Dryad Race

Frank Wiccan said:
just somthing funny to think about...

Dryads are people of plant and wood and dont use metal they use wood items but wouldnt that be like humans swinging Flesh items?
I know its clasic fantasy for them to do this and its neat dont get me wrong and i am not saying it should be like this but it just strikes me as funny
that it works like this.

The Dryad race seems awsome while I dont think I would play one I think the idea is super cool


I see where you're getting that, but the assumed relationship is a little off. They simply don't use metal. They use rock or wood because there aren't really any other options, not necessarily because they desire to. If I played one as a PC I'd make a mace that looks like granite.
Frank Wiccan said:
Dryads are people of plant and wood and dont use metal they use wood items but wouldnt that be like humans swinging Flesh items?
I know its clasic fantasy for them to do this and its neat dont get me wrong and i am not saying it should be like this but it just strikes me as funny that it works like this.

I believe when faced with that general question IG, we took the drop-vegan approach to it: "It had already fallen/died, so we used it, but we didn't go rip it from the tree ourselves." We figured that while wood was certainly our most valuable material, we weren't going to sacrifice the living trees themselves.
Fearless Leader said:
They are a race -- NOT plant scavengers. You should not make yourself look like an animated plant, but a human with plant like markings, leaves, and such.

A dryad should not have a mushroom head any more than a biata should have a beak or a human have a monkey's tail.

Simmer down good sir! You know me! You think I'm really going to take my costuming cues from some jackass walking around in a foam mushroom suit at some festival? Though eternally hilarious...

I'm going to look like some jackass in a foam bush with gigantic flowers surrounded by Kelsey in a bee suit sitting on the massive bulb reps that trail behind my gargantuan mass of fauna. Don't worry, it's gonna be classy!

It's like you don't know me at all! :lol:



Pleeeeeease! :twisted:

Alliance transformed him into a new playable race, love transformed him even more!
If I can be a little blue... "Getting wood" takes on a whole new meaning. :mrgreen:

I totally want to play an Italian gypsy in red overalls and start chasing that guy screaming "One-Up!!! Givea me mah one-up!!!" :lol:

The idea sounds interesting, and should definitely create some awesome roleplay for people who always thought of their mwes as "dryadish". Resists Binding is kinda hoopty, and will definitely encourage people playing the new race for that ability, if not the groovy roleplay that plot teams will hopefully create to premiere the race. With there being so much "find out later" being put out, though, it's hard to get too excited about the race. As it stands, we get to be excited about three things:
1 - Dressing up with leaves in our hair.
2 - Resist Bind
3 - Calling ourselves Dryads.

One question I have concerning racial makeup requirements is whether or not this means that non-Dryads will no longer be able to wear leaves in their hair and/or green tattoos on their faces?

I'm kinda confused about the intent behind the "-6 max AV with real armor, but no -6 max av with AA" thing. Seems like it should be one way or the other. It also seems somewhat needless, given the "no metal" restriction.

I may have misread the intent of the "preview" but I've always thought the idea of having a mass-of-build character on the books as running counter to the intent of the game... we don't allow rewrites of new characters for experienced players, yet we allow characters that aren't assigned a race, class and set of skills to be built up? So, while I think it's awesome to get a preview of a new rule, I'm saddened that "build-o-botting" is officially encouraged.
Quinn said:
AllianceCHI said:
Ranch Aura?... I like it.... but I'm sorta partial to Catalina... mostly because thats a bitch and a 1/2 to call out.

5 catalina, 5 catalina....see what I mean?

Ceaser Aura ftw (or Creamy Ceaser!) though I will admit Catalina would be more impressive in color and texture during battle.
Now-- how do we get croutons? I don't want to have to bring my own they may get crushed. Can we add that as a spell to Eldritch Force or something?

(lol- love those Dryads)

and so their racial plot begins in Ohio: Weedwacker Golems (assuming I can get Our Illustrious Owner to approve that...)

