evil:
I am not sure if this was answered already or not... but how large are the cabins in terms of how many they sleep? And do we still need to provide cots/air mattresses?

Also--will the cabins be assigned first come first serve or will you be able to pre-register and sign up for them?

The ones that I had talked to Eric about were 12' x 16' and would sleep 8-10 people.

I know that they do not come equipped with beds inside, but I don't know if they intend to install them.

No idea on the rest of it :-)
We intend on putting bunk beds in during the season. No promises on when that will happen though. We also intend on putting some in the common room and also for NPCs. Again, no promises on time frame, but they will get done. We will not have mattresses for the foreseeable future however, so even once they are up you should bring an air mattress or bed roll.

The cabins should sleep 8-10, more if you don't mind cramming.

These things take time, but they will get done as fast as we can reasonably make them happen. Right now we're all itching to get up there and get some work done, but the weather is just not conducive to such things. It's generally 10-15 degrees colder up there than it is in NJ, with a lot more snow. But that does make for more comfy sleeping nights in July and August.

Once again, at least personally, I would like to thank the Faireplay staff for giving us a permanent home. It's nice to see this dream come to fruition, and moreso every year.

You guys rock.
I think Eric said that FairePlay was getting 2 of those for PCs

if we figure 10 people per cabin plus 10 in the common room of the Inn, that's 30 PCs. last even we had 60 Pcs.

so are the Cabins prereg first come first serve?
Stop spreading misinformation Robb.

Currently we have no cabins. We are planning on ordering at least 3 PC cabins that will sleep at least 8-10.

With all of this, keep the caveat in mind that they will get there when they get there, as things like ground prepartion, late construction and delivery, etc. will all come into play. We are hoping to have them for the first event, but there are never really any guarantees with construction.

I can guarantee that the roof of the barn has been repaired and that there is a completed back wall on the tavern and the common room (because those things are done).

We will keep everyone informed as things develop.

um, i don't mean to spread anything... aven had asked about whether they were first come first serve.. i was only continuing that discussion.. i know it's all speculation as faireplay hasn't announced anything as offical.. sorry. :cry:

sounds like we will still need to tent for a while, which is all good. I at least have one of those :D
I cant wait to see the site!
Everyone just needs to be patient! We're building and fixing the place up as fast as we can given time and resources.

Just remember that the more events you attend and the more friends you bring, the more money we will have for building and repairing. We are just as excited and anxious as you are to have this stuff done -- for once, the people running the camp have the same interests as you the player!
I haven't mentioned the specific number of cabins because we are still working on figuring that out. It is a significant capital expenditure as well as a large project beyond just purchasing the cabins as you have to prepare the ground upon which the cabins will sit.

In addition, the reason we haven't made an official announcement is because we are still in the process and don't want to announce something that hasn't happened yet. But hang in there. We are doing everything we can to continue to improve the site and we are hopeful that you will all be pleased with the progress.

Remember, we haven't owned the site for even a year yet, but we've made some huge improvements. And we hope to have some great stuff completed before the first event (April 4-6), so plan to attend a lot of HQ events this summer!

--- Eric Stehle
I don't think anyone is being impatient per se. Just trying to stay informed and plan ahead.

I know that for me personally, it is difficult to attend events at all due to my careers and their ******** schedules. My mom has to schedule visits with me 2 months in advance and she only lives 30 minutes away (not kidding).

Any notice we can receive in advance about lodging or whatever, helps to help me plan ahead accordingly. I'll assume that since I got the smack down on asking about whether PCs will need to pre reg for the cabin space that you don't know yet, and that regardless I should plan on sleeping in a tent in case the cabins don't happen in time. sorry to cause offence, I’ll just wait for official announcements from now on.
Robb Graves said:
I don't think anyone is being impatient per se. Just trying to stay informed and plan ahead.

I know that for me personally, it is difficult to attend events at all due to my careers and their ******** schedules. My mom has to schedule visits with me 2 months in advance and she only lives 30 minutes away (not kidding).

Any notice we can receive in advance about lodging or whatever, helps to help me plan ahead accordingly. I'll assume that since I got the smack down on asking about whether PCs will need to pre reg for the cabin space that you don't know yet, and that regardless I should plan on sleeping in a tent in case the cabins don't happen in time. sorry to cause offence, I’ll just wait for official announcements from now on.

No offense! Everyone is excited and want to know, including us. But rather than announce our intentions (which are many) we instead wish to announce when projects are completed.

So yeah, prepare for the worst (tents) and hope for the best (cabins) and we'll announce when the cabins are available.
To those who are planning to go, you'll love the place.

I have been to four different types of campsites during my short time in Alliance.

There was the fall/spring site Camp Lindenmere, the winter site Camp Hope, the interim site at Camp Minsi, and now a permament site.

This place already has a great start (a shower room, tavern, trails, etc.) and it has the potential for upcoming projects (a modular space under the tavern, cabins, etc.)

The first year showed reat improvements to the site, and I can't wait to see what changes the next year will have in store.

While we are on the subject...

Is the electrical system in the barn fixed so that the circuit breaker as much?