
It is saddening how insecure you all are that you have to reassure yourselves of your very self-worth. How typically elven.
Hoblings forever!

Dreamingfurther said:
lolz yea I had the same feeling wondering what the hell you were smoking there for a post or two Rob...

But anyways Theo, agreed, I haven't met the HQ dark elves, heard a fair amount about them. In fact heard specifically have the Findarth domination story... but yea, resist boredom, or more like no affect boredom. :D

and for good measure, elves rock!

Actually, the HQ dark elves keep themselves quite occupied and amused at all times. Their sense of humor is just... different. And then... stupid o'clock will hit and boy oh boy... you should see us then.
Wilde_Night said:
Dreamingfurther said:
lolz yea I had the same feeling wondering what the hell you were smoking there for a post or two Rob...

But anyways Theo, agreed, I haven't met the HQ dark elves, heard a fair amount about them. In fact heard specifically have the Findarth domination story... but yea, resist boredom, or more like no affect boredom. :D

and for good measure, elves rock!

Actually, the HQ dark elves keep themselves quite occupied and amused at all times. Their sense of humor is just... different. And then... stupid o'clock will hit and boy oh boy... you should see us then.

I'm sure it will happen some day. :) And I'm excited for when it does...

Elves Rock!
Dreamingfurther said:
Elves Rock!
[Insert a bad pun relating Rock to Stone Elves.]
Elves Rock!
Libras said:
Dreamingfurther said:
Elves Rock!
[Insert a bad pun relating Rock to Stone Elves.]
Elves Rock!

If you throw a rock at an Elf s/he gets high, because s/he then became a Stoned Elf. ;)
A part of me just died...
Race: Elf

Special Abilities: Immortal, Fancy, Better than you at everything

Disadvantages: Fancy, Difficulty in finding someone to mack on who is not your cousin

Racial Enemy: Revisionist Historians, Morgoth the Suck-Lord

Second Corollary: Da Boyz wud Loik ta remind ye that panzees is funnier on fire!
So wait..

If you get a Elf high he becomes a stoned elf.

So if you turn an elf on, does that make him a wood elf?
That's Mystic wood elf, thank you. All those poncy weedeaters just aren't horny enough to pass for proper folk. :twisted:
What's so mystic about getting a boner anyways.

my mom told me it was THE DEVIl!!!!!
FrankManic said:
Race: Elf

Special Abilities: Immortal
I've permed far too many elves for that to be true.
Better than you at everything
Except learning. And using two-handed swords.
Disadvantages: Fancy, Difficulty in finding someone to mack on who is not your cousin
You forgot: take hundreds of years to reach level 1 eptitude while humans do it in 20 or so.
jpariury said:
. And using two-handed swords.

Yeah, what's with the twohanded swords? It's not like they're any harder to use than a longsword. Maybe they just decided not too. Two handers aren't good for much excepting taking horses off at the knees.
FrankManic said:
jpariury said:
. And using two-handed swords.

Yeah, what's with the twohanded swords? It's not like they're any harder to use than a longsword. Maybe they just decided not too. Two handers aren't good for much excepting taking horses off at the knees.

Two words : Limp wrists.