
But don't they sort of have makeup/dress restrictions? Like dressing in flashy clothing is out, and beards would be looked askance at...
Humans can wear beards
Dwarves must wear FAKE beards. Just having a real beard does not = dwarf.

otherwise how can you tell dwarves apart from humans apart from other races with beards at a glance?
<<< So someone just dropped a "humans rock" just randomly on the race boards? >>>

Yep. It was me.

I was just saying, you know? Humans..... they rock.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Its ok Jesse-

People start losing it when they get older...

they start having delusions...

Where's my toast?
Dreamingfurther said:
But don't they sort of have makeup/dress restrictions? Like dressing in flashy clothing is out, and beards would be looked askance at...

Nah, I'm bearded and play/have played humans. No prob, but when I play my dwarf I have to wear a fake beard too is all.

And humans can dress flashy if they want, humans can also talk with an outrageous accent if they want, but if they do both they may be asked not to (or at least get mistaken for a gypsy constantly.)

Really the only limitation on humans is "try not to appear as one of the other 'human looking' races" and it's more of a guideline than anything.
Hoyce said:
Really the only limitation on humans is "try not to appear as one of the other 'human looking' races" and it's more of a guideline than anything.

It doesn't seem like "just a guideline". Unless it is also "just a guideline" for any other race to look like thier race (ie: biata wearing feathers, barbarians wearing fur, elves wearing ears, et cetera)

And it will ALWAYS be Romani FTW! :D
All the rules are just guidelines anyway...

Where IS Tom Haswell?
I took it as a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Barbossa "First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules."
I see.....It yet made no sense when concerning the races appearance and proper phys repping of such...... I say GOODAY suh!
Actually it was more an attempt to keep some players from harping on a human who simply has a big fur cloak and saying he/she can't use it because it would be 'too barbarian-y'(for example).

Perhaps a poor choice of words, but I was trying to convey that there's a little wiggle room and that you shouldn't be harped upon if you happen to have ONE aspect of the other human looking races.
It was actually a comment made by Dan Linaweaver (then HQ GM and member of the ARC) to Tom Haswell when Tom asked Dan a question that Dan didn't want to answer (because of the ensuing complications of answering that question in a fashion that logically followed from his previous answers) when he knew what Tom's NEXT question was going to be ;-)
did you hear that crashing noise?

It wasn't a train derailing... it was this thread...
strangely enough being the very very very UNpolitically correct person that i am it spills over into my game play and i'm constantly looking at people and saying "so what are you?" I never take anything for granted except the ears = elves but then there's quite a few different types and if their a mwe wearing a hat and i miss the horns i don't want to assume and with all the bearded humans I just ask...hehehehehe...we all know what assuming does...
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
and with all the bearded humans I just ask...hehehehehe...we all know what assuming does...

You should never have to ask if someone is a Dwarf or not. They must always wear a fake beard and the only ones allowed to wear a fake beard. Fake Beard = Dwarf