John loved the Red Sox and he loved the Celtics but his favorite was the Patriots. I'm just really glad he got to see the Sox win finally. Baseball was alway fun around here with him being a Red Sox fan, me being a Mets fan and my Dad being a Yankees fan.
It's hard to believe how much time has gone by since it happened. My parents and I have been packing things up, trying to get the house ready to sell. It's been unbearably hard. We had planned on selling the house sometime next year but are now forced to do it sooner. Even though we planned it, it still feels as though I'm abandoning him somehow. Packing his things..I have no choice but it's still too soon to be doing this. I still have letters to answer from Johns family but it's been so hard whenever I try to sit down to write to them. I still have calls to return but it's just so difficult.
I've begun to see a doctor which I suppose is a good thing. I don't really feel like it though. It doesn't feel right talking about John to someone who hasn't a clue who John is. I'm talking to someone who isn't affected by this at all. Of course I do most of the talking which makes me feel like a rambling idiot. I'm going to stick it out for a bit but right now it feels useless.
My job let me go in May because I just couldn't return to customer service when they needed me to. They called it "voluntary resignation". I understand I guess because they do need an employee but how can anyone be expected to return to the cable company so soon after something like this? Everyday there are customers screaming because their televisions aren't working properly. I'm probably would've wound up hitting someone.
I needed to vent a bit...feels a little better.
It's hard to believe how much time has gone by since it happened. My parents and I have been packing things up, trying to get the house ready to sell. It's been unbearably hard. We had planned on selling the house sometime next year but are now forced to do it sooner. Even though we planned it, it still feels as though I'm abandoning him somehow. Packing his things..I have no choice but it's still too soon to be doing this. I still have letters to answer from Johns family but it's been so hard whenever I try to sit down to write to them. I still have calls to return but it's just so difficult.
I've begun to see a doctor which I suppose is a good thing. I don't really feel like it though. It doesn't feel right talking about John to someone who hasn't a clue who John is. I'm talking to someone who isn't affected by this at all. Of course I do most of the talking which makes me feel like a rambling idiot. I'm going to stick it out for a bit but right now it feels useless.
My job let me go in May because I just couldn't return to customer service when they needed me to. They called it "voluntary resignation". I understand I guess because they do need an employee but how can anyone be expected to return to the cable company so soon after something like this? Everyday there are customers screaming because their televisions aren't working properly. I'm probably would've wound up hitting someone.
I needed to vent a bit...feels a little better.