In defense of Humans

Telokh_Amdo said:
Shay said:
I wound up torn between human and dark elf, and at that point, yes, the makeup made the final decision for me. :)

I'm glad you made the sensible decision and chose Dark Elf.

This message brought to you by The See-the-Heavy-Makeup-Races-in-My-Sig Coalition.


I haven't actually started the character yet, so I do get tempted still, but the backstory is for a human.

My glimmer-in-the-back-of-my-mind second character, however... is probably going to be a Dark Elf. Once I'm used to PCing. :D
I invested in an air brush for my makeup needs. I can do an entire Dark Elf face in under 60 seconds. The hair though...

I don't like using facial makeup anymore. I played a Dark Elf for a couple of events, then the rains came. I walked into the inn looking like I had a skunk's butt on my face.

Although humans are supposedly the most populace, I have yet to play in a game where their numbers meant anything. I think that people have trouble coming from a Real Life Politically Correct or you die world to trying to be prejudice against another person, even if it's make believe.

And don't get me started about the time I said "I hate those darkies (referring to Dark Elves)" with an African American within earshot. :shock:
Oh please tell me that story. My uncle would have jumped that person. LOL. And I'm sorry to say I would have been laughing too hard until someone actually got hurt to stop him.

BTW, GO HUMANS! You know what's great about being the only human female in a town? Having a character walk in who is prejudiced against humans and believes women should be subservient. lol. " Why's he being mean to Millie? She can be catty, but she was nice to him."

Humans are the ultimate clay. So go for it, and play the race that supposed to be the majority but more often than not is the minority. It's fun! :D ( That and you look "human" for brunch on Sunday)
Most amusing thing I've see was a Human Supremecist trying to convince a Dark Elf of his inferiority. I seem to recall the phrase 'Yes, humans are impressive. For a lower life form.' being used.
Great things about being a human.

1. General Omnivore - You can eat just about anything. Enjoy your potatoes while the kitties are starving!

2. Evolved from monkeys - Everyone likes monkeys.

3. Not Angsty - Take that, Dark Elves!

4. Ain't know one gonna tell me how to dance - Be whoever else you want!

5. Dogs - Some races eat them, some races wear them, some races kill them on sight. Humans love them. Well.. American humans do, anyway.

7. Sunlight - It's good for us! and we can go abroad in the daylight without any real disadvantages. Heck, there is even a theory that part of the reason humans lost their fur is so that they could run for long periods of time in the noon day sun, literally chasing prey animals until the animal collapsed from sun stroke. The baleful eye of fire is your friend! Which translates in game pretty well. Doing distance running in greasepaint is just begging for trouble.
Wraith said:
And we have all of the above, plus awesome horns.

MWE forever. :twisted:

*puts on a hat*
LOL. *bows with cap and places it on too*
The Alliance motto is "Be All That You Can't Be". I'm a human in real life, so I don't play one as a character. That's my philosophy.
Same here. In 6 years I've had no inclination to make a human PC. I play several as NPCs and that's more than enough for me.
Humans = boring. I am a human the other 5 days a week, and dammit if Im going to be an escapist for a weekend, I plan on going off the edge and disavowing my humanity.
But then my primary is a gypsy and my secondary is a barbarian... ok, so I dont like makeup?
I dont play "just a human" though. I play a human that can do magic. Aaaaaaaand I can roleplay however I want without weirdo restrictions that inhibit my creativity. Human is the ultimate freedom for roleplay in my opinion...though I do have a wylderkin in the works.
TJ also utilizes that freedom from weirdo restrictions ro roleplay being a huge crazy weirdo... go figure.
right, I play a weirdo crazy guy, and human seemed the best fit roleplay wise. :)
Agahi said:
I dont play "just a human" though. I play a human that can do magic. Aaaaaaaand I can roleplay however I want without weirdo restrictions that inhibit my creativity. Human is the ultimate freedom for roleplay in my opinion...though I do have a wylderkin in the works.

Most of the time I play a Dark Elf, = I love makeup. But it can get tiring and I've actually been playing a Elf a fair amount as well recently. Barbars and Gypsys aren't the only option for non makeup intensity. ;)

(I'm sure you know this... I just can't miss the opportunity to give a shameless sell for the pointy eared culture...) :D
I play a human mainly because I couldn't afford ears when I first started. I wanted to be an elf, but I do have to say that as my character has grown I do enjoy playing a human, I don't have any inhibitions that limit my roleplaying, but was thinking about a bunny scavenger cuz of it being easter and all lol
Scavengers are the pwnsauce when it comes to freedom in RP. I've got a mouse scavvy and an electric eel scavvy I want for my tertiary. Forget the double cost for read n' write...that's only irksome in the beginning and if you're going to be a scholar anyway, not a huge expenditure. Can't wait to make my fuzzy debut. ^_^
What has two thumbs and loves heavy make-up races?

THIS GUY!!!! (obligatiory "See my Sig" comment)

Hell, my Stone Elf was race-changed to a Barbarian, got a Barbarian woman pregnant, who then has a Stone Elf Baby. He has since been Forged from Celestial to Earth caster to live with the tribe and help raise the child. Who would ever consider that as a plot point when creating a character? I certainly didn't, but I love the direction the plot is going.

Bottom line: Your race choice only hinders your roleplay as much as you let it. You have some rules to follow but none are role-play breakers. They all ADD to the roleplay.
Wait, Telokh is no longer a C-Templar?? I'm sort of disappointed... :o