My thoughts will be quick

Adventurers I said bye to any of you while you all left faredale, I myself have opted to stay and "explore" the contested lands. I shall see you at the next gathering travel safe friends. Winter don't worry I will be safe keep an eye on your sister

i beleive you still have my jerky shoven in ur armor....if you know whats good for you, you'll give it back....or find me more. I am traveling to dockside for a few days...have some business to attend to.

anyway be safe
Cuar I do not have any jerky in my armor,I checked before I left. travel safely. Also remember that I resureccted at this gathering it could have fallen to the ground.
Why is their Jerky in my armor?

Oh well....Munch munch.
have you sided with golbin again? you better return to the adventures quick! we have much to talk about.

The contested lands are very dangerous. I recommend ya' bring some o' yer friends with ye if ya hope to survive. I ain't tryin' to belittle yer skill or nothin' like that ya' see. I ain't even be knowin' ya. I am just sayin' the blessed lands of Trellheim ain't no place for a nature hike when you ain't properly equipped. At least it ain't yet!

If you run in to trouble, seek out the Red and White. There are ducal outposts scattered throughout the region.

Rock o' Trellheim,

Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback
Vex Squad, Legion D
Thank you Flint, I shall heed your words. But I do want to find out a few things about these dominion, I don't understand why they would willingly use necromancy to increase there military strength. I mean don't they fear that they may loos control of them. but either way undrstanding ones enemy is only done through observation.
If you need a safer way to get that info I can tell you more about the Rotes than you would ever wish to know.
Councilman Amaranthus Landcharmer
Coucilman Amaranthus, tis good t hear your voice my dreams wonder only little. I hear the sounds of movement below me. we shall have to speak more net time we all gather. I would truly like to her your wise words. The dominion have eluded me so far but these damned goblins contiunously fall to my blade. I gues that is good Goblins really won't ensure a death or worse for me. Either way I shall heed all your words I'm not far from a Ducal outpost. I may head there soon enough.

The Dominion are a formidible force indeed even for the more seasoned adventurers and warriors. Caution must be taken when journeying outside one's lodgins or the tavern especially at night. The Contested Lands lay right next door to the town and there are more creatures there than the Dominion that lurk there. The best way to protect one's self is strength in numbers. This is by no means a way to disregard one's individual skills but a way to combine the talents and skills together.

Councilman Aramathus,

Firstly, allow me to offer my congratulations in regards to your achievement of coucil member. Secondly, I wish to learn more about the Dominion so I can more efficiently defend the town from their attacks. There is a very good possibility that I will be traveling to Fairdale in the next month. Once there I will be easily recognizable as I will be the biata clad in black.

Argus Varda

"Sometimes finding yourself means losing everything you have."
There's a voice I haven't heard in a while, whith all do respect. I havefaced the dominion already. In fact at this past gathering i faredale. Also I gave my own life and faced a ressurection to save a healer. I have training in these matters so if I don't wish to be found I won't.

Councilman Aramanthus,
I shall seek you out in town next month, and I give you my word I will nt engage the enemy unless I have to.

as you know i will be in dockside, but if you need anyhting if the blasted place. Just think loudly

Thank you I may actually have to take you up on that offer. I have a nice surprise planned hopefully I can pull it off. If you wou8ld like tyo know more speak to me more privately.
Don't get your selve killt. Vynter and I vill need you next time ve meet. Please return safely. Our hearts vent out to you ven ve zaw you vandering into de contested landz. Pleaze know that if you need help ve vill try to reach you vone vay or anoder. For a Biata you are a vonderful being. Know that you're safety is in my mind alvays.
Remember alvays to Die Loudly!

You're Roma Friend
Lanna Rose
Lana, it is good to here your voice and in my dreams none the less. Ha I made a joke anyways I am being very careful I would like to speak with you privately. If the would be ok. And I will be there anytime you or wynter need me. And for a Celestrial casting romani you are a great person aswell. I truly enjoyed your company.

Your words seem to indicate that you are offended by the fact that I offered you advice.
Understand that whatever you do with my or someone else's advice is completely up to your decision.
Furthermore I do not diminish one's skills or accomplishments upon giving advice.

What I do not understand however why you do not wish to be found or for that matter how this relates to this conversation.

Argus Varda
Argus, I will put it in words that your simple mind can understand. Why I wouldn't want to be found is because I am in the contested lands. Which means if the dominion found I would either be killed or worse they could mess with my mind. You know for a biata your not very smart.
Pleaze, contact me. I don know ze vays of Biata. So I don know how zat vorks. I am zorry to zay I vill not be in Fairdale ze nex time my zizter vill. I have matterz to take care ov at ome. But ze nex time I am zere I vill be a different perzon. I vill contact you ven I know I vill be in Fairdale. Pleaze, remember I vil be zere to hear you as I hav dis time.


I can see that trying to talk to you is moot. You assume much and know so very little about me.

Argus Varda