Cabins at HQ Site --- Important!!!

I am excited to see the new site, I wasnt able to last year for health reasons
so here is to camping in the snow
shyacorak said:
I am excited to see the new site, I wasnt able to last year for health reasons
so here is to camping in the snow

We're excited to have you back Tonya!

Hopefully there won't be snow, but who knows. There might be snow, it might be in th 80s. There are also pretty inexpensive hotels with 30 minutes ($50 a night, which is cheap almost anywhere in the US).

If it's too cold, we'll figure out some way to make a warm area for people to congregate. Macgyver skills activate!

there are always ways to keep people warm. it takes skills to keep them all in the same room afraid for their lives and warm

I am sooooo happy to be back
Since we cannot officially plan on having cabins as of yet, I was wondering if anyone could offer up further information on the local hotel situation. I know several players have stayed off site, and while this isn't the most authentic experience one could have, I think it might beat having to try and steal space in the common room, or risk losing a tent in one of our many inevitable horizontal rain disasters. If anyone has contact information, or opinions on the quality of any of the local hotels, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks! :D - Dave
Khorwyn Brey said:
Since we cannot officially plan on having cabins as of yet, I was wondering if anyone could offer up further information on the local hotel situation. I know several players have stayed off site, and while this isn't the most authentic experience one could have, I think it might beat having to try and steal space in the common room, or risk losing a tent in one of our many inevitable horizontal rain disasters. If anyone has contact information, or opinions on the quality of any of the local hotels, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks! :D - Dave

Forgive me for not searching (busy tonight) but I believe information was in a previous OOG newsletter... check out recent ones on the web page...
I was just sleeping in my car at the last event. I got a smaller car and am a larger person its not bad if you know that your going to be doing it and plan ahead for it. I made a bed by folding down the back seat and laying into the tunk area. It was nice not to have to drive at silly:30 in the am. And the heater was a huge +. I just could not see spending $50 to sleep somewhere for 3 hours.

It is our hope that no one *has* to sleep in their cars or get a motel this season at the Faire Play site. As we have said, we are working hard on getting cabins to the site and we have some other plans as well, so hang in there!

--- Eric Stehle
After the cold October event last year, I thought I would play it safe and look into hotel/motel/B&B's in the area JUST in case it was going to be a very cold weekend.

I don't really like the whole idea of paying to sleep for a few hours off-site, but I am starting a new job that doesn't give me sick days for a while--so I see the pro's of paying extra to sleep in a warm place.

Anyway, here is the information that I found:

In New Milford -- about 15-20 miles from the campsite

Blue Ridge Motel
361 Main Street
New Milford, PA
1 DB - 50 + tax
1 KG - 55 + tax
2 DB - 65 + tax
* per night

Parkview Hotel
197 Main Street
New Milford, PA
1 DB - 46.35 + tax / night
** no availablity right now as they have people staying long term, but they suggest calling closer to event.

Montrose, PA (about 5 miles from site)

The Montrose House - Inn (B&B that has rooms with shared bathrooms, private baths, etc. -- all range in price & include deluxe continental breakfast)
26 S. Main Street
Montrose, PA
1 DB with bath & shower/tub - 71.00 / night

There are a few other B&B's in Montrose, but they seem to be higher in price than $64.00 a night.

Hope this helps!

As you can see, the hotels in the area are pretty inexpensive, and broken up among 4 people it's not too bad.

We are continuing to work hard to eliminate the need for hotels and have the site self sufficient. In fact, I had to take a call about the cabin project as I typed this.

Aven said:
Parkview Hotel
197 Main Street
New Milford, PA
1 DB - 46.35 + tax / night
** no availablity right now as they have people staying long term, but they suggest calling closer to event.


Does the "staying long term" scare anyone else? That's usually a sign of a boarding house, not a hotel.

There is also one behind one of the pizza place in Montrose on 706 for about $55 a night. I can't for the life of me remember it's name. It's clean and cheap and has lovely furniture from the 70s.
Yeah the bording house motel seemed a bit scary... but they are the cheapest too. Not sure what is up with that. I did place a call in with another Inn in Montrose. That may be the one you are referring to Scott, but I am not sure. They sounded expensive and their rooms are more B&B style with shared bathrooms than private ones.

Personally, I would like to stay as close to the camp as possible because then I don't have to drive as far when I am tired.

But again--playing it by ear. The site itself is great to stay in... it just was seriously cold in October. I don't think I would have minded as much if I had my electric blanket turned on. :) Mmmm warm electric blankets.

Actually... you know there was one event that was colder than the October event--that was the November event at Lindenmere when we blew out the power for the camp. OMG that was soooo cold. I don't want to be that cold.

I am getting too old to be hard core. How sad is that?
I hate to be cold, too, Jess. But I gotta tell ya, I brought three huge comforters and I was sooo cozy. Then in the morning, the sun warmed up my tent by trapping the heat inside and it was great. Maybe my tent is just a "magical greenhouse effect" tent, but by 9:00 am, I was sweating under my comforters!

Plus, having a hot shower in the morning warms your bones!

And the tavern is basically sealed now, so that's another bonus!

Bring on the April event! I am psyched!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
See now I think there is something messed up with me. (ha ha ha I am sure plenty will agree for various reasons) But I have a hard time staying warm. Even when it is hot outside. I can be cold in the summer! It is crazy. I had a heat generator (Brian), several blankets, flannel sheets, two sleeping bags, and was wearing thermals and I couldn't get warm.

It doesn't help if I haven't had much sleep... it is all the more harder for me to get warm. Maybe I need to pack on the muscles and become my own heat generating machine... who knows. But I agree with you... if you can keep your core warm then it isn't so bad.

Another key difference between October and April is the fact that October you are going from warm to cold. In April you are going from cold to warm... so your body is better acclimated for the cold weather.

I have a plan though... bed warmers! Apparently they make them and I figure if I can just have that added warmth next to me, then I may be able to do it and not be shivering for an hour before I pass out. That and I am going to get some super duper thermals AND super socks that I can put toe warmers in. If your feet and head are warm, then your body often warms up faster.

This idea comes from Shiela who is the master at ingenius ideas to increase comfort!


I know how you feel. sometimes I just cant get warm, no matter how warm it already is, or how warm I "should" be
Aven said:
Actually... you know there was one event that was colder than the October event--that was the November event at Lindenmere when we blew out the power for the camp. OMG that was soooo cold. I don't want to be that cold.

That event at Lindenmere was the only time in my (almost) 10 years of NERO/Alliance that I said "F@%# this!" and opted for the hotel.

---Mike E.