Flavor Spells!

one event when i was still head of food at Hq, i had pulled an all nighter serving dinner, and drinks all night long, served breakfast with 20 min of sleep in me. when somone yelled that we were being attacked by barbarians. So i Grabed my gear and marched with the whole town out to the edge of the woods at the tanersville site. I realized that they were the same group that had eaten my arm and leg a month earlier and just got angry. I charged up on them before anyone else could even stop me, and in a Spite of anger is yelled, "Prepare to die... Disarm your left testicle." The poor NPC just stared as I proceded to beat him to death, in turn doin the same to 3 other NPCs and then just walkin away like it was nothing new.
I once did, while people were throwing flame bolts and dragon's breath all around me, call fourth a vertigo gas poison. :(
Marcena said:
I once did, while people were throwing flame bolts and dragon's breath all around me, call fourth a vertigo gas poison. :(

Technically that would qualify as a blown spell verbal followed by a proper gas globe verbal.
this weekend this undead was fighting with a claw in one hand and a weapon in the other....one of my co-warriors hits him with a DISARM, the NPC promptly dropped his claw, then shrieked and went to pick it up, but then forgot to drop his weapon whereupon he was properly pummeled into oblivion...but watching it was just priceless...i love that little guy he's a gas!

the weird thing for me is that EVERY event starts out OOG where people are hyperly talking about past events and castings that were messed up and stuff like that...and when you're a newbie...you have NO CLUE what they're talking about especially if it gets into ritual magic. so you just sit around and hope you laugh at all the right times.
we used to have opening ceremonies at HQ where we all got in game.. i miss that.. gave you a moment to get into character.. but with all the craziness of the new site and logisitcs and what not, i get why that doesn't happen anymore. still.. after i am all logistified i go somewhere quiet and take a few moments to get into character before i come in.
jnelson said:
From this past weekend:

"I call forth a f..f..f.. .... dammit!"

(I call forth a flamebolt)

A friend of mine had a fun idea: a caster who stutters.

Caster: "I grant you the g...; I grant you the g...; I grant you the..."
Target: "This'll be either really good, or really bad."

Everyone has their own little thing to get into character. I made a playlist of music that REALLY helps me get into the "I's a hapy little Roma" mindset.
my costume gets me into character....and my accent....its funny. i get clothes on...walk out through the unprotected ward door and suddenly I am tzydl....very weird. although when someone compliments something i'm wearing and *I* made it i so badly want to go oog and say "OH I MADE IT" i did go oog accidentally when someone complimented my shoes and said "OH i got themf ro $1 at a used clothing store"....very embarassing.
lol... I think if you actually made it you can get away with it... I know that I have told people who complemented clothes that others have made who made it, referencing their character...

but yeah, I'd avoid, "I got it at Salvation Army!" as a response.
Hrm to quote a specific movie (do you know which one?)

"I take a man, and remove all rational thought and responsibility" :D
we play broadsword and the beast all the way into the camp...
......... :cry:
I wasn't describing Lurin.....(Who was supposed to be the opposite of the above)