
I'm honestly now a little bit confused about the beard thing. I thought that people with big enough real beards could use those for their "Dwarf" beards. Perhaps this is not within the rules and if so that’s something I wasn't aware of. =) Learning all the time! =)
Dreamingfurther said:
I'm honestly now a little bit confused about the beard thing. I thought that people with big enough real beards could use those for their "Dwarf" beards. Perhaps this is not within the rules and if so that’s something I wasn't aware of. =) Learning all the time! =)

Nope, that's not within the rules.

OOG you need to be able to easily distinguish between a dwarf and just a human with a beard, so even guys with heavy beards need to add some of the fake stuff to it. Similarly, a person who is dark skinned still has to put on black makeup to play a dark elf, and a guy with sideburns still has to add extra fuzz to their face if they are playing a hobling.

These OOG alterations are the only way we have to discern what race you are playing, so even if you have some natural traits that come close, the artificial stuff must still be worn.
thats helpful for us to determine what a person is playing...but man not even natural traits give you a bonus on not having to make up or prothetic yourself ::SNAPS::dernit heheheheh
alright thanks for that clarification
If you have a weird accent, do you still need to fake one(seriouslyy wondering)?
Also, what if you have an awsome fake beard that looks real?
Good prosthetics and beards and such are always a good thing. Folks will know the difference if you're normally clean-shaven and suddenly you have an awesome 18" long beard while playing your dwarf ;)

The accent thing is a little weird, because not everybody can pull that off. Most romani I know can do it some of the time, or at least when they're making a conscious effort, but half the time they're using their regular voice. Speaking in an accent for an entire weekend can be rough. So long as your costuming, mannerisms and culture are played right you should be fine.
that was one thing i was worried accents STINK!! I am not really a great actress and I have a hard time keeping an accent. one time i got sent out as an NPC and the only accent i could come up with was a vermonter accent and even by the end of the 20 minute mod i had turned it into a southern accent!!!! so embarassing heheheheheh but no one cared! everyone is pretty nice and i've never had anyone say "HEY YOU"RE NOT USING YOUR ACCENT ANYMORE!!!"
Zerr iz somezing about uzing deh azcent that zeems to drrrive men a littele vild. I do naut know vhy deh ezotic thing sets them off.

But eet iz fun, no? ;)

~ Kheritana Pretera Runeweaver, adopted daughter of Tsarbane Runeweaver, blood-sister to Aldric Harrington (RIP), formerly of the Barony of Blythdale, formerly of the Black Forest Adventuring Company, formerly of the Black Unicorn Adventuring Company, dancer, matchmaker, healer of those in need and flirt extrordinaire... etc... etc...

And no I won't join your adventuring group, I'll just tag along. If I wear your colors, bad things seem to happen. :twisted:
hehehehehehe i can honestly say nothing about me will drive men wild. I am an antiflirt...wouldn't know if it was being done to me and I can't do it to save my life. I try but it usually comes out something like "so....uhh.....nice boots?"
Nau nau nau... you zhay somezing aboot dhey other clothings... naut dhey boots. Only make foot comparizons eef you want to make dhem blush about other tings. <nods> And naut eef you are marrried unless your husband, he iz alrright vith you know... <coughs>
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you are too funny... Wish you played deadlands I'd love to see your character in action!!!!!
Which state is Deadlands in? We will be in Illinois at the end of the year and though NJ and HQ are my home chapters, I like to do the occassional chapter-hop for fun. :)
new Hampshire!!! yay! its brandy new! first event ever is april 18, check out the forum!! we love visitors!
New Hampshire?! What happened to the old NH chapter? I played there a few times in 2002/3, NPC'd once and PC'd once.

Me in New Hampshire:
old NH champter sorta ummm....fizzled? then it was gone for 1 year...then gary marvel started it up again with jaimi, mark, corey, dan, stacy, kelly, doug and we have Deadlands now. but we're in the HUMANS string are we allowed to talk about other stuff? PM me I guess so as not to offend anyone if you have any other questions :D you should come play though! everyone would probably love to see you
Telokh_Amdo said:
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
and with all the bearded humans I just ask...hehehehehe...we all know what assuming does...

You should never have to ask if someone is a Dwarf or not. They must always wear a fake beard and the only ones allowed to wear a fake beard. Fake Beard = Dwarf

Tirflorn (sp?). Wasn't he an "old man" and not a dwarf?
Gilwing said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
and with all the bearded humans I just ask...hehehehehe...we all know what assuming does...

You should never have to ask if someone is a Dwarf or not. They must always wear a fake beard and the only ones allowed to wear a fake beard. Fake Beard = Dwarf

Tirflorn (sp?). Wasn't he an "old man" and not a dwarf?

I always had a problem with Tiriflorn's beard. I never met him IG but whenever I was around conversation about him I would always refer to him as a Dwarf. When people would ask me OOG "Why?", I would refer to the the fact that Fake Beard = Dwarf.

---Mike E.
Well, for the sake of getting things back to where they started in some cases (though not nearly all)
Humans Rock

(It is true they don't have to spend build on those anoying racials and therfore sort of do get a small bp bump) =P
Telokh_Amdo said:
Gilwing said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
You should never have to ask if someone is a Dwarf or not. They must always wear a fake beard and the only ones allowed to wear a fake beard. Fake Beard = Dwarf

Tirflorn (sp?). Wasn't he an "old man" and not a dwarf?

I always had a problem with Tiriflorn's beard. I never met him IG but whenever I was around conversation about him I would always refer to him as a Dwarf. When people would ask me OOG "Why?", I would refer to the the fact that Fake Beard = Dwarf.

---Mike E.

Tiriflorn/Jesse stopped wearing the beard because of this issue.
