Item Conversion Questions

In regards to the AA and making it so people can't use their real armor.

Honestly if plot is looking to "break" a heavy armor build and not allow them to use those skills in such a way, I would not go to that chapter again.

I'd rather have a theoretical 5 point AA hit me and not use my armor for the rest of the game than get obliterated. Plus, you could always refuse it or find a Destroy Magic. Not being able to use armor until fixed is way less character destroying than transforms, DMing your items, shatter spirits, etc (in my opinion).
Folks, as I noted in my prior post, this line:

The recipient of an Arcane Armor Ritual may choose to wear armor for decorative purposes, but they get no protection or armor points for it, even if the armor worn is greater then the protection the arcane armor provides.

is intended to deal with the case of people actively switching in the middle of a battle without refitting. It is not intended to prevent someone with an AA from ever using physical suits of armor. We will look at updating the verbiage to make this 100% crystal clear, since it obviously isn't.

-Bryan Gregory
Sorry! My last response was meant theoretically, since it had been cleared up, but reading back I wasn't very clear.
Folks, as I noted in my prior post, this line:

is intended to deal with the case of people actively switching in the middle of a battle without refitting. It is not intended to prevent someone with an AA from ever using physical suits of armor. We will look at updating the verbiage to make this 100% crystal clear, since it obviously isn't.

-Bryan Gregory

I always thought that was the intent. If you wanta high armor point raiting wear real armor. If your ok with just 30 get AA and if you do have AA, wearing real armor is just for looks.
Can I convert into a store ability MI and if so can I decide which ability is stored into it?
Can I convert into a store ability MI and if so can I decide which ability is stored into it?

There's been nothing said that would imply that you could not.
On that note, to what end? What number of assassinate or slay?
In the duration update, there was a comment that has raised some questions for me.

"If a Ritual Batch is converted which did not previously have a duration (i.e. it was previously Times Ever only), resulting Rituals from that batch with a duration will have a standard duration of 1 Year and may not be further extended."

Does this mean that if I had an item with a whole bunch of Ability Stores, and I've decided I want to convert it to into an Assassin's Edge, am I unable to purchase a Preserve Duration, even if I have the ritual points to afford one?

In a similar (but different) vein, if I had an item that had a couple Expanded Enchantment that I'm converting that only has a few months left, could I spend points from one of the other rituals to purchase a new Preserve Duration, just dropping the duration of the previous Preserve (and not taking its points into consideration for conversion)?
I believe the intent is that you cannot create a new 2.0 item with a duration longer than its current 1.3 duration, regardless of if you have the spare points to buy a Preserve. Preserve is effectively becoming unable to be purchased, though existing Preserves will roll over into new items to maintain their current durations as-is.

Correct, @Polare ?
I believe functionally they are removing "Preserve Duration" from the list of rituals one can purchase for points; or turn in to generate points.

So the Assassin's Edge example would generate a 1 year item, assuming those ability stores were on an item that had no other duration providing ritual.

In the second example, you can't purchases a new preserve duration. Those items will still be expiring soon.

Edit: Yeah, what Gandian said.
Just checking. I can trade in items that don't have rituals that are disappearing in the new rules, (Render Indestructable, And Skill Stores) for different ones.
Yes. Items can change even if their effects are still present in 2.0.
Scrolls get reprinted unless they are on a (relatively short) list of ones that are significantly changed or removed; in which case they are traded in for new ones.
I think it's also the case that the earlier you convert items the better, as everything about the conversion process is based on how much time is left before the item expires; since 2.0 is moving to a 'per logistics period' method of tracking duration, and the remaining duration is being converted into logistics periods, the sooner you get them converted the more periods you'll have on the item.
I believe the intent is that you cannot create a new 2.0 item with a duration longer than its current 1.3 duration, regardless of if you have the spare points to buy a Preserve. Preserve is effectively becoming unable to be purchased, though existing Preserves will roll over into new items to maintain their current durations as-is.

Correct, @Polare ?

That's a succinct summary, indeed!
I think it's also the case that the earlier you convert items the better, as everything about the conversion process is based on how much time is left before the item expires; since 2.0 is moving to a 'per logistics period' method of tracking duration, and the remaining duration is being converted into logistics periods, the sooner you get them converted the more periods you'll have on the item.

Not quite - the duration change kicks in June 1st. If an item is converted early, its duration in Logistics Periods should still be calculated from June 1st.

I mean, there are lots of reasons to convert earlier rather than later, but it should not affect your resulting item in any way.
"If a Ritual Batch is converted which did not previously have a duration (i.e. it was previously Times Ever only), resulting Rituals from that batch with a duration will have a standard duration of 1 Year and may not be further extended."

So old times ever items become 20 logistics periods but a newly created expand enchantment is still times ever. So can I use my points from my 1.3 times ever item to create a expand enchantment 2.0 and its duration is until used?
Expanded Enchantment isn't a ritual in 2.0 anymore. Enchant is still times ever.

Per the quote you mentioned, it's if you took evers and made it into say a 1/d Quicken Meditation. That Quicken Meditation, as it didn't have a duration before will now be 20 Logistics Periods.
Expanded Enchantment isn't a ritual in 2.0 anymore. Enchant is still times ever.

Per the quote you mentioned, it's if you took evers and made it into say a 1/d Quicken Meditation. That Quicken Meditation, as it didn't have a duration before will now be 20 Logistics Periods.

Yes, sorry Enchant

Aspect: General Difficulty: 1 Catalyst Required: No Target Type: Item [Any]
NPC Only Ritual: No Role Play Only: No Scroll Type: Enchantment
Casting Time: 5 Minutes Duration: Times Ever May Be Extended: No

This Ritual allows the Ritual Caster to place one Battle Magic spell of their Aspect into an item or a person, if that person has a Spirit. The spell must be expended into the Ritual during the Ritual Casting (and will not cause backlash) from any valid mechanism to activate the spell by the Ritual Caster; for example, it might be cast from memory, activated from another item, used via High Magic abilities, used via a natural monster ability, etc. Once cast, 1-3 charges of that spell will be created based on the number of reagents used. Once a charge is used it is gone forever from the item. Out Of Game: A Battle Magic Spell is defined as any Earth or Celestial Battle Magic spell listed in the current Alliance rules book or rules addendum used by the Alliance LARP. To use this item's enchanted spell the incant Activate <full spell incant> must be spoken. This cannot be done while under the effects of a Silence. If the user has the ability to cast the spell stored in the Enchant from memory the item incant is Activate <spell name>.

So no not quicken meditation. An enchant item.