As many at the past couple HQ events have seen, I'm in the middle of reading the original Conan stories written by Robert E. Howard. Originally published in Weird Tales magazine back in the 1930's, they are compiled in three volumes available from DelRey. In order of publishing:1) The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian, 2) The Bloody Crown of Conan and 3) The Conquering Sword of Conan. There are many extra documents and background materials included as well, much the materials collected by J.R.R. Tolkien's son the were published after his death. As for the 21 complete tales (plus 5 infinished or incomplete) I am reading them in the chronological order of Conan's life, which is not the original order of publication. There are several different versions, each coming to different conclusions as to which story belongs where. I picked the one by the writer that seemed make his chronology arguments the best.
BTW Play Age of Conan. Fatalities FTW.
BTW Play Age of Conan. Fatalities FTW.