Kid's Event 2011

Duke Frost said:
kathyrosen said:
Ezri said:
They do use a simplified rules system, though exactly what it is I can't recall.

Cool! Hopefully can find out more at work weekend. He's already starting to plan. :-)

That would be a good plan...if Eric went to work weekends. :twisted:


Guilty as charged, I guess.

*sigh* Too much to do and too little time to get to it all.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Odd question - If a child is under 5, can the parents still come NPC and just do swap off on sitting duties or are no children under 5 allowed on site?

We'd LOVE to come and NPC, but I wasn't sure if smaller kids were OK as long as they weren't involved.
aara said:
Odd question - If a child is under 5, can the parents still come NPC and just do swap off on sitting duties or are no children under 5 allowed on site?

We'd LOVE to come and NPC, but I wasn't sure if smaller kids were OK as long as they weren't involved.

Absolutely. The younger kids can even participate in some of the events (everything except combat). There are always lots of activities for the kids of all ages.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Sweet! Thanks Eric!
It is on our calendar now :)
I've only ever played in Chi and SoMN. How does the kids event work? What do the adults do? Does anyone earn build for attending? Do you make chars for the kids? Prices? My daughter's 4 so we'll probably need to skip this year but details would be great!
satsukirebel said:
I've only ever played in Chi and SoMN. How does the kids event work? What do the adults do? Does anyone earn build for attending? Do you make chars for the kids? Prices? My daughter's 4 so we'll probably need to skip this year but details would be great!

No BP at all, just a fun event for the kids to play. Adults play the NPCs (including helpful NPCs who lead the kids around and marshal them). There is a very simple set of rules for the kids which we go over with them when they arrive. And the treasure is usually candy.
I'll bring my five year old. After the opener, he's been asking to go to the next one I go too.

My email is if anyone needs to send me any info as far as rules/costs/etc.

Also, what are the sleeping arrangments for the kids event?
Usually there is enough space for everyone at the event between the cabins, private rooms, and common room. I don't think we do reservations, I'm not sure.

If anyone knows they are definitely going to be there as an NPC, let me know so I can cast parts. I'm looking for two things specifically:

1. People who have good pirate costumes. Arrr! If you look great in a pirate costume, I have a few captains to cast.

2. People who have read my books. Heh! Seriously, at least six of the kids coming have read my novels and I want to have a few characters from the novel show up for them to act with -- I think they'd like that. Specifically I'd like to cast Darlissa the biata, Barinor the dwarf, and the goblin leaders Vax and Mog. And maybe Duke Frost. :thumbsup:
In the past reservations have not been taken. It has been first come first serve. That doesn't mean that it won't change.

There has been enough cabin/ bunk space for everyone, that I am aware of.
There should be plenty of lodging space.

We just need NPC pirates!!! Who is willing to make a child's dream come true by NPCing???

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Just to remind everyone:

The 2011 Kid's Event is scheduled for July 30st and 31st (though pretty much everyone comes up Friday night (the 29th)).

There will be:

Food! (we usually have a pizza party on Saturday night and full-time NPCs eat for free!)

But we simply can't do it without NPCs. The kids are so easy to entertain and their energy is contagious. Please come NPC and make their dreams come true. I will even offer the pay a gas money stipend to anyone who volunteers to NPC full-time.

Here's the list of participants so far:

Zach Stehle (Sneaky)
Josh Stehle (Thane Drake)
Becca Stehle (Tabitha Drake)

Eric Stehle

Who else is coming?!?!?!?!?! Post your names here and I'll add you to the list!!!!!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Eric -
Dustin Crewell & I will be NPCing (though we'll likely have to trade off with taking care of our little one -- she'll only stay in her ERGO so long at this point.. lol)
I can NPC the kids event as well.
NPC: Ken Swartz

My son will be there playing

PC: David Swartz
Fearless Leader said:
2. People who have read my books. Heh! Seriously, at least six of the kids coming have read my novels and I want to have a few characters from the novel show up for them to act with -- I think they'd like that. Specifically I'd like to cast Darlissa the biata, Barinor the dwarf, and the goblin leaders Vax and Mog. And maybe Duke Frost. :thumbsup:

Duke Frost doesn't like children...except maybe au gratin.
pc gryffin kinlen (Winter Nevermore)

and ill be there too as raven helping out
what do the kids generally wear? Jeans and a tshirt, or do most of them come in an outfit of some sort?
Costume requirements aren't nearly as strict for kids As they are for adults but do try to outfit them with something remotely passable. There isn't much in npc camp that will fit them. Making a tabard isn't terribly difficult even with limited sewing skills.