In defense of Humans

What adds or detracts from roleplay is subjective. To me the racial roleplay rules are in fact restrictions, and thus I play a human so I dont have to worry about some weird rule popping up and changing my character for me.
Dreamingfurther said:
Wait, Telokh is no longer a C-Templar?? I'm sort of disappointed... :o

He wouldn't be able to cast Celestial magic AT ALL and still liev in the Barbarian lands to raise his son. If he stayed Celestial and only used magic when he was in Ashbury, the village would still look at him sideways and not fully trust him. The new Rules came along at a very opportune time for Telokh. His Forge is directly related to plot that was set in motion totally by chance 2 years ago at the first event I played him.

I still have MaDCap for all my Celestial needs. :D
still = me sad... :?

But I totally understand the reasons. ;)
My main used to be a human and was fantastic. However, the Gypsies got tired of him overcharging them (he figured it would balance out what they stole from him) so they race changed him into a Gypsy. I personally wouldn't mind not having to speak with a silly accent again but I let the game go where it may...
I feel along the same lines. If something happens and Baelemar gets race changed I'll play whatever race he becomes I'll just have to learn the r/p rules and what skills open up for him
Baelemar Dryerlilth said:
I feel along the same lines. If something happens and Baelemar gets race changed I'll play whatever race he becomes I'll just have to learn the r/p rules and what skills open up for him

Actually, in my case if I was race changed into any race that required full facial makeup, I'd play the rest of the game with it and then inform plot that if I wasn't changed back or into another race, I'd not be coming back. Sorry, it's just not enjoyable to me to deal with that headache.
I can understand that, I don't want to wear make up, after NPCing a weekend I was like this whole make up thing is not for me, but I have invested so much into Baelemar that I will play him til he perms.
markusdark said:
Baelemar Dryerlilth said:
I feel along the same lines. If something happens and Baelemar gets race changed I'll play whatever race he becomes I'll just have to learn the r/p rules and what skills open up for him

Actually, in my case if I was race changed into any race that required full facial makeup, I'd play the rest of the game with it and then inform plot that if I wasn't changed back or into another race, I'd not be coming back. Sorry, it's just not enjoyable to me to deal with that headache.

Or just not wear the makeup and get a free change to human :)
Baelemar Dryerlilth said:
I can understand that, I don't want to wear make up, after NPCing a weekend I was like this whole make up thing is not for me, but I have invested so much into Baelemar that I will play him til he perms.

Also if your character would care enough you can always Res to refuse a ritual (other than Banish or Oblit) I believe. Although that may not be the case for the rare situations of dragon magic. However I know that my Dark Elf would rather res until he perm'ed than be forcefully changed into another "lesser" race... ;)
Dreamingfurther said:
Baelemar Dryerlilth said:
I can understand that, I don't want to wear make up, after NPCing a weekend I was like this whole make up thing is not for me, but I have invested so much into Baelemar that I will play him til he perms.

Also if your character would care enough you can always Res to refuse a ritual (other than Banish or Oblit) I believe. Although that may not be the case for the rare situations of dragon magic. However I know that my Dark Elf would rather res until he perm'ed than be forcefully changed into another "lesser" race... ;)
I didn't know this as I haven't dealt with anyone having to race change, but it's good to know for the future incase I come across it
Yeah, it's kinda lame IMO but I know a lot of people feel very strongly about being able to not get "ritually assaulted" so I don't bring it up very often. The only ones I know of for sure that you cannot die to avoid are Oblit and Invest/Divest, not sure about Banish but I could see that one being in there as well.
I mean to be honest, I'd play Baelemar whatever race he would have to be, I think that there could be some fun in it with everyone seeing him for the first time as a different race lol
Maxondaerth said:
Yeah, it's kinda lame IMO but I know a lot of people feel very strongly about being able to not get "ritually assaulted" so I don't bring it up very often. The only ones I know of for sure that you cannot die to avoid are Oblit and Invest/Divest, not sure about Banish but I could see that one being in there as well.

I duno, I don't think this is all that lame. I would MUCH rather take a death even if it permed me than get forcefully changed into a difference RACE I don't want to play... I mean, you can just refuse something as simple as mind powers, and along those lines I think it makes a lot or sense to allow people to not get their character changed to something they totally don't want to deal with. Think about it, your the one that has to deal with your race. Especially say if the ritual caster was trying to change you into a high makeup race and OOG you would have no fun and maybe stop playing if that happened... Yea, so take a death seems reasonable to me. IMO. :?

What if the high mage of the celestial guild was being forced to change into a Biata and lose all their Celestial power. Sure as heck they'd want to take a death before letting that happen I'd think...
Dreamingfurther said:
What if the high mage of the celestial guild was being forced to change into a Biata and lose all their Celestial power. Sure as heck they'd want to take a death before letting that happen I'd think...

The ritual would automatically backlash because you are not able to be a Biata if you have Read Magic.
Would it? I was under the impression that you would have to drop Read Magic, since you can't have it as your new race. That basically if you race changed and you had an old skill that your new race couldn't have it went away. But maybe I'm wrong here and that was a special circumstance... :?
Race Change does not get you a free Spirit Forge. That is on the scroll.
NO free forge but you lose all skills your new race can't have has been my understanding.

For instance a dwarf with 5 resist poisons and 20 levels of blacksmithing gets changed to a human he loses the resist poisons as humans can't buy the skill but he has to keep the blacksmith and the 20 points from the resists goes immediatly to the increased cost of blacksmith for a human.

With a biata they woudl lose read magic and then all celestial spell slots (due to not haveing the prereq) and racials and be able to respend that build (maybe not till the next game). If they did spend that build and were later changed back they woudl be stuck with the new skills however unless they were skills not available to the old race like resist/break comand.

You cannot be race changed into a race if you have any skills that race is prohibited from having.

You also cannot be race changed into a race if you would not have the free build to become that race.

For instance, if I was a Human Adept with Read/Write, Read Magic, Two Handed Sword and Thrown Weapon and no free build, I could not be race changed into anything except Gypsy (and maybe MWE).

It specifically says on the scroll that race change does not give a "free" spirit forge.

If I am an 8-block celestial caster who wants to become a fighter I could race change to biata and get at least 207 build free'd up?

No, sorry.