JUNE Pre-registration list: CLOSED

Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE SUNDAY (31st)

the second danielle darwell is for me for next event
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE SUNDAY (31st)

Toddo said:
A minute to learn, a lifetime to master. So if two stone elves flank a dark elf does he turn into a stone elf?

Only while playing Othello on the Othello-master's life-size game board. Unless Ryujima is there we can make Eldarion a photo negative of himself on our second turn. Better use up the last of your black make-up, Dave, and start buying white. :lol:
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE SUNDAY (31st)

Telokh_Amdo said:
Toddo said:
A minute to learn, a lifetime to master. So if two stone elves flank a dark elf does he turn into a stone elf?

Only while playing Othello on the Othello-master's life-size game board. Unless Ryujima is there we can make Eldarion a photo negative of himself on our second turn. Better use up the last of your black make-up, Dave, and start buying white. :lol:

Remind me to buy stock in Ben Nye before this event.
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE SUNDAY (31st)

Ren Suzume said:
Dreamingfurther said:
Once again I miss the young female Stone Elf! :? Guess I'm just cursed... ;)
ARGH! You have to come back to HQ in July so that we can join forces and be the monochromatic nerds of doom!

Hopefully. :)
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE TODAY (31st)

Yah sorry i wrote the note but the second pre reg for danielle darwell was ment for robert kinlen
Guess my paypal is a dumb pal
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE TODAY (31st)

I won't be able to make the event :( I have a promotional exam for work on Saturday... Have fun all!
Dennis Berish
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE SUNDAY (31st)

Telokh_Amdo said:
Toddo said:
A minute to learn, a lifetime to master. So if two stone elves flank a dark elf does he turn into a stone elf?

Only while playing Othello on the Othello-master's life-size game board. Unless Ryujima is there we can make Eldarion a photo negative of himself on our second turn. Better use up the last of your black make-up, Dave, and start buying white. :lol:

Whoa yikes!

I assure you Mike, Eldarion would more willing resurrect than suffer the horrors of a race change. Look what it did to Telokh... :D

Ren Suzume said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Ren Suzume said:
ARGH! You have to come back to HQ in July so that we can join forces and be the monochromatic nerds of doom!

I thought the Stone Elves would band together to perm Eladarion. Then, we pin the murder on Nathan because he claimed to own a large percentage of the Stone Elves in Alliance. Sound like a plan?
No, no, we photo-negative people need to stick together! (Besides, I bet Eldarion can run faster than Nathan. We need him for our plot. :twisted: )

Running? Now that sounds like something I can get in on!
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE TODAY (31st)

I sent an email to Logistics - I'm playing Qualin (is not on the list). Email me at wolfshart - gmail, if you didn't get my pre-logistics nightmare of tag requests.

Henry the Mad
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE TODAY (31st)

i got it. i just have to process everything. i just (literally today) got my computer back online (moved to a new place). so tomorrow is logistics day (and night) for me.
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE TODAY (31st)

Emails to Logistics dont go to me, and I update this page, so if you told Logistics who you were playing it wouldn't be reflected here.

Everyone please use the "notes" section on PayPal! I can't tell you how many pre-registrations I get that don't tell me who is pre-registering!
Re: JUNE Pre-registration list: DEADLINE TODAY (31st)

Well Trevor said he pre-reg'd for me and him. I don't know if he said who we will be playing.

I will Be playing WarmHeart: Stacey Vineyard and Trevor will be playing Warpfang:Trevor Murray.

That's just incase he forgot. ~.^
There is some sort of problem with this "notes" section that keeps getting reffered to. I speak for myself and I am sure a few others when I say I assure you I placed sentence stating who I was paying for and who I was playing as in a little note box right before I hit "Pay Now." Either there is a problem with the service, mistunderstanding about how it works, miscommunication about what to do or any one other various confusions about the service. Either way it is a problem I'd like addressed. I offer the following solution:

Put through a fake payment to yourself and write out the instructions for both people with and without paypal accounts. Then we can find out for certain whether this is user or service error and proceed to find a way to fix it.

Well i know i placed a note on paypal, and it stated that i was playing Darkan. But there is only William Mann on there. So i think there maybe a problem with the note section, but i can only say what i know i did.
I believe there are two (2) pay now buttons. I use the one on top, but then again the guys I pre-reg have only 1 character lol.
Alas, it is officially confirmed -- I will be unable to attend the June event as I need to travel to New Orleans on business. I will be there Friday-Tuesday. So I hope you all have a wonderful time. Mike--can you move my pre-registration to October? I am already pre-registered for July and I will not be attending the August lowbie or the Sept. tourney.


I just gotta say, that's a crap ton of Pre-reg'ed PC's... This is gonna be awesome! :)
So I'm thinkin some PCs should probably go and take a shift NPCing here and there. We'll have to wait and see until the event though.

as long as it's not friday night or saturday morning i'll do a npc shift for one wave battle or one mod....I'll only do it once.
PC's who jump the fence for an encounter or two will of course get goblin stamps.

And just as a side note, if you always wanted to get some practice fighting with your team in-game without having to worry about your character resurrecting, getting the whole gang to NPC a wave battle is a good way to do that. ;)