Marcena said:
I just watched Donnie Darko recently. That was an awesome movie...I just didn't get how he kept seeing the bunny.

It was something to do with figuring out how to warp time. The bunny was another time traveler IIRC.
i would think the Bunny was more a time-displaced image of his subconscious. now i have to rewatch the flick and figure that out. apparently, the director's cut, though abysmal, explains more of the inner workings of the plot. as a freshman effort, it's an excellent film, but he really has better work in his future
I hate analyzing movies for stuff like that! Ever since I had to do South Park for a psychology project. Ruined South Park. :(
i thought the bunny was his ability to see into the future to change the he saw the guy that he would see at the party before things happened and the bunny was trying to warn him to change don't be there when the plane part falls on you.

best way to not get by punch is not be there when it happen
indiana jones 4...just saw it...what do you think? it wasn't as .....dark and mysteriously foreboding as his other flicks...and the gophers were ...weird....thoughts?
ehhh prairie dogs and gophers are pretty much the same thing...yeah...
They are probably the main villian.
tieran you're so intuitive
I know.

I can't help it.

pretty much....yup...eeeevol gophers....


HMMM...their name backwards looks like an ancient god of evilness
Next Ohio Villian.
Nah... most of them can't read.
¡HAY! us fiters reed gud. ¡i guna busst u upsid da hed fer sain' we's doent!