Item Conversion Questions

I think what you're asking is: "Can I buy times/ever rits with points, and what is their duration?". Yes, you can buy them. Times ever items last until used regardless of how you got them. The clause you quoted is only for converting times/ever items into duration items.
Hold up, everybody. I speak @Gilwing

If you had an enchant, and want to turn it into an item that had times per day effects instead of times ever effects, you can do that and it would last 20 Logistics periods.

For example, you have a 3/ever drain item. You convert it to points. It’s worth 375.

You decide you want a 15 point suit of arcane armor for 325 points. Since your enchant item did not have a duration, and you don’t have enough points in that batch to buy a preserve, your AA will last 20 Logistics periods.

Next example, you have that same 3/ever drain item worth 375. You decide you really want life spells, so you get a 3/ever life item instead for the same point cost. This item will last until you use it.
Hold up, everybody. I speak @Gilwing

If you had an enchant, and want to turn it into an item that had times per day effects instead of times ever effects, you can do that and it would last 20 Logistics periods.

For example, you have a 3/ever drain item. You convert it to points. It’s worth 375.

You decide you want a 15 point suit of arcane armor for 325 points. Since your enchant item did not have a duration, and you don’t have enough points in that batch to buy a preserve, your AA will last 20 Logistics periods.

Yea dude....i understand this...didn't ask about making things to carry over a non-extended item. I get the net on that one.

Next example, you have that same 3/ever drain item worth 375. You decide you really want life spells, so you get a 3/ever life item instead for the same point cost. This item will last until you use it.

This was my point. Taking an item that doesn't have a duration (A times ever item) and making it into a 2.0 Enchant item not make it 20 logistical periods. You got the net on this one *Clap Clap*. ;)

I don't know why people are assuming or mentioning something I didn't ask.

I just don't want someone to say, "nope, it had no duration so it MUST be 20 logistical periods now regardless of what you choose. Like a RDI"
I don't know why people are assuming or mentioning something I didn't ask.

Because most of the time you’re speaking gibberish. Like lasagna.

Gotta watch that or you’ll get banned. Lol
Because most of the time you’re speaking gibberish. Like lasagna.

Gotta watch that or you’ll get banned. Lol

Don't you mean Banished
If an item only has a permanent set at a lower ritual count but the new item will have more items because the points allow will the permanent still be able to cover them all?
or is the point calculator to help with figuring out points if you want to take the perm off and make something else with it?

Yes, up to the ritual limit on the item. After that rituals split off on to a new item will get a 5 year duration.
Not sure what you mean on that. Say I have 7 rituals and the new item would be able to have 15. Your saying only 7 items will have a perm and 8 will have a perserve? Even thou it's all coming from one batch
Not sure what you mean on that. Say I have 7 rituals and the new item would be able to have 15. Your saying only 7 items will have a perm and 8 will have a perserve? Even thou it's all coming from one batch

All 15 rituals would become permanent.

But say you had 7 rituals and after conversion it'd be 23. Items can only have 20 rituals, of which the permancy counts as one; so you'd need to make a permanent 19 ritual item and move 4 rituals to a separate item which would be a 5-year item.
Was there ever a clarification about the multi-charge rituals counting as 1 ritual per charge instead of just one ritual?

Specifically, if I have a healing augmentation 3/day in one ritual slot, does it take up one slot or does it take up 3?
Was there ever a clarification about the multi-charge rituals counting as 1 ritual per charge instead of just one ritual?

Specifically, if I have a healing augmentation 3/day in one ritual slot, does it take up one slot or does it take up 3?

When I aksed this before, I was told the canonical answer is each charge counts as one ritual; even if only one ritual scroll was used to generate multiple charges.

I suspect this is because after it is cast, its impossible to tell if 3 scrolls were used to put in 1 charge each or one scroll put in 3 charges.
Passive rituals always count as 1 slot, no matter how many options you choose for them. For example, Enhanced Source is always 1 Ritual slot whether it adds 1 element or 4; Spell Store is 1 Ritual Slot whether it's Spell Store 1 or Spell Store 9; Arcane Armor is 1 Ritual Slot whether it's Arcane Armor 5 or Arcane Armor 30.

Active rituals (Per-Day or Times Ever) always take 1 slot per charge. Battlemage's Strike is always 1 Ritual Slot whether it works for 1st - 3rd level spells or 1st - 9th, because it's once per Logistics Period either way. Healing Imbuement takes 1 Ritual Slot per charge, so 1 to 3 Slots per scroll casting depending on the level you cast it at.

-Bryan Gregory
Something that came up recently along a similar vein.

When converting times ever rituals into points how are they calculated? I have 8/e life. Is that 8 seperats level 7 rituals? Two level 9s and a level 8? It was generated by TP so there's no way to know it's origin.
That's a fascinating question.
8x 7 rituals - is a 1800; 8,8,8,8 is 1200; 7,9,9 is 975. All produce the exact same 8/e life item.
@Polare might be able to answer that; whether players are expected to pick the fastest way to X effect or the slowest.

I’m guessing Enhance Wand has a similar weirdness.
As part of my item conversion I'm looking to add an Endure Elements ritual. In 1.3 this was listed as Body target only, but the converter tool lists Body or Item (Any). Could someone confirm that items are now a valid target for Endure Elements or inform me that the tool is wrong?