You know it has been an incredibly difficult year. I have seen many of my close friends struggle to keep moving forward one step at a time despite the pain and sadness. I have seen and felt the emotion just behind the surface--lurking there, at times threatening to break out and take over.
I went to a friend's grandmother's funeral and though I never knew the grandmother and was really there to just support my friend--I was fighting my emotions the whole time. I couldn't understand why I was so raw with emotion and then I realized it was the loss that I was feeling. The loss of a friend, a mother-in-law, and the loss that my friend was now feeling with the passing of his grandmother. It hurts. And I see that same emotion in the eyes of my close friends.
But I wanted to say here, in this public forum, how absolutely proud I am of Colleen, Renee, Patrick, Andrea, Justin, Scott, Spare and Brian. They have continued on this year not clinging to grief and sadness, but making efforts to push ahead, live and find peace and happiness.
Spare is amazing--he knows exactly what to say to make you laugh and to lighten the mood and that was in desperate need this year. His presence at the NJ game helped put wind in the sales of a sorely hurting plot team.
Renee--I have never been more impressed in the efforts and accomplishments of another person. Though I have been friends with Renee for years, I don't think I truly knew her until this year--until the loss of John. There are some people that in moments of crisis rise above to be instrumental in the recovery of the situation. Renee did that for so many people--and for this Alliance. She stepped up to the plate to be the Chairman of the Alliance to make sure that what John had envisioned for this year would come to pass. She has worked tirelessly with the owners to make sure the symposium and National event happened. She has been a pillar of strength and encouragement and I don't know if she ever gets the appreciation she deserves. But I know without a doubt that John is proud of her.
I cannot image what it must be for Colleen--in all honesty I don't even try to imagine because there are some emotions I do not want to feel. But I am so incredibly proud of Colleen for living. She wakes up each morning, gets out of bed, brushes her hair, and gets on with the day. There are many people who would allow themselves to be trapped by grief and yet she is not one of them. I look back on the posts that she has written here in this forum and I see her remembering John and thanking people for sharing their memories and it makes me proud to see her focusing on that--moving forward but still holding onto the memories. She has made it to every NJ event (and even an HQ one) and is there encouraging others, smiling that amazing smile of hers, laughing, telling jokes, and being her wonderful kind caring self. Sometimes when we loose someone we love, we feel that we lost ourselves--and I am so glad that she hasn't lost herself.
I could go on and talk about everyone I listed and point out how proud I am of them. I could gush on and on... I am very emotional right now for some reason. But I just wanted to share these thoughts to everyone one who is willing to read them--so that you can see these wonderful people as I do. So you know that not only was John a fantastic person who touched many people--but that John was surrounded by equally amazing people who touched him--added to his life. These people who survive and continue to move forward despite the struggle are his circle of friends who helped add to his life and make it magical. I am so fortunate to know them and be touched by them too.
So thank you and keep up the good work.