I see year-old bread being used as deadly crouton thrown weapons against the leafy menace. With your Creamy Caesar aura, and your ally, Garbanzo, you'll be victorious! =)
Tetsu said:
Pleeeeeease! :twisted:

Alliance transformed him into a new playable race, love transformed him even more!

Coggin, have you read any of the old Swamp Thing comics? Specifically Alan Moore and Rick Veitch's runs? They're...really REALLY surreal.

Though...oooh...glorious wonderful ideas.

Sadly, Perry, I have not. When I was searching around last night I saw some stuff on that and it looked really cool though.
Aswith the other buyable racials, Resist Binding will become a choosable skill for scavengers, right? I can see the spider scavengers being all over that.
Tetsu said:
Fearless Leader said:
They are a race -- NOT plant scavengers. You should not make yourself look like an animated plant, but a human with plant like markings, leaves, and such.

A dryad should not have a mushroom head any more than a biata should have a beak or a human have a monkey's tail.

Simmer down good sir! You know me! You think I'm really going to take my costuming cues from some jackass walking around in a foam mushroom suit at some festival? Though eternally hilarious...

I'm going to look like some jackass in a foam bush with gigantic flowers surrounded by Kelsey in a bee suit sitting on the massive bulb reps that trail behind my gargantuan mass of fauna. Don't worry, it's gonna be classy!

It's like you don't know me at all! :lol:



I'm sorry, that really wasn't addressed to you, but to the general public. We did have a player once ask why he couldn't wear a beak as a biata, and I didn't want to have to go through that again...
jpariury said:
I'm kinda confused about the intent behind the "-6 max AV with real armor, but no -6 max av with AA" thing. Seems like it should be one way or the other. It also seems somewhat needless, given the "no metal" restriction

It is indeed.

But as I said, sometimes in order to get things passed, you have to compromise. ;)
It's cool Mike, you don't have to appologize. I know where you're coming from. I'm just joking around. :)
Other thought, which I suspect will be covered in the rulebook: does the aversion extend to gold/silver/copper coin? If so, that kinda hoses Craftsman Other characters. While getting a tag for some form of "Asset" (artwork, furs, etc.) valued at the appropriate amount can be cool, it tends to suffer from having limited transferability. And if coin is allowed, I hope that it is made clear that you cannot make your armour from those precious metals.

Yet another: Fighters currently have no explicit limit on armour value. Does the new rulebook create such a limit, or do Dryad fighters still have no limit?
jpariury said:
Yet another: Fighters currently have no explicit limit on armour value. Does the new rulebook create such a limit, or do Dryad fighters still have no limit?

Also, if Dryad fighters have -6 armor, does that mean that Wear Extra Armor is a valid skill for them, and thus buyable by other fighters for teaching purposes?
i thought fighters were limited to 30 point suits?

i don't see why dryad fighters should be allowed to have Wear Extra Armor since it's a class restriction. those who play the race get both the positives and the negatives of the racial abilies. the lower armor score would be the negative they just have to accept.

then again, i have nothing to do with the ARC so take my oppiniosn as a grain of salt.
I would say that they would be allowed to take ranks in the skill. The idea of the IG skill is that your character is gettting used to wearing addition/heavier aromor. The issue is that fighters at this point cannot buy that skill, nor can they teach it.
Do the math. If you can only wear non metal armor, that means at most 2 points per location (3 points is defined as heavy metallic). 2 points times 9 locations = 18 points. Add 6 more max for in genre and master crafted and you have 24 max points, which happens to equal 30-6.

Duke Frost said:
Do the math. If you can only wear non metal armor, that means at most 2 points per location (3 points is defined as heavy metallic). 2 points times 9 locations = 18 points. Add 6 more max for in genre and master crafted and you have 24 max points, which happens to equal 30-6.


Scott wins this thread!
Duke Frost said:
Do the math. If you can only wear non metal armor, that means at most 2 points per location (3 points is defined as heavy metallic). 2 points times 9 locations = 18 points. Add 6 more max for in genre and master crafted and you have 24 max points, which happens to equal 30-6.


What type of armor gives 2 points yet does not contain metal?